The Woman's Hour Debate: Can Porn Empower Women?


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Can porn empower women? Can it liberate, celebrate or enhance or does it enslave, debase or corrupt? Jane Garvey hosts a debate at the Women of the World Festival at the Southbank Centre in London. Guests include artist, activist and erotic emporium founder Sam Roddick; feminist porn performer and producer Pandora Blake; Dr Heather Brunskell-Evans, who researches and writes about pornography at the University of Leicester and is a founder member of Resist Porn Culture; and Clarissa Smith, Professor of Sexual Cultures at Sunderland University and a member of Onscenity .

BBC Radio 4 - Woman's Hour
That depends on if the woman is the playing the role of dominatrix. :D :whip:If so, then she is totally in control. Otherwise, no, because most porn is geared towards men and a lot of it is just demeaning to women, treating women as basically nothing more than a "hole."
.... Otherwise, no, because most porn is geared towards men and a lot of it is just demeaning to women, treating women as basically nothing more than a "hole."

What else would they be in porn? Somehow I don't think porn based on cooking, cleaning or doing laundry would be that popular.
.... Otherwise, no, because most porn is geared towards men and a lot of it is just demeaning to women, treating women as basically nothing more than a "hole."

What else would they be in porn? Somehow I don't think porn based on cooking, cleaning or doing laundry would be that popular.

There is some porn geared towards women, although it's rare and doesn't have the market that porn made for men has. Of course, men are much bigger consumers. Women like sex too. I know you wouldn't be aware of that though.
Most porn now consists of gang bangs and anal sex. The men are usually in the "dominant" role and manhandle the women. Of course, a lot of women don't mind being the submissive partner, but "submissive" doesn't equal "empowered" so that is what I'm addressing. Not saying some women don't enjoy the submissive role because they most certainly do. But "is porn empowering to women?" I would say no it is not, unless you are talking financially.
There is some porn geared towards women, although it's rare and doesn't have the market that porn made for men has. Of course, men are much bigger consumers. Women like sex too. I know you wouldn't be aware of that though.

Not being a porn watcher, I'll have to take your word for that.

I'm still amazed at the enotional emphasis placed on sex by Men, nevermind women, whose opinions on anything have minimal value
There is some porn geared towards women, although it's rare and doesn't have the market that porn made for men has. Of course, men are much bigger consumers. Women like sex too. I know you wouldn't be aware of that though.

Not being a porn watcher, I'll have to take your word for that.

I'm still amazed at the enotional emphasis placed on sex by Men, nevermind women, whose opinions on anything have minimal value

Well, I'm not a "regular" viewer myself, but of course I've seen some! Anyone who says they haven't is not being 100% honest. Anyway, a lot of people are older and are probably still thinking of their "70s" porn, and it is just not like that anymore. A lot of it is much more graphic and it seems like just "regular sex" doesn't cut it anymore.
There is some porn geared towards women, although it's rare and doesn't have the market that porn made for men has. Of course, men are much bigger consumers. Women like sex too. I know you wouldn't be aware of that though.

Not being a porn watcher, I'll have to take your word for that.

I'm still amazed at the enotional emphasis placed on sex by Men, nevermind women, whose opinions on anything have minimal value

I'm choosing to ignore your other stupid comment. :D
Well, I'm not a "regular" viewer myself, but of course I've seen some! Anyone who says they haven't is not being 100% honest. Anyway, a lot of people are older and are probably still thinking of their "70s" porn, and it is just not like that anymore. A lot of it is much more graphic and it seems like just "regular sex" doesn't cut it anymore.

I've seen bits and pieces over time. I see no more value in porn than I do in any non-procreative sexual act.
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There's nothing liberating by having anal sex with half a dozen men you've never met before, to the point where your insides are literally falling out of your body.

There's nothing liberating about "producers" counting the days until girls are "legal" so they can film a bunch of men engaging in what really looks like illegal, underaged sex.

There's nothing liberating about the way young girls are doped and tricked into the industry, and then doped and abused to keep them there.
The porn industry is infamous for the abuse it heaps upon women.

If they want to make the big bucks, they deal with the unpleasantness of the job. Since it's apparently one of the few industries where women make more than Men.

Indifference to subjects one doesn't support, doesn't erase the truth of the matter...
The truth of the matter is that women in the porn industry are treated as offal. They are denigrated, injured, and abused for money. Most progressives are completely cool with this.

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