The Typical Male U.S. Worker Earned Less in 2014 Than in 1973


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011

"This one fact, tucked in Table A-4 of the Census Bureau’s annual report on income, is both a symptom of an economy that isn’t delivering for many ordinary Americans and at least one reason for the dissatisfaction, anger, and distrust that voters are displaying in the 2016 presidential campaign."

The Typical Male U.S. Worker Earned Less in 2014 Than in 1973
Not only have wages stagnated, but prices have skyrocketed.

I bought a loaded 1995 F-150 Sticker price $22K +.
New 2015 F-150 loaded Sticker price $45K+

Year 2007 Root Canal $500 +
Year 2015 Root Canal $1080.60 ( they rub it in with that .60 )

And the government denies we have had inflation because they use cherry picked numbers that don't reflect living in the real world.

But to admit we have had rampant inflation would require them to increase Social Security payments.



"This one fact, tucked in Table A-4 of the Census Bureau’s annual report on income, is both a symptom of an economy that isn’t delivering for many ordinary Americans and at least one reason for the dissatisfaction, anger, and distrust that voters are displaying in the 2016 presidential campaign."

The Typical Male U.S. Worker Earned Less in 2014 Than in 1973
You asked how many able bodied adults refused to work in order to live off of federal or state funds.

Republicans will tell you ' all of them ... because they are too busy going on cruises to bother working ' and be serious about it.

They think poor people are having a grand old time, partying and screwing all day long on THEIR money.

Thanks to trickle down economics and nutbags worshipping multinationals. The GOP has led a race to the bottom when it comes to wages. Congrats.
You asked how many able bodied adults refused to work in order to live off of federal or state funds.

Republicans will tell you ' all of them ... because they are too busy going on cruises to bother working ' and be serious about it.

They think poor people are having a grand old time, partying and screwing all day long on THEIR money.

Thanks to trickle down economics and nutbags worshipping multinationals. The GOP has led a race to the bottom when it comes to wages. Congrats.
These two posts rank up there as the stupidest posts I've seen leftist windbags submit. And there are some really stupid ones. LoneLaugher has authored a disproportionate number of them, incidentally.

If you had half the integrity and intellect that you think you do, you'd have half the integrity and intelligence that I bring to this discussion. You've been jealous since the day I joined.

Please refrain from thanking my posts. I don't want to be aligned with you on anything until you pull your head out of the bigoted morass that consumes you. Libs don't want you in the tent. You stink.
Thanks to trickle down economics and nutbags worshipping multinationals. The GOP has led a race to the bottom when it comes to wages. Congrats.
Yeah, Obozo's trickle down for solar did NOTHING. And his trickle down for GM did nothing.
But...with all due're wrong.

More than 31,000 new solar jobs were created in the U.S. in 2014 bringing the total to 173,807—a 21.8 percent increase in employment since November 2013, according to a report released Thursday by The Solar Foundation. This is the second consecutive year that solar jobs have increased by at least 20 percent.

Solar already employs more people than coal mining, which has 93,185 workers, and has added 50 percent more jobs in 2014 than the oil and gas pipeline construction industry (10,529) and the crude petroleum and natural gas extraction industry (8,688) did combined, according to the Solar Foundation.

One out of every 78 new jobs created in the U.S. over the past 12 months were created by the solar industry, representing nearly 1.3 percent of all jobs created in the country. Solar companies surveyed for the fifth annual census plan to add another 36,000 employees this year.

“That’s just insane,” Rive says. “The solar industry is literally contributing to the job growth of the U.S. economy—and it’s just so understated.”
I know you partisans just want to bash each and pass the blame. But the reality is -- there are 10,000 BabyBooms retiring EVERY DAY now. And their GOOD paying jobs are not getting replaced. It's the MASSIVE CONTRACTION of the work force that's responsible for MOST of these numbers. And the lack of growth in the economy that the Dems design on purpose..
I know you partisans just want to bash each and pass the blame. But the reality is -- there are 10,000 BabyBooms retiring EVERY DAY now. And their GOOD paying jobs are not getting replaced. It's the MASSIVE CONTRACTION of the work force that's responsible for MOST of these numbers. And the lack of growth in the economy that the Dems design on purpose..

That's crazy talk. Designed on purpose?
I know you partisans just want to bash each and pass the blame. But the reality is -- there are 10,000 BabyBooms retiring EVERY DAY now. And their GOOD paying jobs are not getting replaced. It's the MASSIVE CONTRACTION of the work force that's responsible for MOST of these numbers. And the lack of growth in the economy that the Dems design on purpose..

That's crazy talk. Designed on purpose?

Of Course. De-industrialization and LOWER rates of GDP fight those plagues of consumerism and enviro rape. Can't be "sustainable" if the growth rate of the economy is 4 or 6%.. Dems and especially progressives make it their JOB to put a governor on the growth rate. Are you not aware of this??

Obama's Chief Science advisor was a co-author of many of those 70s "zero growth, zero population" screeds that failed flat-out with their predictions of a polluted, depleted world in chaos by the 2000s.. He expressed a desire to "de-industrialize" the US back 40 years ago...

Why do you think OBAMA chose such a discredited whack job???
What happened? Didn't the "job creators" promise "more and better" jobs, if they got tax cuts? IMO, only their jobs got "better", since they were taking home "more". Any wonder we call the Republicans clowns?

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