The three choices Truman had. Was there really any choice?

Did the Japanese ever acknowledge their atrocities let alone apologize for them, or are they only claiming to be victims of the America they attacked?

Let me know if they have ever acknowledged them. Then let know if they apologized for them.

If your country did not ravage the Asia Pacific and did not deliberately attack the US, both of those cities may be in existence today.



My country is the United States of America, and both those cities ARE in existence today.

You can't possibly be this ignorant.
When I say in existence, you know damn well what I mean.....

I know what the words mean. Do you?
Did the Japanese ever acknowledge their atrocities let alone apologize for them, or are they only claiming to be victims of the America they attacked?

Let me know if they have ever acknowledged them. Then let know if they apologized for them.

If your country did not ravage the Asia Pacific and did not deliberately attack the US, both of those cities may be in existence today.



My country is the United States of America, and both those cities ARE in existence today.

You can't possibly be this ignorant.
When I say in existence, you know damn well what I mean.....

I know what the words mean. Do you?
Whatever, "American."
Did the Japanese ever acknowledge their atrocities let alone apologize for them, or are they only claiming to be victims of the America they attacked?

Let me know if they have ever acknowledged them. Then let know if they apologized for them.

If your country did not ravage the Asia Pacific and did not deliberately attack the US, both of those cities may be in existence today.



My country is the United States of America, and both those cities ARE in existence today.

You can't possibly be this ignorant.
When I say in existence, you know damn well what I mean.

Have you acknowledged the atrocities of the JAPS?

I will bet if they could it all over again, they would think twice before launching a sneak attack on pearl harbor don't you think?

Funny, how they considered themselves to be such men of "honor" and they were nothing but trained monkeys.


Keep telling me how those cities exist as if you you did not get the point.

Yeah, you are "American."
Did the Japanese ever acknowledge their atrocities let alone apologize for them, or are they only claiming to be victims of the America they attacked?

Let me know if they have ever acknowledged them. Then let know if they apologized for them.

If your country did not ravage the Asia Pacific and did not deliberately attack the US, both of those cities may be in existence today.



My country is the United States of America, and both those cities ARE in existence today.

You can't possibly be this ignorant.
When I say in existence, you know damn well what I mean.....

I know what the words mean. Do you?
Whatever, "American."

No need for quotation marks.
Did the Japanese ever acknowledge their atrocities let alone apologize for them, or are they only claiming to be victims of the America they attacked?

Let me know if they have ever acknowledged them. Then let know if they apologized for them.

If your country did not ravage the Asia Pacific and did not deliberately attack the US, both of those cities may be in existence today.



My country is the United States of America, and both those cities ARE in existence today.

You can't possibly be this ignorant.
When I say in existence, you know damn well what I mean.

Keep telling me how those cities exist as if you you did not get the point.


I don't blame you for feeling humiliated that you thought the actual cities were gone. That was pretty stupid.
Though Truman was pretty good for a Democrat he still failed at efficiency. Done right there would today be but blackened craters where Hiroshima and Nagasaki USED to be. Blackened - but still glowing in the dark. But that a Democrat, any Democrat, could get something even partially was a wonder to behold!
The insane strategy of the time was to keep killing civilians until the maniacs surrendered. FDR even had a mockup of a German city erected as a target to see which incendiary devices would be the most effective in urban civilian environments. The propaganda of the time managed to convince Americans that the Japanese were sub-human and the Bomb was just an extension of the insanity. Japan would probably have dropped it on the U.S. if they had the chance and so would the Nazis. but the winning side gets to write the history books and justify the atrocities.
The insane strategy of the time was to keep killing civilians until the maniacs surrendered. FDR even had a mockup of a German city erected as a target to see which incendiary devices would be the most effective in urban civilian environments. The propaganda of the time managed to convince Americans that the Japanese were sub-human and the Bomb was just an extension of the insanity. Japan would probably have dropped it on the U.S. if they had the chance and so would the Nazis. but the winning side gets to write the history books and justify the atrocities.
Geee, if only they would not have been the ravaging barbarians they were, then perhaps they would not have reaped what they sowed.

You see the innocent lives they murdered during their reign and domination of Asia Pacific?

