The Terrorism Memoir: Dianetics


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a 'modernism-memoir' inspired by G.I. Joe (Hasbro/Marvel) comics and the populism-engagement film Spy Game.

Signing off,


"My name is Snake-Eyes. I'm a retired former-operative of the secret American paramilitary crusader-team known as 'G.I. Joes.' We were assembled as a 'legacy' of the securities created by the U.S. government after WWII (to secure peaceful relations between Israel and Palestine and thwart terrorist activity designed to subvert these relations around the world!). The G.I. Joes were commanded by Duke (secretly a Hollywood celebrity originally commissioned by the CIA in the 1980s). The G.I. Joes always contended with the rival organization 'Cobra' (established by the NSA as a 'check' for the CIA's hand-picked G.I. Joes). The Joes and Cobras often argued (and sometimes fought), but we always agreed about need to address the very real (and very modern) problem of terrorism.

Duke told our team to dismantle Cobra and deal with threats to global security posed by ISIS, the Taliban, and others. After 9/11, Duke took a sabbatical (personal spiritual-academic leave) to clear his head (Who can blame him?). Upon returning, Duke decided the best course of action was to merge the Joes and Cobras into one efficient unit (to better deal with terrorism). When ISIS attacked an Egyptian Mosque on Black Friday (the annual 'shopping-day' following Thanksgiving), Duke had the Joe-Cobra 'merged-team' create a special security-measure perimeter to guard the Seattle Space-Needle (a symbolic/iconic tourism monument in America) to prevent more needless loss of life. Since then, the Joe-Cobra alliance has proved rather fruitful. I'm engaged to be married to Pythona (the female eco-terrorism consultant of Cobra!).

The Joe-Cobra 'Terrorism Mission' was designed to offer American Presidents (such as Donald Trump) a better view of the peaceable negotiations between capitalists and anti-capitalists (essentially!). We had to deal with North Korea and potential rising economic challenges posed by China (if proper democratic trade-relations regarding Hong Kong were not adequately maintained by the U.S. government). All of this served as a 'place-setting' on the dinner-table of Israel-Palestine negotiations (perhaps/arguably as old as the Bible itself!). What we learned from this entire 'ordeal' was that capitalism breeds natural competitiveness and also international mistrust towards commerce. While international institutions such as the symbolic World Bank are valuable, they prove to mean nothing without sufficient deliberations (and real field-defense!).

When I was growing up, I would notice how U.S. war-veterans would 'muse' about their experiences in WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War (in TV interviews). When I got older (when I was studying at West Point), I noticed how American scholar-writers and historians catalogued/documented the 'metaphysical/cultural' experience of war in celebrated books about Vietnam and Korea. These 'accounts' and 'perspectives' provided America with a sort of 'moral backbone.' While such 'mementos' certainly help in relevant political discussions, Duke understood (very well) that what was really necessary was complete leadership, so the people (the citizenry) themselves embraced the notion that governments stood for the alignment of righteous/beneficial political 'heresy censorship.' Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire...

What I remember most during this Joe-Cobra 'Terrorism Mission' was that engagement on serious levels (where civilian lives were really threatened) involved a real meditation on the emotional cost of mismanaged politics. When Americans saw the Twin Towers in NYC come crashing down, no one wondered why the World Trade Center (an obvious symbol of modern commerce/consumerism) was attacked; they simply dreaded the notion that American monuments were now 'targets' for international terrorists! This undermined everyday feelings of safety and security in America. I realized how Irish Catholics (and British Protestants as well!) felt living in war and terrorism riddled Belfast (Northern Ireland) since the days of Michael Collins and the Easter Rising of 1916.

This Easter, the Joes and Cobra members (now mostly allies/friends) will gather again for a special 'reunion' at a fancy Swiss hotel. It will be a fun costume-party, and members (such as myself) will dress up in colorful Easter-dress and/or costumes (I might dress up as the Easter-bunny!) and share tea and cake. We'll reminisce about our days past and how the next generation is taking up the reins of democracy-defense in this new era of commerce-driven political intelligence (e.g., European Union, NATO, Wall Street, NASDAQ, etc., etc.). We'll think about how terrorism scarred the face of humanity in ways that even the Holocaust did not (arguably!). We'll brood (hopefully optimistically/romantically) about the beauty of democracy itself. What I'll think about (mostly) is the pure dread of spiritual betrayal...



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