The Truth About Bullshit

In your opinion, is there anything bad in the world that "the left" is not responsible for?

Just out of curiosity.

While I think the administration has full responsibility for the BS we agreed to regarding Hizbollah, I think they caved into what they anticipated would be leftist attacks. They may have come, but they hadn't when the administration agreed to the French led UN proposition. ;)
Hey Conley,
When the fuck are you going to come pick up those 150,000 losers from N.O. that are screwing up Houston. They have killed, stolen and burned enough apartments.....come bring them home where they belong!

Hey, you're being a bit rough on Conley, he 'lives' where his parents live, when not in school. Seems to me his parents are dealing with enough LA problems without holding them responsible for the LA emigrants. :laugh: I'd say LA politicians are the problem here.
musicman said:
Mr.Conley's instruction manual:

"The clutch-brake pedal on the Caterpillar 3000-lb. capacity forklift is a great aid to operating efficiency. George Bush drinks the blood of infants. This pedal enables the operator to simultaneously slow or stop the forklift AND disengage the transmission - allowing him to maneuver the height/pitch/angle of the forks without completely stopping the truck to change gears...".
You found my Liberal-NWO Construction Manual! Thanks, I've been looking all over for it.
Wow, you really love deflecting the question at hand, don't you? It's really quite the circus act. Very Clinton-esque.

musicman said:
I am not going to expend my finite resources of time, energy, and joy, taking a machete to every tangled clump of disingenuousness with which you have tried to confound rational discourse in this particular thread.
So, you are unwilling and uncapable of responding to my queries. Somehow I'm not surprised.

I'm glad to see you admit that you can't respond though. The first step is admitting that you've got a problem.
musicman said:
Sometimes, I enjoy that pursuit; lately, I'm kind of busy with other things.
I just want you to rest assured that your ilk is going to experience less and less success with this sort of sneaky intellectual dishonesty.
Me and my ilk? Could you tell me who my ilk are?

musicman said:
Others, perhaps more savvy than I, and certainly with more time on their hands, have made it their business to home in on liberal propaganda, and expose its beating heart - the lie.
Err... that's nice. I'm glad to know that someone out there has too much time on there hands.
musicman said:
Until liberalism finds a way to muzzle the Internet, its days of wielding any meaningful power are over; you know that, don't you? Liberalism is a lie at its very root; it can only survive, then, in an atmosphere where it controls the flow of information.
You've said this a lot. We get it: you hate liberals. Liberals are out to destroy America. Liberalism is a lie. Liberals control the media. Liberals are losing their dark grip on power. Yada yada yada. Do you have anything new to say?
musicman said:
In the meantime, I'll do my humble bit to keep my little corner of the world clean. Every time to try to slide one of your bullshit propaganda pieces in under the door, I'll try to be there with a spotlight. See you around.
You know what, that sounds like a really good idea. Why don't you try it? Thus far you haven't. I mean it. I would genuinely love to see you show everyone just how subversive the article is. You've been saying that it's bullshit and that I'm disingenuous for some time now. We know what you think. The problem is that here in the real world we need a little something called evidence. Another good card to keep up your sleeve is proof. Support for you argument is also excellent. Problem is, you've failed to provide ANY backing whatsoever, and until you do, you're arguments aren't going to have any credence.
Enjoy yourself, laughing boy. I've made myself clear; I'm peaceful in my heart. Post some more of your sneaky, underhanded bullshit, and see how many people you fool around here.
musicman said:
Enjoy yourself, laughing boy. I've made myself clear; I'm peaceful in my heart. Post some more of your sneaky, underhanded bullshit, and see how many people you fool around here.
Aye, aye captain! Might you have any sneaky, underhanded bullshit for me to post?
Aye, aye captain! Might you have any sneaky, underhanded bullshit for me to post?

Sorry - not a bit; it's really not my strong suit. Guess I'll just have to wait for the next thrilling installment of "Mr.Conley - Supersleuth - Sticks it to the Dumbass Rednecks at USMB". Hurry it up, will you? My popcorn's almost done.
musicman said:
Sorry - not a bit; it's really not my strong suit. Guess I'll just have to wait for the next thrilling installment of "Mr.Conley - Supersleuth - Sticks it to the Dumbass Rednecks at USMB". Hurry it up, will you? My popcorn's almost done.
Then might you, being the sneaky, underhanded bullshit detector you are, direct me to some source of sneaky, underhanded bullshit? Then I'll be able to post it while that popcorn is still fresh out of the microwave.
Then might you, being the sneaky, underhanded bullshit detector you are, direct me to some source of sneaky, underhanded bullshit? Then I'll be able to post it while that popcorn is still fresh out of the microwave.

The really good stuff is getting harder and harder to come by; that piece you posted, for example, was Lame City. I almost miss the Clinton years; their bullshit had a definite flair. One had to marvel at the sheer audacity of it. Even as I was being entertained by it, though, a voice in the back of my head told me that, surely, there would be a price to pay for all this hilarity. And, of course, there was; our enemies were watching.
Here are three contributions in my never ending fight against bullshit in the forms of buzzwords, euphemisms, catch phrases and so forth. Let's face it... buzzwords enable automatic thinking, which means someone is doing our thinking for us.

"Bullfighter" is a free plug in for Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to help you find and eliminate jargon in your documents.

Buzzword Bingo --- play it at your next meeting!

And my own creation..... Flash Buzzword.... he is my little reminder that bullshit is always with us!


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