Ohhh, I am sure they thought of Americans as great people and equal to themselves.
The real reason the US dropped the bombs on Japan IMO. After the Yalta conference, it is important to know that is when the official COLD WAR began with the USSR. It is important to know WHEN that was. February of 1945. Ok? About 6 months before the Hiroshima bomb.

The USSR (Stalin) was making a power move. Yalta became controversial after Soviet-American wartime cooperation degenerated into the cold war. Stalin broke his promise of free elections in Eastern Europe and installed governments dominated by the Soviet Union. Then American critics charged that Roosevelt, who died two months after the conference, had “sold out” to the Soviets at Yalta.

Stalin was not stopping there. He was also encroaching in the Far East. The valuable trade routes were certainly catching his attention. It is apparent that there were clandestine meetings going on between Japan and the USSR. I am sure Stalin was negotiating for Japan to surrender to him and Japan would be able to save some face with the Japanese people. Making it attractive to the emperor.

This is the interesting timeline.

February 1945 the Yalta Conference where the official COLD WAR began.

August 6th 1945, the US drops bomb on Hiroshima.

August 8th 1945, the USSR declares WAR ON JAPAN after invading Japan after the USSR invades Manchuria.

August 9th 1945, second bomb dropped on Japan.

August 15th 1945, Japan surrenders and ends WWII.

Now, imagine this if you are in Truman's shoes. It is rather obvious the USSR was pushing its weight around and trying to take Japan. Stalin counting on the fact that the US could not stomach another long drawn out war. Not with Japan (that was over) but with the USSR.

Patton had seen this and wanted to go to war with the USSR. He rightfully pointed out that the USSR would be a major problem, and their army was greatly weakened. Many of their war factories were bombed where the US war factories were in perfect working order. The US Armed forces hardware were already in the region and so the logistics were pretty much in place.

Politically, it would have been impossible for Truman to sell that to the American people. Stalin counted on that and he used that as an opportunity to take Japan.

So, what are the choices?

1. Allow Japan to just surrender to Stalin and the USSR takes over the region even though they had NOT fought in that campaign and lost no one. How would that have been sold to the American people?

2. Go to war with the USSR like Patton wanted. The US would most likely have won the war, but we would not have had an ally in the UK who were decimated. It would have cost hundreds of thousands of lives. The USSR Army, while greatly weakened would have been very tough to beat. How would that have been sold to a war weary American public?

3. Drop the bombs to get the USSR to back the hell off. Sell it like it has been sold all of these years. It is true that it would have saved thousands of American lives. Just not with Japan, but with a HOT conflict with the USSR.

Those are the choices. What do you do? It is important to remember that the "axis and allies" of WWII was done after the Yalta Conference. That is precisely when the COLD WAR began. No longer at the time of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the USSR and the US allies.

What do you do?
. All I know is that Obama had no right to undermine the USA over the win, and over it's strategies to win in the greatest wars ever fought in the 20th century. Obama is going to be one of the worst Presidents this nation has ever had.
The insane strategy of the time was to keep killing civilians until the maniacs surrendered. FDR even had a mockup of a German city erected as a target to see which incendiary devices would be the most effective in urban civilian environments. The propaganda of the time managed to convince Americans that the Japanese were sub-human and the Bomb was just an extension of the insanity. Japan would probably have dropped it on the U.S. if they had the chance and so would the Nazis. but the winning side gets to write the history books and justify the atrocities.
Geee, if only they would not have been the ravaging barbarians they were, then perhaps they would not have reaped what they sowed.

You see the innocent lives they murdered during their reign and domination of Asia Pacific?

Ohhh, I am sure they thought of Americans as great people and equal to themselves.

I read that the the Imperial Empire slaughtered almost 17 million from 1931 until the end of the war.
The insane strategy of the time was to keep killing civilians until the maniacs surrendered. FDR even had a mockup of a German city erected as a target to see which incendiary devices would be the most effective in urban civilian environments. The propaganda of the time managed to convince Americans that the Japanese were sub-human and the Bomb was just an extension of the insanity. Japan would probably have dropped it on the U.S. if they had the chance and so would the Nazis. but the winning side gets to write the history books and justify the atrocities.
Geee, if only they would not have been the ravaging barbarians they were, then perhaps they would not have reaped what they sowed.

