The world lockdown explained.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The entire world is now under lockdown. Why is this important? It is important because in the history of the human race it has never happened before. Can the best historians point to a time in the 200,000 years of modern human presence, when a planetary edict went into effect outlawing the free interaction and movement of people worldwide? In 1947 a terrible epidemic of Poliomyelitis was sweeping parts of America attacking mostly children. Polio is an ancient virus. Most who are infected with it show mild symptoms, but a dangerous percentage develop nerve and spinal cord issues that can lead to paralysis or death.

Polio was effectively eradicated by a vaccine formulated by researcher Jonas Salk in the 1950’s but even while the disease was rampant, no central-authority lockdowns were ever imposed on the people. Politicians and high-profile citizens participated in campaigns to suggest that the people take precautions, but it never occurred to anyone in power to use public authority to force the people to wear masks or stay home. So why is that happening now?

What we do know from history is that several attempts to impose world bodies have cropped up in the human experience. Philosophers have dreamed of a world government for many centuries and the hive mind that supports the action has been gaining traction in recent decades. The League of Nations, the United Nations, etc. are examples of a one-world federated, global organization that has absolute power and is the final word on how all humans live on Earth.

Enslaving mammal minds to the insectoid plans of a tiny nucleus of global command is seen to be achievable through fear and what could be more frightening than a worldwide pandemic? Advances in science, immunology and genetic research now make it possible to foster a world event to hasten the onset of a world government and the people need to be wary of this possibility.

There appears to be a timetable for the advancement of a one-world government and that may explain the unprecedented conduct of US leadership in Washington after the election of a populist calling for the return of nationhood. The outright theft of a major election and the partnership of free media turned propaganda in the last free democracy on Earth is convincing evidence that centralized world government is on the march.

We must see what we see, not what we are told to see.
Recall your lockdown Governors....CA is doing it and now has enough signatures to get a Newsome Recall on the ballot...its caused Newsome to remove his stay at home order today...
Recall your lockdown Governors....CA is doing it and now has enough signatures to get a Newsome Recall on the ballot...

Not yet

Less than 300,000 sigs needed...they will have them by the end of the month.....Newsome is toast unless CA uses Dominion machines....
Less than 300,000 sigs needed...they will have them by the end of the month.....Newsome is toast unless CA uses Dominion machines....

Don't assume that even if the petition is successful Newsom will lose. It's still California and it will also depend on the Republican candidate. Kevin Faulconer is probably their best shot.
Less than 300,000 sigs needed...they will have them by the end of the month.....Newsome is toast unless CA uses Dominion machines....

Don't assume that even if the petition is successful Newsom will lose. It's still California and it will also depend on the Republican candidate. Kevin Faulconer is probably their best shot.
I still know a lot of people in CA....everyone is pissed at Newsome....they have campgrounds closed that are right next to fancy open golf courses....Newsomes own winey is still open....fancy restaurants are allowed to have guests for dinner but not your mom and pop shops....oh yeah...Newsome will be the 2nd CA governor recalled.....especially since we already will have a replacement the republican mayor of San Diego...admired by dems and republicans alike....and Newsomes worst nightmare....
The entire world is now under lockdown. Why is this important? It is important because in the history of the human race it has never happened before. Can the best historians point to a time in the 200,000 years of modern human presence, when a planetary edict went into effect outlawing the free interaction and movement of people worldwide? In 1947 a terrible epidemic of Poliomyelitis was sweeping parts of America attacking mostly children. Polio is an ancient virus. Most who are infected with it show mild symptoms, but a dangerous percentage develop nerve and spinal cord issues that can lead to paralysis or death.

Polio was effectively eradicated by a vaccine formulated by researcher Jonas Salk in the 1950’s but even while the disease was rampant, no central-authority lockdowns were ever imposed on the people. Politicians and high-profile citizens participated in campaigns to suggest that the people take precautions, but it never occurred to anyone in power to use public authority to force the people to wear masks or stay home. So why is that happening now?

What we do know from history is that several attempts to impose world bodies have cropped up in the human experience. Philosophers have dreamed of a world government for many centuries and the hive mind that supports the action has been gaining traction in recent decades. The League of Nations, the United Nations, etc. are examples of a one-world federated, global organization that has absolute power and is the final word on how all humans live on Earth.

Enslaving mammal minds to the insectoid plans of a tiny nucleus of global command is seen to be achievable through fear and what could be more frightening than a worldwide pandemic? Advances in science, immunology and genetic research now make it possible to foster a world event to hasten the onset of a world government and the people need to be wary of this possibility.

