The United States has plenty of oil


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
The United States has plenty of oil
... and natural gas.

Oil Fields Gushing in the U.S.. The U.S. Energy Information Administration is likely to raise by a substantial amount its existing estimate that U.S. oil production will grow by 550,000 barrels per day by 2020, to just over six million barrels daily.

Fracking: The Radical Left's Latest Weapon of Fear. A Congressional Research Service report to Congress in late 2009 indicated that America's combined supply of recoverable natural gas, oil, and coal exceeds every other nation on earth; even far greater than Saudi Arabia, China, and Canada combined! The CRS report was independently confirmed last month by the Institute for Energy Research with the release of the North American Energy Inventory. The IER study says the U.S. has more than 1.4 trillion barrels of recoverable oil reserves; 1.7 trillion barrels when combined with Canada and Mexico. That's enough for 250 years of U.S. consumption according to the IER, and more than the entire world has used in the previous 150 years. Additionally, the North American continent has 4.2 quadrillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas reserves — enough to last the next 175 years at current rates of consumption according to IER.
There is no shortage of oil
There is no shortage of oil

Who stand to benefit from a “pipeline from Canada?”
The United States has plenty of oil
... and natural gas.

Oil Fields Gushing in the U.S.. The U.S. Energy Information Administration is likely to raise by a substantial amount its existing estimate that U.S. oil production will grow by 550,000 barrels per day by 2020, to just over six million barrels daily.

Fracking: The Radical Left's Latest Weapon of Fear. A Congressional Research Service report to Congress in late 2009 indicated that America's combined supply of recoverable natural gas, oil, and coal exceeds every other nation on earth; even far greater than Saudi Arabia, China, and Canada combined! The CRS report was independently confirmed last month by the Institute for Energy Research with the release of the North American Energy Inventory. The IER study says the U.S. has more than 1.4 trillion barrels of recoverable oil reserves; 1.7 trillion barrels when combined with Canada and Mexico. That's enough for 250 years of U.S. consumption according to the IER, and more than the entire world has used in the previous 150 years. Additionally, the North American continent has 4.2 quadrillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas reserves — enough to last the next 175 years at current rates of consumption according to IER.
There is no shortage of oil
There is no shortage of oil

Who stand to benefit from a “pipeline from Canada?”

Your buddies the Liberal Democrats are trying their damnedest to prevent us from dr5illing for oil and from building pipelines to move it. Obama is OPPOSED to Oil, gas and coal fired plants anyway, and he doesn't like Nuclear either.
Obama's support comes from those who want America energy poor so they can profit from it. Soros leaps to mind but his role models in Venezuela and Iran aren't far behind.
There are tens of millions of acres off-limits to exploration, and Obama's proposed budget has nearly $90 billion in tax penalties lined up for oil and gas. Billion with a B.
We're not going anywhere with him at the helm.
I believe you are mistaken when you quote someone saying we have 1+ trillion barrels of RESERVES. This often happens when quoting people who know next to nothing about how such numbers are tallied, such as articles written by journalists, or those with an advocacy position but no actual knowledge on the topic.
When everyone else's oil has been used up and the US is the only country that has oil, we will command the morning.
The United States has plenty of oil
... and natural gas.

Oil Fields Gushing in the U.S.. The U.S. Energy Information Administration is likely to raise by a substantial amount its existing estimate that U.S. oil production will grow by 550,000 barrels per day by 2020, to just over six million barrels daily.

Fracking: The Radical Left's Latest Weapon of Fear. A Congressional Research Service report to Congress in late 2009 indicated that America's combined supply of recoverable natural gas, oil, and coal exceeds every other nation on earth; even far greater than Saudi Arabia, China, and Canada combined! The CRS report was independently confirmed last month by the Institute for Energy Research with the release of the North American Energy Inventory. The IER study says the U.S. has more than 1.4 trillion barrels of recoverable oil reserves; 1.7 trillion barrels when combined with Canada and Mexico. That's enough for 250 years of U.S. consumption according to the IER, and more than the entire world has used in the previous 150 years. Additionally, the North American continent has 4.2 quadrillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas reserves — enough to last the next 175 years at current rates of consumption according to IER.
There is no shortage of oil
There is no shortage of oil

Who stand to benefit from a “pipeline from Canada?”

The EPA has so much regulations on everything they cant drill more because it might hurt a lizard in TX or an insect in Alaska
The IER study says the U.S. has more than 1.4 trillion barrels of recoverable oil reserves; 1.7 trillion barrels when combined with Canada and Mexico. That's enough for 250 years of U.S. consumption according to the IER, and more than the entire world has used in the previous 150 years. Additionally, the North American continent has 4.2 quadrillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas reserves — enough to last the next 175 years at current rates of consumption according to IER.

So it's all a big conspiracy then, right? This false scarcity thing?

Beyond fail.

Of course, to some people, "estimated recoverable" reserves becomes a subjective term as soon as you convince yourself it's possible to drill 100 miles down or strip mine the Rocky Mountains. Then you can dupe yourself into believing there's 100 quadrillion cf of gas, or 15 trillion barrels of oil. Hooray! ... Good for stock price and investment shenanigans, anyway. But not reality.

These same people have no idea of the differences between light sweet crude and this heavy junk "found" here, which isn't truly oil, but a synthetic.