You see the innocent lives they murdered during their reign and domination of Asia Pacific?

Ohhh, I am sure they thought of Americans as great people and equal to themselves.
It's quite likely that the Allies murdered more innocent lives in ending the war than the barbarians did in promoting it. Does that make any sense? The elephant in the room is FDR's racist and incoherent foreign policy that ignited the worldwide 20th century conflagration.
I am basing it on facts in evidence from the cold war to when they declared war on Japan and it being the VERY NEXT DAY they dropped FAT MAN.

That is thin evidence indeed.

The Soviets knew about the atomic bomb program.

They wanted to grab up as much territory as possible before Japan surrendered.

The plan for the second bomb being dropped was in effect before the Soviets declared war on Japan- and had nothing to do with the second bomb being dropped.

The Emperor didn't care about his 'face' with the Japanese people- in the end he pushed for surrender to save Japanese lives.|CX2876300010&zid=4a6103da6d025e4543bf83800209eb8f

Since then, however, historians saw that the United States quickly turned from fighting the Japanese to challenging the Soviet Union. Recognizing that after the surrender of Germany, the Soviets were pledged to join the war against Japan, the United States had sought to end the Pacific war quickly before Soviet forces could move into East Asia. The atomic bomb was meant both to prevent Soviet expansion into the Pacific and to demonstrate to Joseph Stalin that the United States possessed a weapon which could destroy any city in the world.

This interpretation gained more credence among scholars after the Cold War became a fixture in world politics and after the Vietnam War demonstrated that some American leaders would not tell the nation the truth. Should the Vietnam experience discredit Truman? In these two essays, scholars Margaret Mary Barrett and Margo Dowling take different approaches to the question of the atomic bomb. Barrett sees the bombing as a cynical show of power against the Soviet Union. Dowling, on the other hand, argues that reading our contemporary biases into history distorts our understanding of it. One can make judgments about the past, but one cannot simply imagine that the men and women who acted in the past did so with motives we might understand. That is, we cannot simply explain the atomic bomb by taking President Truman’s word for why he made his decision. Nor can we condemn Truman as devious because we know that Lyndon B. Johnson or Richard M. Nixon was devious. Instead, we must try to take into account the world as Truman knew it and understand his decision in light of the facts he understood.


The Soviet Union had entered the war against Japan, and the atomic bomb could be read as a strong message for the Soviets to tread lightly. In this respect, Hiroshima and Nagasaki may have been the first shots of the Cold War as well as the final shots of World War II. Regardless, the United States remains the only nation in the world to have used a nuclear weapon on another nation.

The Decision to Drop the Bomb []


There are many historians that have shown the Soviet influence in the region being a strong factor in the decision to drop both bombs, especially the second one.

Seriously- quoting a High School debate website?


Yes there are historians who have made the argument that Truman decided to drop the bomb because of the Soviet threat- but they haven't made your claims.

And there are others who have discounted that claim- in your own citation.

Noting Truman's own words:

The stance taken by Fussell was echoed by Truman. In his 1960 book, Truman Speaks, reflecting on his decision to utilize nuclear weapons, Truman reiterated the one guiding principle behind his decision—ending the war. Using the atom bomb, he said, was “no great decision…. It was merely another powerful weapon in the arsenal of righteousness…. It was a purely military decision to end the war.”
The real reason the US dropped the bombs on Japan IMO. After the Yalta conference, it is important to know that is when the official COLD WAR began with the USSR. It is important to know WHEN that was. February of 1945. Ok? About 6 months before the Hiroshima bomb.

The USSR (Stalin) was making a power move. Yalta became controversial after Soviet-American wartime cooperation degenerated into the cold war. Stalin broke his promise of free elections in Eastern Europe and installed governments dominated by the Soviet Union. Then American critics charged that Roosevelt, who died two months after the conference, had “sold out” to the Soviets at Yalta.

Stalin was not stopping there. He was also encroaching in the Far East. The valuable trade routes were certainly catching his attention. It is apparent that there were clandestine meetings going on between Japan and the USSR. I am sure Stalin was negotiating for Japan to surrender to him and Japan would be able to save some face with the Japanese people. Making it attractive to the emperor.

This is the interesting timeline.

