Diamond Member
- Banned
- #41
So in your opinion, it is always innappropriate to release a Roots remake. Thanks I think we can end the thread now.So your main problem with the Roots remake, a movie that nobody is talking about, is that you think it is pertinent to the current political atmosphere.Aren't you? Racial tensions and all that...Racial tensions... Civil War...
Awfully suspicious right? And with an even stronger leg to stand on than your stupid theory.
So are YOU suggesting this country is on the precipice of a Civil War?
Not really. More to do with compounding an existing problem, along with the political tensions that I see more of civil unrest, but I think war will be more on a wider scale than just here at home.
So in your opinion, should they wait until nobody cares about race to release the movie?
Given the history of humanity, that will never happen