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The truth about ISIS

There is a forum already set up for the mentally ill called the conspiracy theory forum.

This thread belongs in that one rather than one populated by the sane and mostly sane.
Okay, since you're the smart ones explain the website. It says the company's expertise includes intelligence, and tactical training. It says the U.S. government is among it's customers. So the U.S. hired them for what then?
the brainwashed sheep like him are too scared to look at facts and want to believe the ones thrown in the conspiracy section are thrown there because they are full of too may facts that he cant counter and him and the mods dont want to take a look at so the sheep like him dismisses them and refers to the people that post those cold hard facts as loons.:cuckoo:
ISIS is a company much like Blackwater. The U.S. hires them to pose as terror groups overseas. The U.S. uses their activities as a pretext to enter other countries in antiterror efforts. Here is the website https://public.isishq.com/public/SitePages/Home.aspx
Read what this company does. Hidden in plain view because Americans don't care anymore.
You must be a libtarded conspiracy nut.
No,political parties are for sycophants.
There is a forum already set up for the mentally ill called the conspiracy theory forum.

This thread belongs in that one rather than one populated by the sane and mostly sane.
Okay, since you're the smart ones explain the website. It says the company's expertise includes intelligence, and tactical training. It says the U.S. government is among it's customers. So the U.S. hired them for what then?
the brainwashed sheep like him are too scared to look at facts and want to believe the ones thrown in the conspiracy section are thrown there because they are full of too may facts that he cant counter and him and the mods dont want to take a look at so the sheep like him dismisses them and refers to the people that post those cold hard facts as loons.:cuckoo:
Bill Still's MoneyMasters is good too.
So your source is Iran? Obama has even had to admit they're liars, and he's our Head Retard.
the brainwashed sheep like him are too scared to look at facts and want to believe the ones thrown in the conspiracy section are thrown there because they are full of too may facts that he cant counter and him and the mods dont want to take a look at so the sheep like him dismisses them and refers to the people that post those cold hard facts as loons.:cuckoo:

I believe anyone who would construct a post such as that is in serious need of mental help.
I believe anyone who would construct a post such as that is in serious need of mental help.

Help is on its way!!
I believe anyone who would construct a post such as that is in serious need of mental help.

Help is on its way!!

There is plenty of good humor on this board from those who treat this stuff with the proper levity. There are those who use CTBS to advance their nefarious agendas. Then there are the seriously sick pups who think conspiracy theorism is a religion.
ISIS is a company much like Blackwater. The U.S. hires them to pose as terror groups overseas. The U.S. uses their activities as a pretext to enter other countries in antiterror efforts. Here is the website https://public.isishq.com/public/SitePages/Home.aspx
Read what this company does. Hidden in plain view because Americans don't care anymore.

Blackwater was on the Vatican's payroll. The U.S. didn't hire Blackwater. The Vatican did. The U.S. knew about Blackwater but after information leaked which led to the Fallujah bridge incident - that was shut down and the US shut out - since then? There have been no more leaks. (I have believed for some time now that ISIS is being bankrolled by the Vatican - with Jesuit operatives working deep within - so that perhaps even ISIS does not know who they work for).
ISIS is a company much like Blackwater. The U.S. hires them to pose as terror groups overseas. The U.S. uses their activities as a pretext to enter other countries in antiterror efforts. Here is the website https://public.isishq.com/public/SitePages/Home.aspx
Read what this company does. Hidden in plain view because Americans don't care anymore.

Blackwater was on the Vatican's payroll. The U.S. didn't hire Blackwater. The Vatican did. The U.S. knew about Blackwater but after information leaked which led to the Fallujah bridge incident - that was shut down and the US shut out - since then? There have been no more leaks. (I have believed for some time now that ISIS is being bankrolled by the Vatican - with Jesuit operatives working deep within - so that perhaps even ISIS does not know who they work for).
Delivery of US Weapons and Ammunition to ISIS: Iraqi Commander Wiretaps ISIS Communications with US Military
By Fars News Agency

Global Research, March 19, 2015
“The wiretapped ISIL communications by Iraqi popular forces have revealed that the US planes have been dropping weapons and foodstuff for the Takfiri terrorist group,” Commander of Iraq’s Ali Akbar Battalion told FNA on Wednesday.