February 1945 the Yalta Conference where the official COLD WAR began.

August 6th 1945, the US drops bomb on Hiroshima.

August 8th 1945, the USSR declares WAR ON JAPAN after invading Japan after the USSR invades Manchuria.

August 9th 1945, second bomb dropped on Japan.

August 15th 1945, Japan surrenders and ends WWII.

Now, imagine this if you are in Truman's shoes. It is rather obvious the USSR was pushing its weight around and trying to take Japan. Stalin counting on the fact that the US could not stomach another long drawn out war. Not with Japan (that was over) but with the USSR.

Patton had seen this and wanted to go to war with the USSR. He rightfully pointed out that the USSR would be a major problem, and their army was greatly weakened. Many of their war factories were bombed where the US war factories were in perfect working order. The US Armed forces hardware were already in the region and so the logistics were pretty much in place.

Politically, it would have been impossible for Truman to sell that to the American people. Stalin counted on that and he used that as an opportunity to take Japan.

So, what are the choices?

1. Allow Japan to just surrender to Stalin and the USSR takes over the region even though they had NOT fought in that campaign and lost no one. How would that have been sold to the American people?

2. Go to war with the USSR like Patton wanted. The US would most likely have won the war, but we would not have had an ally in the UK who were decimated. It would have cost hundreds of thousands of lives. The USSR Army, while greatly weakened would have been very tough to beat. How would that have been sold to a war weary American public?

3. Drop the bombs to get the USSR to back the hell off. Sell it like it has been sold all of these years. It is true that it would have saved thousands of American lives. Just not with Japan, but with a HOT conflict with the USSR.

Those are the choices. What do you do? It is important to remember that the "axis and allies" of WWII was done after the Yalta Conference. That is precisely when the COLD WAR began. No longer at the time of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the USSR and the US allies.

What do you do?

See how right Patton was about the USSR?

FDR was a Stalin sock puppet who gleefully enslaved Eastern Europe under the thumb of his M\aster, Uncle Joe and sold out China to Mao

Ah the Right Wing Nut Jobs will never forgive FDR for leading the United States to victory in World War 2.
The insane strategy of the time was to keep killing civilians until the maniacs surrendered. FDR even had a mockup of a German city erected as a target to see which incendiary devices would be the most effective in urban civilian environments. The propaganda of the time managed to convince Americans that the Japanese were sub-human and the Bomb was just an extension of the insanity. Japan would probably have dropped it on the U.S. if they had the chance and so would the Nazis. but the winning side gets to write the history books and justify the atrocities.
Geee, if only they would not have been the ravaging barbarians they were, then perhaps they would not have reaped what they sowed.

You see the innocent lives they murdered during their reign and domination of Asia Pacific?

Ohhh, I am sure they thought of Americans as great people and equal to themselves.
It's quite likely that the Allies murdered more innocent lives in ending the war than the barbarians did in promoting it. Does that make any sense? The elephant in the room is FDR's racist and incoherent foreign policy that ignited the worldwide 20th century conflagration.

The elephant in the room is that America haters like you will never forgive FDR to leading the United States to victory in World War 2.

FDR and Truman's policies were proven correct- Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were defeated, and the Soviet Union collapsed under its own weight within a few decades without having to go to war with them.

Whitehall will never forgive FDR or Truman for not having American troops die fighting the Soviets.
Truman understood that to fight a war without intending to win the war is insanity. Pity he was the last sane Democrat.
Why not drop it on Imperial Army positions instead of civilian concentrations? That would have demonstrated the situation to everyone while at least remaining somewhat justifiable.

There were military centers in both cities.

Hiroshima was a city of considerable military importance. It contained the 2nd Army Headquarters, which commanded the defense of all of southern Japan. The city was a communications center, a storage point, and an assembly area for troops. To quote a Japanese report, "Probably more than a thousand times since the beginning of the war did the Hiroshima citizens see off with cries of 'Banzai' the troops leaving from the harbor."

Nagasaki was not the primary target for its bomb- it became the target after Kokura had too much cloud cover to accurately confirm where the bomb was dropped.
Truman understood that to fight a war without intending to win the war is insanity. Pity he was the last sane Democrat.

