The truth of the matter is that America sucks in many ways


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
My caveat is that America is also great in many ways. The best in the world for a few things.

However, a lot of things about this country really suck.

1) Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world.

2) Our child poverty rate is the worst among developed nations.

3) Our GDP spending per person on healthcare is high in comparison to other nations.

4) Our healthcare system is ranked among the worst of developed nations due to its high cost to consumers and ineligibility for millions of others.

5) Trump - an unprecedented embarrassment to governments everywhere - will be president. We are the laughing stock of the world (note: I wouldn't say this if ANY other republican had won instead).

6) We are the only country on earth that has an incoming government that denies the existence of climate change.

7) Water supplies across the country have dangerous amounts of lead in the water. It's the emergency that no one in the mainstream media will cover.

8) This country has the widest income disparity than any developed country on earth.

America kind of blows. The bad slightly outweighs all the good.
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Bullshit. Your last point is absolute horseshit. Look to our neighbor to the south, Slim has more wealth than almost the entire rest of Mexico. When you make an error that huge, it's hard to take anything you say seriously.
Thank limited brainless government bitchers for it all.
1. The lowest funding for infrastructure in 60 years per capita. Our infrastructure isn't going to get any better with I want to cut the shit out of the funding whiners.They'd rather the bridges went into the river and our society turned into a third world country then accept that we need to repair our infrastructure.

2. Sadly, now that Paul Ryan controls congress it will only get so much worse. Yeah, lets ban Abortion(which I don't like), but hell, bring them into this world to starve. Free breakfast and lunch is going to be gone now so it will be far worse.

3. Nearly every other developed nation on earth uses single payer and pays 1/2 to 1/4th as much per capita compared us. Our healthcare system be it obamacare or the old capitalist based crap is killing our nation in debt. It really is crazy! Just about all of europe that has a higher standard of living compared to America uses single payer so it must not be that harmful to the economic progress. I guess they like see their neighbor suffer and their children cry over their dead body.

Our healthcare system will only get worse as greed won't stop jacking up the profit no matter how piss poor the healthcare is. That is why the robber Barons needed to be defeated.

4. I won't say everything Trump believes is wrong like trade, but it is insanity that he wants to make all other problems so much worse.

5. You can always tell when a government is extreme by how they attack science and evidence based thinking. Look at the isis or the taliban for extreme versions of this. It is ok to be skeptical but to straight out deny is dangerous.

6. Yet, they don't don't care. They don't want to govern as they want our country not to be a first world country, but a third world cess pool so they can act out their dreams of the wild west. It is a sick mindset but one that is out spread.

7. Thanks to one of the least regulated markets on earth that allows our riches to mass most of the wealth in other countries. Yet, these assholes don't bat a goddamn eye at this reality...It is amazing they allowed a guy like Trump to attack the rich as he did as no one else could get away with it without being crapped on by these people.
My caveat is that America is also great in many ways. The best in the world for a few things.

However, a lot of things about this country really suck.

1) Our infrastructure system is one of the worst in the developed world.

2) Our child poverty rate is the worst among developed nations.

3) Our GDP spending per person on healthcare is high in comparison to other nations.

4) Our healthcare system is ranked among the worst of developed nations due to its high cost to consumers and ineligibility for millions of others.

5) Trump - an unprecedented embarrassment to governments everywhere - will be president. We are the laughing stock of the world (note: I wouldn't say if ANY other republican had won instead).

6) We are the only country on earth that has an incoming government that denies the existence of climate change.

7) Water supplies across the country have dangerous amounts of lead in the water. It's the emergency that no one in the mainstream media will cover.

8) This country has the widest income disparity than any developed country on earth.

America kind of blows. The bad slightly outweighs all the good.

Such as life when one is an indentured debt slave. We were good "house niggas" when we were serving the "Massa" bankers that used our labor to create and fund the military industrial complex and DARPA...they no longer need to keep the huddled masses happy because our sweat equity is no longer needed...they don't want you to know that yet....but that time is me on it.
merica kind of blows. The bad slightly outweighs all the good.

Can I help you pack?

Bullshit. Your last point is absolute horseshit. Look to our neighbor to the south, Slim has more wealth than almost the entire rest of Mexico. When you make an error that huge, it's hard to take anything you say seriously.
The country would be much better off with a strong middle class.

Wages must go up, unions must return, and the wealthy must start paying their fair share of taxes.
Trump might do that.

He won't. He filled the swamp with Wall Street jerks. His BFF is a Russian dictator. This isn't the kind of person that gives two shits about the average guy.
The country would be much better off with a strong middle class.

Wages must go up, unions must return, and the wealthy must start paying their fair share of taxes.
Trump might do that.

He won't. He filled the swamp with Wall Street jerks. His BFF is a Russian dictator. This isn't the kind of person that gives two shits about the average guy.
Well we'll find out, that's for sure.

I just wish I could find an American that would tell me the truth. But I know that over the next few years you'll all stick to your racial affiliations.
It is funny that Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and most of Europe are all far more to the left economically but in many ways rank higher in these areas. Intimating the third world isn't a good idea.

They all have a lower standard of living, by any measure, nimrod.

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