There appears to be a timetable for the advancement of a one-world government and that may explain the unprecedented conduct of US leadership in Washington after the election of a populist calling for the return of nationhood. The outright theft of a major election and the partnership of free media turned propaganda in the last free democracy on Earth is convincing evidence that centralized world government is on the march.

We must see what we see, not what we are told to see.

The planet wide synchronal response to COVID-19 should absolutely terrify every man, woman and child living on the face of the Earth. While I cannot say for certain, it would seem we are in the stalling, early stages of a mass extinction event perpetrated against our species by a handful of members of our own species. Such a thing would also be a first in global history. The dinosaurs certainly did not engineer their own demise, nor did the Neanderthal or the Dodo.

We all should be terrified of the 2020 pandemic response primarily because it has demonstrated the raw power of a few key individuals to effect drastic change of our daily lives with alarming ease. If They can force us all to wear masks to buy food, social distance—and in many cases forbid us from leaving our homes—then what else can They make us do? How many Americans died at the hands of medical professionals who improperly calibrated ventilators? How many perished from inability to seek medical treatment for common health issues since last February?

We should be terrified because the seemingly omnipotent hands of a few power mad men and women reached even into the remote areas of Alaska and the Amazon rainforest to enforce pandemic restrictions. Even in the places farthest from normal government reach the WEF and WHO and Chinese human monsters got to us, not unlike the Eye of Sauron seeing all, touching all with its icy midnight fingers.

What's next on Their agenda? What inhuman commands will next come down from the mouths of these so-called human gods? Could they order our governments—all world governments—to decimate their populations in order to reduce emissions or limit spread of the virus? Think about that for a moment? If the same people behind the global lockdowns ordered our government to kill one out of every ten of us could they really pull it off? What about one in five of us?

Nothing like the global lockdowns of 2020 has ever happened before in the few ten thousands of years of sentient human history. Like so many parcels of wheat we were harvested and bundled and rough handled by a few insanely powerful people we will never meet in person. In truth and hindsight we all should have violently resisted whilst we still had a chance.
The entire world is now under lockdown. Why is this important? It is important because in the history of the human race it has never happened before. Can the best historians point to a time in the 200,000 years of modern human presence, when a planetary edict went into effect outlawing the free interaction and movement of people worldwide? In 1947 a terrible epidemic of Poliomyelitis was sweeping parts of America attacking mostly children. Polio is an ancient virus. Most who are infected with it show mild symptoms, but a dangerous percentage develop nerve and spinal cord issues that can lead to paralysis or death.

Polio was effectively eradicated by a vaccine formulated by researcher Jonas Salk in the 1950’s but even while the disease was rampant, no central-authority lockdowns were ever imposed on the people. Politicians and high-profile citizens participated in campaigns to suggest that the people take precautions, but it never occurred to anyone in power to use public authority to force the people to wear masks or stay home. So why is that happening now?

What we do know from history is that several attempts to impose world bodies have cropped up in the human experience. Philosophers have dreamed of a world government for many centuries and the hive mind that supports the action has been gaining traction in recent decades. The League of Nations, the United Nations, etc. are examples of a one-world federated, global organization that has absolute power and is the final word on how all humans live on Earth.

Enslaving mammal minds to the insectoid plans of a tiny nucleus of global command is seen to be achievable through fear and what could be more frightening than a worldwide pandemic? Advances in science, immunology and genetic research now make it possible to foster a world event to hasten the onset of a world government and the people need to be wary of this possibility.

There appears to be a timetable for the advancement of a one-world government and that may explain the unprecedented conduct of US leadership in Washington after the election of a populist calling for the return of nationhood. The outright theft of a major election and the partnership of free media turned propaganda in the last free democracy on Earth is convincing evidence that centralized world government is on the march.

We must see what we see, not what we are told to see.

The planet wide synchronal response to COVID-19 should absolutely terrify every man, woman and child living on the face of the Earth. While I cannot say for certain, it would seem we are in the stalling, early stages of a mass extinction event perpetrated against our species by a handful of members of our own species. Such a thing would also be a first in global history. The dinosaurs certainly did not engineer their own demise, nor did the Neanderthal or the Dodo.

We all should be terrified of the 2020 pandemic response primarily because it has demonstrated the raw power of a few key individuals to effect drastic change of our daily lives with alarming ease. If They can force us all to wear masks to buy food, social distance—and in many cases forbid us from leaving our homes—then what else can They make us do? How many Americans died at the hands of medical professionals who improperly calibrated ventilators? How many perished from inability to seek medical treatment for common health issues since last February?

