The White House Secret Kill List


Living in Paradise
Mar 31, 2012
Yes boys and girls, somehow while our attention was diverted, Barack Obama, the Columbia University and Harvard Law School graduate, the Constitutional Scholar, the candidate of change, the elected Democratic President of the United States, and the hero of the American people, sits down on Tuesday morning while Michelle is putting on her makeup and meets with his closest advisors, including his Campaign Manager, to decide who he will order to be killed next. Vito Corleone would be proud. Our usurper President has now turned the entire military and law enforcement establishment of the United States into a death squad which puts Murder Incorporated to shame.

As Americans, we now really have a lot to be proud of!

Want the whole story? Go to:

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America
Yes boys and girls, somehow while our attention was diverted, Barack Obama, the Columbia University and Harvard Law School graduate, the Constitutional Scholar, the candidate of change, the elected Democratic President of the United States, and the hero of the American people, sits down on Tuesday morning while Michelle is putting on her makeup and meets with his closest advisors, including his Campaign Manager, to decide who he will order to be killed next. Vito Corleone would be proud. Our usurper President has now turned the entire military and law enforcement establishment of the United States into a death squad which puts Murder Incorporated to shame.

As Americans, we now really have a lot to be proud of!

Want the whole story? Go to:

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America

What does this say about "the entire military and law enforcement establishment"?
Yes boys and girls, somehow while our attention was diverted, Barack Obama, the Columbia University and Harvard Law School graduate, the Constitutional Scholar, the candidate of change, the elected Democratic President of the United States, and the hero of the American people, sits down on Tuesday morning while Michelle is putting on her makeup and meets with his closest advisors, including his Campaign Manager, to decide who he will order to be killed next. Vito Corleone would be proud. Our usurper President has now turned the entire military and law enforcement establishment of the United States into a death squad which puts Murder Incorporated to shame.

As Americans, we now really have a lot to be proud of!

Want the whole story? Go to:

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America

What does this say about "the entire military and law enforcement establishment"?
See, cops are bound by the cool little thing called the Constitution. It's a pretty cool thing because it has this list of things called a Bill of Rights - inherent rights humans have. But the cooler thing about it is that each of us is guaranteed those inherent rights.

Obama doesn't think it applies to him. He believes he is above the Supreme Law of the Land and can deny those rights to certain persons as HE sees fit. No checks, no balances...I mean, he is OBAMA for crap's sake.
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Yes boys and girls, somehow while our attention was diverted, Barack Obama, the Columbia University and Harvard Law School graduate, the Constitutional Scholar, the candidate of change, the elected Democratic President of the United States, and the hero of the American people, sits down on Tuesday morning while Michelle is putting on her makeup and meets with his closest advisors, including his Campaign Manager, to decide who he will order to be killed next. Vito Corleone would be proud. Our usurper President has now turned the entire military and law enforcement establishment of the United States into a death squad which puts Murder Incorporated to shame.

As Americans, we now really have a lot to be proud of!

Want the whole story? Go to:

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America

What does this say about "the entire military and law enforcement establishment"?
The point is that obamaturd is a lying pos and the worst potus in history. If you support him, what does that say about you?
Yes boys and girls, somehow while our attention was diverted, Barack Obama, the Columbia University and Harvard Law School graduate, the Constitutional Scholar, the candidate of change, the elected Democratic President of the United States, and the hero of the American people, sits down on Tuesday morning while Michelle is putting on her makeup and meets with his closest advisors, including his Campaign Manager, to decide who he will order to be killed next. Vito Corleone would be proud. Our usurper President has now turned the entire military and law enforcement establishment of the United States into a death squad which puts Murder Incorporated to shame.

As Americans, we now really have a lot to be proud of!

Want the whole story? Go to:

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America

What does this say about "the entire military and law enforcement establishment"?
See, cops are bound by the cool little thing called the Constitution. It's a pretty cool thing because it has this list of things called a Bill of Rights - inherent rights humans have. But the cooler thing about it is that each of us is guaranteed those inherent rights.

Obama doesn't think it applies to him. He believes he is above the Supreme Law of the Land and can deny those rights to certain persons as HE sees fit. No checks, no balances...I mean, he is OBAMA for crap's sake.
If you try to explain the U.S. Constitution to a libtard their heads explode, they are too stupid to understand it.
The White House Secret Kill List

I hope I am on the list. They ar so inept, I will probably get an American Idol slot because of the list.
What we are seeing are the shortcomings of affirmative action. An unqualified buffoon gets into Harvard Law due to his awesome blackness (and lefty ideals), and then gets an adjunct position teaching Constitutional law after graduating due once again to his awesome blackness. And then, because he is so black, he gets elected POTUS. And as POTUS (and a constitutional scholar) he decides that the Coomerce Clause gives a president virtually unlimited power, and that his "kill list" has a solid legal basis. Affirmative action will never produce the best man for the job, but it will guarantee a dark skinned one.
What does this say about "the entire military and law enforcement establishment"?

