"The war on drugs"...is that the same as the war on drunk drivers, the war on pedophiles..etc etc

Weird that nobody ever calls to end the “war on _________”
I’m almost inclined to believe it’s only the drug users who beg to end the war on drugs...hmmm
My bet is, pedophiles would love to see an end to the war on pedophilia?
I have always been opposed to the legalization of hard, highly addictive drugs. However, my position has been changing.

The War on Drugs™ has been a catastrophic failure. Drug use, drug deaths, drug availability have not decreased in the slightest. None of the aims of this stupid war have been achieved. And there is no end game.

Continually pounding away at the problem with the same old hammers is way beyond stupid.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

We need to admit defeat and try something else. Some experimental harm reduction programs have demonstrated success and we should pursue those further.

We need to stop looking at the addict as a purely evil being who must be punished.

Imagine what would happen to the crime rate if we could free an addict from their addiction!

This is where we need to focus our efforts.
Yeah…since people still rape and murder we should probably stop the WAR ON RAPE AND MURDER as well….huh?

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