We should be terrified because the seemingly omnipotent hands of a few power mad men and women reached even into the remote areas of Alaska and the Amazon rainforest to enforce pandemic restrictions. Even in the places farthest from normal government reach the WEF and WHO and Chinese human monsters got to us, not unlike the Eye of Sauron seeing all, touching all with its icy midnight fingers.

What's next on Their agenda? What inhuman commands will next come down from the mouths of these so-called human gods? Could they order our governments—all world governments—to decimate their populations in order to reduce emissions or limit spread of the virus? Think about that for a moment? If the same people behind the global lockdowns ordered our government to kill one out of every ten of us could they really pull it off? What about one in five of us?

Nothing like the global lockdowns of 2020 has ever happened before in the few ten thousands of years of sentient human history. Like so many parcels of wheat we were harvested and bundled and rough handled by a few insanely powerful people we will never meet in person. In truth and hindsight we all should have violently resisted whilst we still had a chance.
You see clearly-thank you.
The entire world is now under lockdown. Why is this important? It is important because in the history of the human race it has never happened before. Can the best historians point to a time in the 200,000 years of modern human presence, when a planetary edict went into effect outlawing the free interaction and movement of people worldwide? In 1947 a terrible epidemic of Poliomyelitis was sweeping parts of America attacking mostly children. Polio is an ancient virus. Most who are infected with it show mild symptoms, but a dangerous percentage develop nerve and spinal cord issues that can lead to paralysis or death.

Polio was effectively eradicated by a vaccine formulated by researcher Jonas Salk in the 1950’s but even while the disease was rampant, no central-authority lockdowns were ever imposed on the people. Politicians and high-profile citizens participated in campaigns to suggest that the people take precautions, but it never occurred to anyone in power to use public authority to force the people to wear masks or stay home. So why is that happening now?

What we do know from history is that several attempts to impose world bodies have cropped up in the human experience. Philosophers have dreamed of a world government for many centuries and the hive mind that supports the action has been gaining traction in recent decades. The League of Nations, the United Nations, etc. are examples of a one-world federated, global organization that has absolute power and is the final word on how all humans live on Earth.

Enslaving mammal minds to the insectoid plans of a tiny nucleus of global command is seen to be achievable through fear and what could be more frightening than a worldwide pandemic? Advances in science, immunology and genetic research now make it possible to foster a world event to hasten the onset of a world government and the people need to be wary of this possibility.

There appears to be a timetable for the advancement of a one-world government and that may explain the unprecedented conduct of US leadership in Washington after the election of a populist calling for the return of nationhood. The outright theft of a major election and the partnership of free media turned propaganda in the last free democracy on Earth is convincing evidence that centralized world government is on the march.

We must see what we see, not what we are told to see.

The planet wide synchronal response to COVID-19 should absolutely terrify every man, woman and child living on the face of the Earth. While I cannot say for certain, it would seem we are in the stalling, early stages of a mass extinction event perpetrated against our species by a handful of members of our own species. Such a thing would also be a first in global history. The dinosaurs certainly did not engineer their own demise, nor did the Neanderthal or the Dodo.

We all should be terrified of the 2020 pandemic response primarily because it has demonstrated the raw power of a few key individuals to effect drastic change of our daily lives with alarming ease. If They can force us all to wear masks to buy food, social distance—and in many cases forbid us from leaving our homes—then what else can They make us do? How many Americans died at the hands of medical professionals who improperly calibrated ventilators? How many perished from inability to seek medical treatment for common health issues since last February?

We should be terrified because the seemingly omnipotent hands of a few power mad men and women reached even into the remote areas of Alaska and the Amazon rainforest to enforce pandemic restrictions. Even in the places farthest from normal government reach the WEF and WHO and Chinese human monsters got to us, not unlike the Eye of Sauron seeing all, touching all with its icy midnight fingers.

What's next on Their agenda? What inhuman commands will next come down from the mouths of these so-called human gods? Could they order our governments—all world governments—to decimate their populations in order to reduce emissions or limit spread of the virus? Think about that for a moment? If the same people behind the global lockdowns ordered our government to kill one out of every ten of us could they really pull it off? What about one in five of us?

Nothing like the global lockdowns of 2020 has ever happened before in the few ten thousands of years of sentient human history. Like so many parcels of wheat we were harvested and bundled and rough handled by a few insanely powerful people we will never meet in person. In truth and hindsight we all should have violently resisted whilst we still had a chance.
In about five weeks I am going to be 74 years old. I was in the Steel Worker's Union for 20 years and I was a union representative for five of those years. I left to work in private industry in the mid 1980's because at 40-years-old climbing on steel was dangerous. It is a young man's job. It paid very well which financed schooling that gave me skills in the new industry and that resulted in lower pay to start with but higher pay eventually.

