The Top 10 Most Offensive: Things president Obama has done or said.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
The Top 10 most offensive things Obama has said or done, rated by ME:cool:

Top 10

1- ObamaCare- forcing me to buy a product from a private company, 1st time in history.
2- "Typical white person". Seriously? Please elaborate Mr. President on what that means.
3- "I don't have all the information....but the police acted stupidly". Eff Tha Po-Lease!!!!
4- "Bitter and cling to their religion and guns". Sorry. We aren't all Godless pu**ies sir.
5- No statement on Easter 2011. But...he's made a statement at EVERY Muslim holiday since inauguration!
6- Appointing a communist, Van Jones, as Green Jobs Czar.
7- Decorating his Christmas Tree in 2009 with a Chairman Mao ornament.
8- Lawsuit on Boeing for hiring non-union SC workers over union WA ones. Tyranny.
9- "Like a white CEO living in the suburbs who..doesn't wanna help pay for inner city schools"
10- Bombing Libya while officially saying "It's not a war, and we are not taking sides". Then what are bombs for Mr. President, other than winning a war?
The Top 10 most offensive things Obama has said or done, rated by ME:cool:

Top 10

1- ObamaCare- forcing me to buy a product from a private company, 1st time in history.
2- "Typical white person". Seriously? Please elaborate Mr. President on what that means.
3- "I don't have all the information....but the police acted stupidly". Eff Tha Po-Lease!!!!
4- "Bitter and cling to their religion and guns". Sorry. We aren't all Godless pu**ies sir.
5- No statement on Easter 2011. But...he's made a statement at EVERY Muslim holiday since inauguration!
6- Appointing a communist, Van Jones, as Green Jobs Czar.
7- Decorating his Christmas Tree in 2009 with a Chairman Mao ornament.
8- Lawsuit on Boeing for hiring non-union SC workers over union WA ones. Tyranny.
9- "Like a white CEO living in the suburbs who..doesn't wanna help pay for inner city schools"
10- Bombing Libya while officially saying "It's not a war, and we are not taking sides". Then what are bombs for Mr. President, other than winning a war?

How about his open Declaration that anyone who disagrees with him is the "enemy"
The Top 10 most offensive things Obama has said or done, rated by ME:cool:

Top 10

1- ObamaCare- forcing me to buy a product from a private company, 1st time in history.
2- "Typical white person". Seriously? Please elaborate Mr. President on what that means.
3- "I don't have all the information....but the police acted stupidly". Eff Tha Po-Lease!!!!
4- "Bitter and cling to their religion and guns". Sorry. We aren't all Godless pu**ies sir.
5- No statement on Easter 2011. But...he's made a statement at EVERY Muslim holiday since inauguration!
6- Appointing a communist, Van Jones, as Green Jobs Czar.
7- Decorating his Christmas Tree in 2009 with a Chairman Mao ornament.
8- Lawsuit on Boeing for hiring non-union SC workers over union WA ones. Tyranny.
9- "Like a white CEO living in the suburbs who..doesn't wanna help pay for inner city schools"
10- Bombing Libya while officially saying "It's not a war, and we are not taking sides". Then what are bombs for Mr. President, other than winning a war?

good list, we're going to see lot's more. this election is going to be a lot more amped up than the last. now we know his destructive force, so many more will get involved.
his tactics are low road and his character is weak. i'm going to enjoy every minute of everything i do to to help defeat him, starting with birther rallies this summer. as a nation we can't make this tragic mistake again.
"I didn't get elected to represent a bunch of fat cat investment bankers" --should be #1 imho.
You sound mad.

Perhaps you shouldn't vote for him this time around.

That's if you vote.
11. He still hasn't produced a birth certificate.

12. He vacations well.

13. What a miserable fucking failure...
You forgot that he is black. That's really offensive to republicans.

1. That teleprompter reading stuff
2. Bowing to foreign dignataries
3. Playing golf too much
4. Trying to get the Olympics for the US
5. Spending $200 million a day to go to India
6. Hiring a private jet to fly his dog
7. Going to NYC for dinner with his wife
8. Throwing a baseball like a girl
9. Making BP pay for its oil spill
10. Winning a Nobel Prize
5. Spending $200 million a day to go to India

Hehehe. That was funny. Amazing how many people believed it, when it's just so ridiculous on its face. I wonder if anyone decided to start questioning their sources of information after that one? Probably not. The people who believe that are not apt to change their minds based on evidence.
For having the nerve to be a muslim and follow the teachings of a radical christian at the same time.
5. Spending $200 million a day to go to India

Hehehe. That was funny. Amazing how many people believed it, when it's just so ridiculous on its face. I wonder if anyone decided to start questioning their sources of information after that one? Probably not. The people who believe that are not apt to change their minds based on evidence.

Don't laugh..they still believe it.
The thing I find about Obama that offends me the most, is that he doesn't give a speech. He preaches to you like he's your father or something. People who talk down to me really piss me off. He's a self-serving asshole.

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