Conservatives have never quite forgiving either FDR or Truman for leading the United States to victory in World War 2- how dare Democrats show them up like that!
The real reason the US dropped the bombs on Japan IMO. After the Yalta conference, it is important to know that is when the official COLD WAR began with the USSR. It is important to know WHEN that was. February of 1945. Ok? About 6 months before the Hiroshima bomb.

The USSR (Stalin) was making a power move. Yalta became controversial after Soviet-American wartime cooperation degenerated into the cold war. Stalin broke his promise of free elections in Eastern Europe and installed governments dominated by the Soviet Union. Then American critics charged that Roosevelt, who died two months after the conference, had “sold out” to the Soviets at Yalta.

Stalin was not stopping there. He was also encroaching in the Far East. The valuable trade routes were certainly catching his attention. It is apparent that there were clandestine meetings going on between Japan and the USSR. I am sure Stalin was negotiating for Japan to surrender to him and Japan would be able to save some face with the Japanese people. Making it attractive to the emperor.

This is the interesting timeline.

February 1945 the Yalta Conference where the official COLD WAR began.

August 6th 1945, the US drops bomb on Hiroshima.

August 8th 1945, the USSR declares WAR ON JAPAN after invading Japan after the USSR invades Manchuria.

August 9th 1945, second bomb dropped on Japan.

August 15th 1945, Japan surrenders and ends WWII.

Now, imagine this if you are in Truman's shoes. It is rather obvious the USSR was pushing its weight around and trying to take Japan. Stalin counting on the fact that the US could not stomach another long drawn out war. Not with Japan (that was over) but with the USSR.

Patton had seen this and wanted to go to war with the USSR. He rightfully pointed out that the USSR would be a major problem, and their army was greatly weakened. Many of their war factories were bombed where the US war factories were in perfect working order. The US Armed forces hardware were already in the region and so the logistics were pretty much in place.

Politically, it would have been impossible for Truman to sell that to the American people. Stalin counted on that and he used that as an opportunity to take Japan.

So, what are the choices?

1. Allow Japan to just surrender to Stalin and the USSR takes over the region even though they had NOT fought in that campaign and lost no one. How would that have been sold to the American people?

2. Go to war with the USSR like Patton wanted. The US would most likely have won the war, but we would not have had an ally in the UK who were decimated. It would have cost hundreds of thousands of lives. The USSR Army, while greatly weakened would have been very tough to beat. How would that have been sold to a war weary American public?

3. Drop the bombs to get the USSR to back the hell off. Sell it like it has been sold all of these years. It is true that it would have saved thousands of American lives. Just not with Japan, but with a HOT conflict with the USSR.

Those are the choices. What do you do? It is important to remember that the "axis and allies" of WWII was done after the Yalta Conference. That is precisely when the COLD WAR began. No longer at the time of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the USSR and the US allies.

What do you do?
. All I know is that Obama had no right to undermine the USA over the win, and over it's strategies to win in the greatest wars ever fought in the 20th century. Obama is going to be one of the worst Presidents this nation has ever had.

Clearly that is all you know- because you clearly don't know what President Obama did in Hiroshima.

Stop getting all of your 'facts' from posts on the internet on right wing nut job websites.
Truman understood that to fight a war without intending to win the war is insanity. Pity he was the last sane Democrat.

Conservatives have never quite forgiving either FDR or Truman for leading the United States to victory in World War 2- how dare Democrats show them up like that!
It was a bad period for Republicans, first Hoover and the depression, then the New Deal, then WWII and our overwhelming victory. Check the Republican response: we could have done it better, now that we know what happened.
The insane strategy of the time was to keep killing civilians until the maniacs surrendered. FDR even had a mockup of a German city erected as a target to see which incendiary devices would be the most effective in urban civilian environments. The propaganda of the time managed to convince Americans that the Japanese were sub-human and the Bomb was just an extension of the insanity. Japan would probably have dropped it on the U.S. if they had the chance and so would the Nazis. but the winning side gets to write the history books and justify the atrocities.
Geee, if only they would not have been the ravaging barbarians they were, then perhaps they would not have reaped what they sowed.

You see the innocent lives they murdered during their reign and domination of Asia Pacific?

