The Truth About Capitalism Around the World


Jun 16, 2011
I saw this the other day and it made me laugh. So true. Let's get back to the first option, shall we?

Another truth about (finance) capitalism from "The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare"

"She tried to stay quiet, she really did. But after eight years of keeping a heavy secret, the day came when Alayne Fleischmann couldn't take it anymore.

"'It was like watching an old lady get mugged on the street,' she says. 'I thought, 'I can't sit by any longer.'

"Fleischmann is a tall, thin, quick-witted securities lawyer in her late thirties, with long blond hair, pale-blue eyes and an infectious sense of humor that has survived some very tough times.

"She's had to struggle to find work despite some striking skills and qualifications, a common symptom of a not-so-common condition called being a whistle-blower.

The 9 Billion Witness Meet JPMorgan Chase s Worst Nightmare Rolling Stone
dear, if you are opposed to capitalism please say exactly why or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.
dear, if you are opposed to capitalism please say exactly why or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.
Capitalism satisfies the same worries, anguish, and disquiet today that religion answered in times past; however, capitalism may well quality as the most extreme religious cult of all time. While earlier versions of salvation required repenting, capitalism requires blaming you victims for eternal grace. Now, you know.
Capitalism satisfies the same worries, anguish, and disquiet today that religion answered in times past.

dear, capitalism satisfies the need to survive as China just demonstrated by saving another 50 million from slowly starving to death under liberalism.

do you understand why we are positive a liberals IQ is in the retarded range?
Ed, you know so much. What's the average liberal i. q.? Links please.

in the retarded range.See post 8 for proof.

I was asking for a link and you refer me to your post. How tacky. I already know what your opinion is after thousands of posts.

dear, if liberals don't think in the retarded range why are you so afraid to present a rationale for liberalsim that shows more than retarded intelligence??

Do you think conservatives would feel too stupid to defend their ideology? What does that teach you?
That conservatives can't answer Trotsky's question" "Has a new world division of labor been established?"

too stupid why do you say conservatives cant answer it?? In Trotsky's
day the new division of capitalist labor was established from England/Europe to America. Trotsky thought Europe would go to war with the US over this. He was as stupid as Marx. Today the new division is from America to China and again war is highly unlikely.


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