And then there are those who actually try and pretend that net energy (EROEI) doesn't matter when considering how energy supply affects the global economy.
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There are tens of millions of acres off-limits to exploration, and Obama's proposed budget has nearly $90 billion in tax penalties lined up for oil and gas. Billion with a B.
We're not going anywhere with him at the helm.

You mean those offshore acres off of FL the East coast and CA that Bush blocked exploration on?
The UNITED STATES owns the oil?

ARe you sure about that?

Cause like I didn't get a check for it.

Did you?
So it's all a big conspiracy then, right? This false scarcity thing?

What scarcity? I can drive the SUV down to the local convenience store towing a 500 gallon tank and fill it to the brim. Not a scarce in sight.

JiggsCasey said:
Of course, to some people, "estimated recoverable" reserves...

Stop using words you don't understand. While a parrot might be able to caw the word "reserves!" it certainly doesn't understand them. Which is how you developed your nickname, along with cutting and pasting from your betters (who you also don't understand).

JiggsCasey said:
These same people have no idea of the differences between light sweet crude and this heavy junk "found" here, which isn't truly oil, but a synthetic.

Neither do you apparently. So now heavy crude oil isn't oil, but it is synthetic oil? What, little elves converted real oil into heavy crude and morons like you pretend it isn't oil anymore? There is silly, and then there are parrots I suppose.....can you PLEASE send us a peaker who knows something already?
“The Obama administration has made a conscious policy choice to raise energy prices, accomplished in good measure by restricting access to domestic energy supplies.” So says Senator James Inhofe, a Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. He adds forthrightly, “We could help bring affordable energy to consumers, create new jobs, and grow the economy if the Obama administration would simply get out of the way so America can realize its true energy potential.”



There are tens of millions of acres off-limits to exploration, and Obama's proposed budget has nearly $90 billion in tax penalties lined up for oil and gas. Billion with a B.
We're not going anywhere with him at the helm.

You mean those offshore acres off of FL the East coast and CA that Bush blocked exploration on?

That's academic at this point.

Tell Obama to un-lock them.

Sheesh! :D
The United States has plenty of oil
... and natural gas.

Oil Fields Gushing in the U.S.. The U.S. Energy Information Administration is likely to raise by a substantial amount its existing estimate that U.S. oil production will grow by 550,000 barrels per day by 2020, to just over six million barrels daily.

Fracking: The Radical Left's Latest Weapon of Fear. A Congressional Research Service report to Congress in late 2009 indicated that America's combined supply of recoverable natural gas, oil, and coal exceeds every other nation on earth; even far greater than Saudi Arabia, China, and Canada combined! The CRS report was independently confirmed last month by the Institute for Energy Research with the release of the North American Energy Inventory. The IER study says the U.S. has more than 1.4 trillion barrels of recoverable oil reserves; 1.7 trillion barrels when combined with Canada and Mexico. That's enough for 250 years of U.S. consumption according to the IER, and more than the entire world has used in the previous 150 years. Additionally, the North American continent has 4.2 quadrillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas reserves — enough to last the next 175 years at current rates of consumption according to IER.
There is no shortage of oil
There is no shortage of oil

Who stand to benefit from a “pipeline from Canada?”

[ame=]The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 1 of 8) - YouTube[/ame]
The United States has plenty of oil
... and natural gas.

Oil Fields Gushing in the U.S.. The U.S. Energy Information Administration is likely to raise by a substantial amount its existing estimate that U.S. oil production will grow by 550,000 barrels per day by 2020, to just over six million barrels daily.

Fracking: The Radical Left's Latest Weapon of Fear. A Congressional Research Service report to Congress in late 2009 indicated that America's combined supply of recoverable natural gas, oil, and coal exceeds every other nation on earth; even far greater than Saudi Arabia, China, and Canada combined! The CRS report was independently confirmed last month by the Institute for Energy Research with the release of the North American Energy Inventory. The IER study says the U.S. has more than 1.4 trillion barrels of recoverable oil reserves; 1.7 trillion barrels when combined with Canada and Mexico. That's enough for 250 years of U.S. consumption according to the IER, and more than the entire world has used in the previous 150 years. Additionally, the North American continent has 4.2 quadrillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas reserves — enough to last the next 175 years at current rates of consumption according to IER.
There is no shortage of oil
There is no shortage of oil

Who stand to benefit from a “pipeline from Canada?”

Most of this 1.4 T barrels of"recoverable oil reserves" is Shale Oil. Currently I believe there are 10 different wells that are testing to see if they can recover it economically, although most estimates say that it is only profitable when the price per barrel of oil is around $90. Most companies wont put substantial resources into developing it if they fear that in the near future it could become unprofitable.
Then there is the enviromental aspect. The total pollution (including waste water) is the worst way of developing energy period. Basically every single way of developing oil is cleaner then Shale Oil, so if you think the eviromentalists are a pain now, try and mass produce shale oil and they will probably completely lose it. It has even been shown that it is favorable, both economically and enviromentally, to produce oil from coal then from shale oil.
As mentioned previously, there are 10 different wells experimenting with extracting shale oil with a "new" process called in-situ. The process involves heating up the shale to a minimum of 850 degrees while still underground before extraction. it is enviromentally better and cheaper then normal shale extraction but, as of yet, is unproven.

edit: to further show how much is shale oil, you can look at the second picture in JROC's post. There is 135 B barrels of technically recoverable oil and 28B barrels of proven reserves. 135 + 28 = 163 B barrels, or less then 12% of the original 1.4T claim. The other 88% is shale oil.
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