Ohhh, I am sure they thought of Americans as great people and equal to themselves.
It's quite likely that the Allies murdered more innocent lives in ending the war than the barbarians did in promoting it. Does that make any sense? The elephant in the room is FDR's racist and incoherent foreign policy that ignited the worldwide 20th century conflagration.
. The blood is on the foriegn governments hands that had dragged this nation into war, and not upon our hands who did what we had to do in order to end those wars. I can think of some serious labels that many would place upon you right now, otherwise if you continue to try and blame this nation for it's involvement in world war two. Treasonous American traitor is one for starters in which you might be thought of by patriotic Americans, and there's no telling what else that your fellow Americans would think of you for your stance on the world war in which you have taken.
Last edited:
I am basing it on facts in evidence from the cold war to when they declared war on Japan and it being the VERY NEXT DAY they dropped FAT MAN.

That is thin evidence indeed.

The Soviets knew about the atomic bomb program.

They wanted to grab up as much territory as possible before Japan surrendered.

The plan for the second bomb being dropped was in effect before the Soviets declared war on Japan- and had nothing to do with the second bomb being dropped.

The Emperor didn't care about his 'face' with the Japanese people- in the end he pushed for surrender to save Japanese lives.|CX2876300010&zid=4a6103da6d025e4543bf83800209eb8f

Since then, however, historians saw that the United States quickly turned from fighting the Japanese to challenging the Soviet Union. Recognizing that after the surrender of Germany, the Soviets were pledged to join the war against Japan, the United States had sought to end the Pacific war quickly before Soviet forces could move into East Asia. The atomic bomb was meant both to prevent Soviet expansion into the Pacific and to demonstrate to Joseph Stalin that the United States possessed a weapon which could destroy any city in the world.

This interpretation gained more credence among scholars after the Cold War became a fixture in world politics and after the Vietnam War demonstrated that some American leaders would not tell the nation the truth. Should the Vietnam experience discredit Truman? In these two essays, scholars Margaret Mary Barrett and Margo Dowling take different approaches to the question of the atomic bomb. Barrett sees the bombing as a cynical show of power against the Soviet Union. Dowling, on the other hand, argues that reading our contemporary biases into history distorts our understanding of it. One can make judgments about the past, but one cannot simply imagine that the men and women who acted in the past did so with motives we might understand. That is, we cannot simply explain the atomic bomb by taking President Truman’s word for why he made his decision. Nor can we condemn Truman as devious because we know that Lyndon B. Johnson or Richard M. Nixon was devious. Instead, we must try to take into account the world as Truman knew it and understand his decision in light of the facts he understood.


The Soviet Union had entered the war against Japan, and the atomic bomb could be read as a strong message for the Soviets to tread lightly. In this respect, Hiroshima and Nagasaki may have been the first shots of the Cold War as well as the final shots of World War II. Regardless, the United States remains the only nation in the world to have used a nuclear weapon on another nation.

The Decision to Drop the Bomb []


There are many historians that have shown the Soviet influence in the region being a strong factor in the decision to drop both bombs, especially the second one.

Seriously- quoting a High School debate website?


Yes there are historians who have made the argument that Truman decided to drop the bomb because of the Soviet threat- but they haven't made your claims.

And there are others who have discounted that claim- in your own citation.

Noting Truman's own words:

The stance taken by Fussell was echoed by Truman. In his 1960 book, Truman Speaks, reflecting on his decision to utilize nuclear weapons, Truman reiterated the one guiding principle behind his decision—ending the war. Using the atom bomb, he said, was “no great decision…. It was merely another powerful weapon in the arsenal of righteousness…. It was a purely military decision to end the war.”
. The use of those weapons ended world war conflicts for the next 71 years... Now we've had many conflicts, but nothing compared to world war one or two. The sad thing is these days, is that due to the slack handling of the responsibility that goes along with keeping the world safe from nuclear war, is that Russia, the United States and other nuclear nations are now becoming highly suspicious of one another again. Partly I think that the reasons for this situation is all due to a multitude of reasons, and I think a major one is weakness, and a weak character that has been evolving in this nation now, and is one that is drawing a huge dis-respect by our enemies whether it be foriegn and domestic be it here or out in the world now. That's my take or view on things, but I may be wrong, yet it's the way that I think because of all that I've been observing over time now.

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