I said it before and I will say it again and again.
The whole point, as you correctly stated: Trump "picked" up onto the "long time prevailing" general resentments against Lefty/Lib policies and thus gained a large and disgruntled part of the American society to listen/support him. He never came up with anything on his own.
Since then he has been endlessly repeating and regurgitating these very well known resentments (to the utter delight of his supporters) - and utterly failed to do anything about it - simply using his previous presidency to further enrich himself - like ALL these politicians, in every country across the globe. However he tops them ALL via constantly propagating total Bull - aka he promises an outlook to those disgruntled - which he himself even knows are unrealistic, aka will never happen. He therefore "purposely" lies all day long.
E.g. a Lefty/Lib Democrat promises to his disgruntled audience - I will make marijuana available to you ALL, I will reduce/lower the school curriculum so that you will have more time to rob stores and people and to smoke grass, and those who were to fuck'in lazy to work (ahh... ...racially or sexually suppressed) and therefore got no or insufficient medical insurance - I will ensure free medi-care.
And now guess what
These Lefty/Libs FACTUALLY keep/kept their promises!!! they did not just purposly lie and enrich themsleves.
Furthermore these Trump actions, necessary to shovel more $$ into his very own pockets, these actions are factually not only destroying the US society, but also the economic and global standing of the USA.