The War on Terror is now as old as the Vietnam War was...just like Reagan defeated Communism, we need someone to defeat twin threats of terror & Trump

At this point I think trump is and will kill itself.

He no longer has the support of the Republican party and will likely start his own party and run as a 3rd party candidate in 2024. There aren't many people outside his base that would support that. Most Republican voters will likely still vote Republican. The thing is they're too dumb to realize that if they vote for trump all they're doing is handing the election to the Democrats. That's all 3rd parties do. No 3rd party has ever gotten more than 10% of the vote and they usually siphoned votes away from whatever party they're doctor and his closest to. For example the green party tends to steal votes away from the democrats and the Libertarian Party tends to steal votes away from the republicans. If trump starts his own party and runs as a 3rd party candidate he won't win and he will most likely take at least several million votes away from the republicans and it will resolve in a Democrat wind in 2024.

Voting repub is virtually the same as voting dem.

It is voting for suicide.
There was no coincidence. OBL hated the Saudis because they had revoked his citizenship in 1994. He wanted the US to blame Saudi Arabia.
Sure. Of course. It was in his memoirs.

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