The very first power of Congress is to levy taxes. The 16th Amendment clarifies it.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
Which makes the whole tax cut thing, amazing. No where in the Constitution is the power to cut taxes. The only prohibition on taxes is the Poll Tax..which conservatives seem to want to levy over and over again.

And..there is no Constitutional limit on spending.

The Constitution does several things in this regard. First it mandates that Congress tax. Second it mandates that the government pay it debts.

That's it.

Cutting taxes IS COST.

No Constitutional "experts" are taking up the challenge.


All laws can be amended and/or repealed including laws establishing taxes.



But as it stands now..there's nothing in the constitution about cutting taxes.

Skull just pointed the something that exists in the constitution.

Guess it got by you.

Didn't get "by" me.

In's basically why most people call the Constitution a "living breathing document"..

Unless that person is a conservative and a "strict" constitutionalist.

But as it stands now..the members who signed the Grover Norquist pledge, are in breach of their congressional duty..and of the constitution.


But as it stands now..there's nothing in the constitution about cutting taxes.

Skull just pointed the something that exists in the constitution.

Guess it got by you.

Didn't get "by" me.

In's basically why most people call the Constitution a "living breathing document"..

Unless that person is a conservative and a "strict" constitutionalist.

But as it stands now..the members who signed the Grover Norquist pledge, are in breach of their congressional duty..and of the constitution.
Sometimes I really do believe you are brain damaged.
Then I would say that "cutting" taxes is simply another way of "adjusting" the level at which Congress can impose taxes.

But you are right, no where in the Constitution does it say anything specifically about the act of cutting taxes. But the constitution doesn't say anything about the "right to privacy" or "affirmative action" or several other judicially made up rights.

I'm looking at the constitution now, and for the life of me, I'm having trouble seeing where this "right to have a cell phone paid for by the government" is located... any thoughts on that one?
lay - verb /lā/ Work out an idea or suggestion in detail ready for use or presentation.

Sounds constitutional to me.
Then I would say that "cutting" taxes is simply another way of "adjusting" the level at which Congress can impose taxes.

But you are right, no where in the Constitution does it say anything specifically about the act of cutting taxes. But the constitution doesn't say anything about the "right to privacy" or "affirmative action" or several other judicially made up rights.

I'm looking at the constitution now, and for the life of me, I'm having trouble seeing where this "right to have a cell phone paid for by the government" is located... any thoughts on that one?

I would say the fourth amendment covers the right to privacy..but you have a point. And I would be in favor of an amendment that explicitly covers that..including the right to private electronic communication.

As to your cell phone issue..the goverment has broad powers over commerce..and a cell phone enables a person to find a job. But are right..there's nothing explicit.

So..if you are going by "exact words"..cutting taxes is Unconstitutional.

Taxing..and pay down constitutional.
This thread is a perfect example of how strictly the Constitution could be interpreted. Of course, I'm sure that message will be lost on the strict constitutionalists.
Which makes the whole tax cut thing, amazing. No where in the Constitution is the power to cut taxes. The only prohibition on taxes is the Poll Tax..which conservatives seem to want to levy over and over again.

And..there is no Constitutional limit on spending.

The Constitution does several things in this regard. First it mandates that Congress tax. Second it mandates that the government pay it debts.

That's it.

Cutting taxes IS COST.

so that's all you Democrats-Liberals-progressives-commies dream about, isn't it... taxing the shit out of people and the hell with giving the people a break with their OWN TAX DOLLARS
CUTTING government is something foreign and evil for you people
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This thread is a perfect example of how strictly the Constitution could be interpreted. Of course, I'm sure that message will be lost on the strict constitutionalists.

Um ... i just pointed out that even if you read it strictly cutting taxes is constitutional.
Which makes the whole tax cut thing, amazing. No where in the Constitution is the power to cut taxes. The only prohibition on taxes is the Poll Tax..which conservatives seem to want to levy over and over again.

And..there is no Constitutional limit on spending.

The Constitution does several things in this regard. First it mandates that Congress tax. Second it mandates that the government pay it debts.

That's it.

Cutting taxes IS COST.
No. The Constitution doesn't MANDATE that the Congress take money in taxes. It mean it CAN, not that it SHOULD. You don't see the difference?

According to your way of thinking Congress is MANDATED to tax 100% right?

But I WILL give you props for the 16th Amendment. I'm glad to see our Liberal friends re-discovering the Constitution for themselves. But I have a question for ya'.

Where do the income taxes we pay go to? Hint: It's NOT the US Gov't.
Then I would say that "cutting" taxes is simply another way of "adjusting" the level at which Congress can impose taxes.

But you are right, no where in the Constitution does it say anything specifically about the act of cutting taxes. But the constitution doesn't say anything about the "right to privacy" or "affirmative action" or several other judicially made up rights.

I'm looking at the constitution now, and for the life of me, I'm having trouble seeing where this "right to have a cell phone paid for by the government" is located... any thoughts on that one?

A specific "right to cut taxes" is not necessary since laws establishing taxes are exactly the same as any other laws and can be repealed and or amended as spelled out in the Constitution.

That is the beauty of the document, it's not filled with duplicity and wasted words.

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