Okay, you got me there! I guess if one of our uniformed police officers or one of our military gets to one of these designated people first and takes action, Obama will make sure the offending individual is charged and stands trial for murder.
Yes boys and girls, somehow while our attention was diverted, Barack Obama, the Columbia University and Harvard Law School graduate, the Constitutional Scholar, the candidate of change, the elected Democratic President of the United States, and the hero of the American people, sits down on Tuesday morning while Michelle is putting on her makeup and meets with his closest advisors, including his Campaign Manager, to decide who he will order to be killed next. Vito Corleone would be proud. Our usurper President has now turned the entire military and law enforcement establishment of the United States into a death squad which puts Murder Incorporated to shame.

As Americans, we now really have a lot to be proud of!

Want the whole story? Go to:

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America

What does this say about "the entire military and law enforcement establishment"?
See, cops are bound by the cool little thing called the Constitution. It's a pretty cool thing because it has this list of things called a Bill of Rights - inherent rights humans have. But the cooler thing about it is that each of us is guaranteed those inherent rights.

Obama doesn't think it applies to him. He believes he is above the Supreme Law of the Land and can deny those rights to certain persons as HE sees fit. No checks, no balances...I mean, he is OBAMA for crap's sake.

See, cops are bound, by LAW, to enforce all LAWS within their jurisdiction, hence the phrase "law enforcement".

Obama, and most leftists, believe that "laws" are simply "guidelines" that are subject to interpretation. If Obama doesn't like a "law", he can change it simply with a pen-stroke, and call it a "Presidential Executive Order".

If you can put away your smart-ass attitude for a short time, you MAY be able to better comprehend my previously-posted question, and answer it rationally.

That goes for the rest of you people in here who have falsely accused me of being some sort of Obama fan.

I believe that Barack Obama and the Obamanista regime are the single biggest THREAT to the sovereignty and economic viability of the United States of America, in the HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY.

Does that clear things up for any of you?
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What does this say about "the entire military and law enforcement establishment"?
See, cops are bound by the cool little thing called the Constitution. It's a pretty cool thing because it has this list of things called a Bill of Rights - inherent rights humans have. But the cooler thing about it is that each of us is guaranteed those inherent rights.

Obama doesn't think it applies to him. He believes he is above the Supreme Law of the Land and can deny those rights to certain persons as HE sees fit. No checks, no balances...I mean, he is OBAMA for crap's sake.

See, cops are bound, by LAW, to enforce all LAWS within their jurisdiction, hence the phrase "law enforcement".

Obama, and most leftists, believe that "laws" are simply "guidelines" that are subject to interpretation. If Obama doesn't like a "law", he can change it simply with a pen-stroke, and call it a "Presidential Executive Order".

If you can put away your smart-ass attitude for a short time, you MAY be able to better comprehend my previously-posted question, and answer it rationally.

That goes for the rest of you people in here who have falsely accused me of being some sort of Obama fan.

I believe that Barack Obama and the Obamanista regime are the single biggest THREAT to the sovereignty and economic viability of the United States of America, in the HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY.

Does that clear things up for any of you?

We are on the same page and you don't even know it.
What does this say about "the entire military and law enforcement establishment"?
See, cops are bound by the cool little thing called the Constitution. It's a pretty cool thing because it has this list of things called a Bill of Rights - inherent rights humans have. But the cooler thing about it is that each of us is guaranteed those inherent rights.

Obama doesn't think it applies to him. He believes he is above the Supreme Law of the Land and can deny those rights to certain persons as HE sees fit. No checks, no balances...I mean, he is OBAMA for crap's sake.[/QUOTE]

There are certain things called inalienable rights. In other words, all human beings have them. Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What Barack Obama has done, without authority or moral imperative, is decree that the label "terrorist" means the person so labeled has no inalienable rights. Obviously, he should not and cannot do this because in the final anallysis, what this means is that neither do you or I.

In the final anyalsis, the truth is that our own government has reduced to human kind to nothing more than a pile of shit.
What does this say about "the entire military and law enforcement establishment"?
See, cops are bound by the cool little thing called the Constitution. It's a pretty cool thing because it has this list of things called a Bill of Rights - inherent rights humans have. But the cooler thing about it is that each of us is guaranteed those inherent rights.