I get pensions from both ventures because that was standard for Boomers in those times. These kids today are getting ripped off by government in every which way but loose. The kids have no idea what has been stolen from them in the name of globalization. It is a sellout on a scale that is unprecedented. I do not blame the kids.

There is an undercurrent of contempt in this country that is unrecognized by leadership after that mock election. The whole world is watching to see what the American people do in the aftermath. I have a feeling they are going to a lesson in what happens when you steal from the people to enrich those in power.
The entire world is now under lockdown. Why is this important? It is important because in the history of the human race it has never happened before. Can the best historians point to a time in the 200,000 years of modern human presence, when a planetary edict went into effect outlawing the free interaction and movement of people worldwide? In 1947 a terrible epidemic of Poliomyelitis was sweeping parts of America attacking mostly children. Polio is an ancient virus. Most who are infected with it show mild symptoms, but a dangerous percentage develop nerve and spinal cord issues that can lead to paralysis or death.

Polio was effectively eradicated by a vaccine formulated by researcher Jonas Salk in the 1950’s but even while the disease was rampant, no central-authority lockdowns were ever imposed on the people. Politicians and high-profile citizens participated in campaigns to suggest that the people take precautions, but it never occurred to anyone in power to use public authority to force the people to wear masks or stay home. So why is that happening now?

What we do know from history is that several attempts to impose world bodies have cropped up in the human experience. Philosophers have dreamed of a world government for many centuries and the hive mind that supports the action has been gaining traction in recent decades. The League of Nations, the United Nations, etc. are examples of a one-world federated, global organization that has absolute power and is the final word on how all humans live on Earth.

Enslaving mammal minds to the insectoid plans of a tiny nucleus of global command is seen to be achievable through fear and what could be more frightening than a worldwide pandemic? Advances in science, immunology and genetic research now make it possible to foster a world event to hasten the onset of a world government and the people need to be wary of this possibility.

There appears to be a timetable for the advancement of a one-world government and that may explain the unprecedented conduct of US leadership in Washington after the election of a populist calling for the return of nationhood. The outright theft of a major election and the partnership of free media turned propaganda in the last free democracy on Earth is convincing evidence that centralized world government is on the march.

We must see what we see, not what we are told to see.

The planet wide synchronal response to COVID-19 should absolutely terrify every man, woman and child living on the face of the Earth. While I cannot say for certain, it would seem we are in the stalling, early stages of a mass extinction event perpetrated against our species by a handful of members of our own species. Such a thing would also be a first in global history. The dinosaurs certainly did not engineer their own demise, nor did the Neanderthal or the Dodo.

We all should be terrified of the 2020 pandemic response primarily because it has demonstrated the raw power of a few key individuals to effect drastic change of our daily lives with alarming ease. If They can force us all to wear masks to buy food, social distance—and in many cases forbid us from leaving our homes—then what else can They make us do? How many Americans died at the hands of medical professionals who improperly calibrated ventilators? How many perished from inability to seek medical treatment for common health issues since last February?

We should be terrified because the seemingly omnipotent hands of a few power mad men and women reached even into the remote areas of Alaska and the Amazon rainforest to enforce pandemic restrictions. Even in the places farthest from normal government reach the WEF and WHO and Chinese human monsters got to us, not unlike the Eye of Sauron seeing all, touching all with its icy midnight fingers.

What's next on Their agenda? What inhuman commands will next come down from the mouths of these so-called human gods? Could they order our governments—all world governments—to decimate their populations in order to reduce emissions or limit spread of the virus? Think about that for a moment? If the same people behind the global lockdowns ordered our government to kill one out of every ten of us could they really pull it off? What about one in five of us?

Nothing like the global lockdowns of 2020 has ever happened before in the few ten thousands of years of sentient human history. Like so many parcels of wheat we were harvested and bundled and rough handled by a few insanely powerful people we will never meet in person. In truth and hindsight we all should have violently resisted whilst we still had a chance.
In about five weeks I am going to be 74 years old. I was in the Steel Worker's Union for 20 years and I was a union representative for five of those years. I left to work in private industry in the mid 1980's because at 40-years-old climbing on steel was dangerous. It is a young man's job. It paid very well which financed schooling that gave me skills in the new industry and that resulted in lower pay to start with but higher pay eventually.

I get pensions from both ventures because that was standard for Boomers in those times. These kids today are getting ripped off by government in every which way but loose. The kids have no idea what has been stolen from them in the name of globalization. It is a sellout on a scale that is unprecedented. I do not blame the kids.

