Ukraine War is Result of Beyond Belief STUPIDEST "Diplomacy" in History

Not stupid at all. It is working exactly as planned. The plan is to use the Ukraine war as a drain on Russia's economy, the same as when we armed the Mujihadeen in Afghanistan. The Neocons don't care that both Ukrainians and Russians are being slaughtered it is just a game to them.
How about this as a counter offer? An internationally run referendum that gives everyone in the country of Ukraine, to include Crimea and Donbas, that will let the Ukrainians decide what happens to them.
You had that in 2013!!

That’s EXACTLY what was in place!!

Then Globalists decided they needed more!

Ukraine War is Result of Beyond Belief STUPIDEST "Diplomacy" in History​

7 Apr 2024

Remember when we were told that electing Donald Trump would lead to World War III and that electing Joe Biden would be a "return to normalcy" since the adults would be back in charge? How's that working out especially in the light of Biden's puppet masters bringing us to the brink of WW III due to involving us in the incredibly AVOIDABLE Ukraine War? And even though they walked us into the entirely unnecessary Ukraine war they were mercifully given an out when a few weeks into the war Ukraine and Russia agreed to a peace deal contingent on Ukraine agreeing not to join NATO. Unfortunately the sheer stupidity of Biden's puppet masters was so massive that they actually sent Boris Johnson to Ukraine to KILL that peace agreement. And now that the proxy war against Russia via Ukraine is winding down after many thousands of Ukrainians dead and the destruction of that country, the Biden puppet masters are now attempting to make things even WORSE by pathetic Antony Blinken insisting that Ukraine WILL join NATO. Why?

It's either extreme stupidity or extreme TDS or both.
As always, the Democrat idiots have everything backwards.
Installing Biden was and still is the closest prelude to WW3 we’ve had since the Missiles of October back in ‘62.
The election of Trump WAS ‘the adults back in charge’ move that has freaked out the childish, incompetent and amateurish DC Deep State run by democrats.
War has always been the preferred method to cover up corruption, financial Rape and Fraud committed by Bankers and Government working together to enslave the public.
Do his Chinese masters think they can survive a nuclear war so they push one between Putin and Joe . They get what’s left of Earth if they do survive.
If Trump wins, expect Ukraine and Russia sitting down with him to end the nonsense. We all see that happening, he’ll do it in spite of the obstacles the Democrat Neo-Marxists will put in front of him, to prevent it. The usual suspects need not to be mentioned.

If Trump wins, he will surrender Europe to Putin and Taiwan to China. Putin started this by invading Ukraine. Why don't you go home to your mother Russia. You are a treasonous traitor.
allowing the soviet union to break up was a really stupid idea, wasn't it? at least we knew that the guy with the nukes was a responsible adult.

it will take a few centuries for the natural boundaries to establish.

the banks got involved, the neocons got involved. ms nuland served cookies and the oil companies are all over it.

pretty much .like most post wwii foreign policy.

So we should have allowed the Nazis to keep Europe? Patton was right. We should have chased the Russians back to Russia. Instead Roosevelt and Truman sacrificed millions of people to slavery.
They don't have to surrender That was never part of the deal.

All they have to do is agree not to join NATO.

That of course doesn't sit too well with NATO and the bankers That back NATO.

Ukraine was never eligible for NATO either way. One of the tenets for eligibility to join NATO is that your territory cannot be in dispute with another country. How would Ukraine ever be able to join NATO with Russia in control of Crimea and other parts of Ukraine? LOL
Ukraine was never eligible for NATO either way. One of the tenets for eligibility to join NATO is that your territory cannot be in dispute with another country. How would Ukraine ever be able to join NATO with Russia in control of Crimea and other parts of Ukraine? LOL
Their even larger problem is the heinous human rights record. In some ways no better than Stalin.
Historically the most effective way to fool the manipulable.

Propaganda has been used to manipulate and fool the masses throughout history. The most effective way of doing so is by controlling the national media. You have it exactly backwards on who is providing the propaganda and who is being maniupulated.
If Trump wins, he will surrender Europe to Putin and Taiwan to China. Putin started this by invading Ukraine. Why don't you go home to your mother Russia. You are a treasonous traitor.
Ukraine is fine....they don't need to surrender they just need to stop trying to eradicate the Russian nationals who live there. Nothing can save Taiwan.
Stop day dreaming.
Ukraine is fine....they don't need to surrender they just need to stop trying to eradicate the Russian nationals who live there. Nothing can save Taiwan.
Stop day dreaming.
Who the fuck are you working for?

You spread Kremlin propaganda and then surrender to Xi on Taiwan?

Fucking troll
Who the fuck are you working for?

You spread Kremlin propaganda and then surrender to Xi on Taiwan?

Fucking troll
Taiwan has one future.... Some kind of cooperation with China.
The term surrender just doesn't apply here. You have no idea what you're talking about.

There's no propaganda in observing that UKRAINE is a totalitarian regime that caused most of its own current troubles.
So we should have allowed the Nazis to keep Europe? Patton was right. We should have chased the Russians back to Russia. Instead Roosevelt and Truman sacrificed millions of people to slavery.
I hope someone punches you in the face like that fascist in the movie got.
Their even larger problem is the heinous human rights record. In some ways no better than Stalin.
Stalin, as Supreme Commander-in-Chief, saved human rights and with them millions of human lives from the Nazi regime all over the world. So, a little respect, please.

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