Obama doesn't think it applies to him. He believes he is above the Supreme Law of the Land and can deny those rights to certain persons as HE sees fit. No checks, no balances...I mean, he is OBAMA for crap's sake.
If you try to explain the U.S. Constitution to a libtard their heads explode, they are too stupid to understand it.

I dont believe that for a second. It sounds like a cop out to explain why you aren't bothering to explain it.

If liberals couldnt understand it then there is no point to discussion period. May as well start killing one another. That's not a path I want to see happen nor one that needs to happen.

If humans werent persuadable, then our history would be much bloodier than it was. and it's bloody enough as it is.
See, cops are bound by the cool little thing called the Constitution. It's a pretty cool thing because it has this list of things called a Bill of Rights - inherent rights humans have. But the cooler thing about it is that each of us is guaranteed those inherent rights.

Obama doesn't think it applies to him. He believes he is above the Supreme Law of the Land and can deny those rights to certain persons as HE sees fit. No checks, no balances...I mean, he is OBAMA for crap's sake.

See, cops are bound, by LAW, to enforce all LAWS within their jurisdiction, hence the phrase "law enforcement".

Obama, and most leftists, believe that "laws" are simply "guidelines" that are subject to interpretation. If Obama doesn't like a "law", he can change it simply with a pen-stroke, and call it a "Presidential Executive Order".

If you can put away your smart-ass attitude for a short time, you MAY be able to better comprehend my previously-posted question, and answer it rationally.

That goes for the rest of you people in here who have falsely accused me of being some sort of Obama fan.

I believe that Barack Obama and the Obamanista regime are the single biggest THREAT to the sovereignty and economic viability of the United States of America, in the HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY.

Does that clear things up for any of you?

We are on the same page and you don't even know it.

Wow, we are on the same page, and YOU don't even know it.

Put down your six-shooters, and pay attention. :clap2:
See, cops are bound, by LAW, to enforce all LAWS within their jurisdiction, hence the phrase "law enforcement".

Obama, and most leftists, believe that "laws" are simply "guidelines" that are subject to interpretation. If Obama doesn't like a "law", he can change it simply with a pen-stroke, and call it a "Presidential Executive Order".

If you can put away your smart-ass attitude for a short time, you MAY be able to better comprehend my previously-posted question, and answer it rationally.

That goes for the rest of you people in here who have falsely accused me of being some sort of Obama fan.

I believe that Barack Obama and the Obamanista regime are the single biggest THREAT to the sovereignty and economic viability of the United States of America, in the HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY.

Does that clear things up for any of you?

We are on the same page and you don't even know it.

Wow, we are on the same page, and YOU don't even know it.

Put down your six-shooters, and pay attention. :clap2:
*slowly backing away while trying not to make any sudden moves*

There's nothing wrong with a kill list of terrorists, except that Obamination campaigned on shutting down GITMO and stopping interrogating terrorists there. Of course in his mind it's ok if HE authorizes killing terrorists but George Bush is a war criminal for Iraq and GITMO in O's demented world.
Why dont you guys just accept you're both on the same page and acknowledge the others wisdom in this rather than trying to establish who ego is bigger.
If you try to explain the U.S. Constitution to a libtard their heads explode, they are too stupid to understand it.

There is only one thing people need to understand about our Constitution; that it is the supreme law of the land because it governs those who govern us. Any government that operates in violation of its Constitution is and illegal criminal enterprise. Our government has been in gross and flagrant violation of our Constitution for the past 100 years. I suppose you could be an optimist and opine that it took our government 100 long years to hit the bottom of the barrell, but I take no solice in this.
The White House Secret Kill List

I hope I am on the list. They ar so inept, I will probably get an American Idol slot because of the list.

Good point! Our government is so incompetent that the people on the list are probably a lot safer than the ones not on it.
There's nothing wrong with a kill list of terrorists, except that Obamination campaigned on shutting down GITMO and stopping interrogating terrorists there. Of course in his mind it's ok if HE authorizes killing terrorists but George Bush is a war criminal for Iraq and GITMO in O's demented world.

Apparently, you are forgetting a little something called due process. It is the only thing which stands between us and tyranny. The point being who decides who is a terrorist. We know the government is incompetent. Therefore, without due process it is incompetent people decide who the terrorists are and incompetent people who decide who lives or dies. Pretty scary if you ask me.

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