He noted that tapping on ISIL disclosed the terrorist group’s regular contacts with the US army, and said,

“They exchanged sentences like if they would have a share of the ammunition dropped near (Spiker Military Base) or responses such as ‘you will also receive your share’.”

“The US forces by dropping weapons and ammunition for ISIL, specially in Yassreb, Al-Ramadi and near Spiker Base in Hay al-Qadessiya have provided a lot of help to the ISIL,” he added.

Many similar reports by Iraqi officials and forces have surfaced in the last few months.

In February, an Iraqi provincial official lashed out at the western countries and their regional allies for supporting Takfiri terrorists in Iraq, revealing that the US airplanes still continue to airdrop weapons and foodstuff for the ISIL terrorists.
ISIS is a company much like Blackwater. The U.S. hires them to pose as terror groups overseas. The U.S. uses their activities as a pretext to enter other countries in antiterror efforts. Here is the website https://public.isishq.com/public/SitePages/Home.aspx
Read what this company does. Hidden in plain view because Americans don't care anymore.

The NeoCONs got us in this mess in the Middle East. Bilderbergers own both parties.

The video below is just one of many exposing the treachery of our politicians.

Who wonders why CIA funded ISIS in Syria? Why did CONgress just add another $500 million in funding "insurgents" in Syria?

The Covert Origins of ISIS: Zb is in it

American and Israeli military advisors were arrested while aiding Islamic State terrorists in Iraq.

Iraqi counter-terrorism forces arrested four foreign military advisors from the United States and Israel who were aiding the Islamic State, Iranian Tasnim News Agency reports.

ISIL is Secret American Army in Middle East – US Historian

Three of the arrested military advisors are dual citizens of the United States and Israel, while the fourth advisor is from a Persian Gulf country, Iraq’s Sarma News Agency said.

The foreign military advisors were captured in a headquarters, from where the Islamic State organized its military operations in Iraq’s Northern Province of Nineveh.
The arrests were made during the Operation, codenamed "The Sting of a Scorpion". A number of other Islamic State fighters have been killed during the assault. The detained foreign advisors have now been transferred to Baghdad.
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20150307/1019201301.html#ixzz3UgwxyJI2
Yep......the Reality Manufacturing Company doesn't even have to try hard anymore. The marching of people in orange by the sea has become quite hysterical.........hundreds of millions buy it in a heartbeat. Im in the wrong profession that's for sure.:up:
Special Ops Officer Blows Whistle on CIA Funded ISIS Through Swiss Bank Accounts

May, 2015
by Dave Hodges



WARNING: The leadership of our present administration is a criminal enterprise. They have completely forsaken their oath of office. Administration officials are guilty of violating every precept of the United States Constitution. They have engaged in massive lying to the American people, and have absconded with American taxpayer money in order to enrich their corporate and bankster benefactors. They will not hesitate to install a brutal form of martial law in which untold numbers of American citizens will lose their lives and they are practicing for this eventuality, right now, through Jade Helm. These criminals in suits will think nothing about sending our children off to war to die in order to increase the bottom line of the banksters. They will dress up this coming war as the patriotic thing to do. However, patriotism only serves to conceal the underlying and insatiable lust for power and wealth. This administration does not serve the needs of the people, we are its subjects and soon to be its slaves. Scott Bennett has only scratched the bare surface of how bad it is going to get here in the land of the free and the former home of the brave. I weep for the loss of my nation. Long live the King, the King is dead.

Special Ops Officer Blows Whistle on CIA Funded ISIS Through Swiss Bank Accounts Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show

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