The US government has spied on a US citizen illegally and both sides arent outraged by this?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Back when the patriot Act was created by (establishment) Republican George Bush, and the left were going crazy saying how it would infringe on the rights of US citizens, today, we saw the actually use of it, illegally, yet one side seems okay with it, while the other wants due justice. Has it gotten to the point where some people can barely think for themselves and just repeat what talking points come out of the Lame Stream Media?

Think about what you have seen, how the FBI and CIA were weaponized against a US citizen and spied on one. Can you be next, can you be jailed for just a minor crime because the FBI has wiretapped your electronics?

Why Is Anyone Outraged That the DOJ Spied on the Associated Press?
Back when the patriot Act was created by (establishment) Republican George Bush, and the left were going crazy saying how it would infringe on the rights of US citizens, today, we saw the actually use of it, illegally, yet one side seems okay with it, while the other wants due justice. Has it gotten to the point where some people can barely think for themselves and just repeat what talking points come out of the Lame Stream Media?

Think about what you have seen, how the FBI and CIA were weaponized against a US citizen and spied on one. Can you be next, can you be jailed for just a minor crime because the FBI has wiretapped your electronics?

Why Is Anyone Outraged That the DOJ Spied on the Associated Press?
Yeah, we're fucked. Just look at what they are doing to Assange. He showed us what the government was doing and the "left" want to hang him for it. Totally ignoring the evidence of spying he provided by way of government source documents. Did I already say how fucked we are?
9/11 resluted in the American gestapo

we've all been less 'free' , and basically dishonor those who gave all for us TO be free, because we're all scared rabbits , not Americans anymore

Back when the patriot Act was created by (establishment) Republican George Bush, and the left were going crazy saying how it would infringe on the rights of US citizens, today, we saw the actually use of it, illegally, yet one side seems okay with it, while the other wants due justice. Has it gotten to the point where some people can barely think for themselves and just repeat what talking points come out of the Lame Stream Media?

Think about what you have seen, how the FBI and CIA were weaponized against a US citizen and spied on one. Can you be next, can you be jailed for just a minor crime because the FBI has wiretapped your electronics?

Why Is Anyone Outraged That the DOJ Spied on the Associated Press?
Yeah, we're fucked. Just look at what they are doing to Assange. He showed us what the government was doing and the "left" want to hang him for it. Totally ignoring the evidence of spying he provided by way of government source documents. Did I already say how fucked we are?
The real left are on Assange's side. Democrats and the MSM pose as the left, but in the US there is no liberal/conservative balance since both sides represent the same globalist corporate entities.

I'm liberal at least socially, and progressive on most issues, fiscally conservative in my personal finances but I also believe we need a democratic/socialist balance--like Bernie says--"The 3 richest Americans wealth is equal to the bottom half ( 150 million )". In my view this is insanity.

As for the topic I totally agree with the OP. In fact this ; How NSA tracks you and why it's illegal. was the second thread I ever posted here.
Back when the patriot Act was created by (establishment) Republican George Bush, and the left were going crazy saying how it would infringe on the rights of US citizens, today, we saw the actually use of it, illegally, yet one side seems okay with it, while the other wants due justice. Has it gotten to the point where some people can barely think for themselves and just repeat what talking points come out of the Lame Stream Media?

Think about what you have seen, how the FBI and CIA were weaponized against a US citizen and spied on one. Can you be next, can you be jailed for just a minor crime because the FBI has wiretapped your electronics?

Why Is Anyone Outraged That the DOJ Spied on the Associated Press?
The Patriot Act was a hodgepodge of leftover police state policies desired by the Clinton/Reno regime, but decried as "overreach" by the republicans in the 1990s.

Then 9/11™ happened and all bets were off.

The democrat objections were minimal...It passed the Senate by a vote of 98-1.

Now we know why.

Not a dime's worth of difference between remocrats and depublicans.

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