There is an undercurrent of contempt in this country that is unrecognized by leadership after that mock election. The whole world is watching to see what the American people do in the aftermath. I have a feeling they are going to a lesson in what happens when you steal from the people to enrich those in power.

I agree. My paternal grandfather, a paratrooper during WWII, worked a three-story forge for 40 years at a Baltimore steel mill. He retired with an excellent pension and grew his savings into a nearly million dollar nest egg. He is still famous around town and throughout our family for his answer, when asked by my then teenage father and uncle, why he refused to purchase new work boots he had taped and then taped again—"So I can afford to buy the both of you new shoes instead."

My father began his working life in a York, PA furniture factory in the early 70's. After eighteen years service, and attaining a high union wage for the time, that company folded up U.S. operations and moved to Canada. Lucky for him he had a lifelong obsession with history, which led him back to college and into a teaching degree. He spent the next thirty years teaching high school history for what amounted to peanuts and a barely livable pension. I often sink into melancholy over his admiration for his father and his belief he could be as successful in a factory job. The post WWII magic economic boom ended too quickly.

If not for the US Army, I likely would have gone economically obsolete a few years out of high school. Instead I left for boot camp at age seventeen and did twenty-nine years between active duty, the reserves and national guard. Along the way I picked up a bachelor's in civil engineering and a graduate degree, many years later, in political psychology. Uncle Sam was the equivalent representation of both my grandfather's decades of blue collar factory work and my father's dreams of success in an industrial setting. Uncle Sam paid for my life, for decades, and sent me through college twice, free of charge.

My brother wasn't so lucky. He played college and AAA baseball—he was one hell of a first baseman, but ended up going down young with a severe injury. Influenced by our grandfather's success in the steel mill, he attempted careers in a few factories but ended up a store manager for the Home Depot. Nothing wrong with that, other than the complete lack of respect the Depot has for his life and health . . . and future.

America is still full of opportunity, if one knows how to find it and doesn't waste too much time working his fingers raw into a years long dead end. That being said, the decline in the quality of blue collar work, illustrated all to well to me from my grandfather's American golden era down to my brother's, is also a tale of civilizational decline, perhaps unprecedented in the span of so few decades.

As for Americans selling out, there can hardly be a more soul draining national cult than that of the smart device, cellphone, social media platform and video game. Young Americans have no idea what has been stolen from them over the course of fifty years precisely because they are content (and addicted) with/to digital media in all forms. Give them a new video game franchise installment and a new season of their favorite shite TV show, and they are willing to bend their knees to any ideology or inroad into their freedom.

I wish I could muster your optimism in the modern American Man at large. Our COVID masters put us all in cages without the ringing echo of a single gunshot fired in opposition. In the same vein the presidential election was stolen from perhaps the most famous and infamous President in U.S. history, again, without a single echo of contesting gunfire.

No, I fear we Americans have become willing automatons; so many heads of obedient cattle willing to live out shortening lifespans in metal railed pens, awaiting slaughter with relish and unwilling to even lift our heads from grazing when THEY come to take a few of us away to the meat processing plant.

If any real patriots organize and resist, Biden/Xi's state authority stormtroopers will stamp them out while the state run media demonizes them as the most bloodthirsty terrorists in history. Theirs will be a legacy of cancellation and even their great grandchildren will be denied wholesome American lives due to sins of their ancestors. A handful of Americans saw this state of despairing affairs coming from a long way and many years out. Instead of taking action to counter the creep of evil they chose to worship gold and bury their heads in the sand. Now we who remain above ground get to reap this bitter American harvest.
The entire world is now under lockdown. Why is this important? It is important because in the history of the human race it has never happened before. Can the best historians point to a time in the 200,000 years of modern human presence, when a planetary edict went into effect outlawing the free interaction and movement of people worldwide? In 1947 a terrible epidemic of Poliomyelitis was sweeping parts of America attacking mostly children. Polio is an ancient virus. Most who are infected with it show mild symptoms, but a dangerous percentage develop nerve and spinal cord issues that can lead to paralysis or death.

Polio was effectively eradicated by a vaccine formulated by researcher Jonas Salk in the 1950’s but even while the disease was rampant, no central-authority lockdowns were ever imposed on the people. Politicians and high-profile citizens participated in campaigns to suggest that the people take precautions, but it never occurred to anyone in power to use public authority to force the people to wear masks or stay home. So why is that happening now?

What we do know from history is that several attempts to impose world bodies have cropped up in the human experience. Philosophers have dreamed of a world government for many centuries and the hive mind that supports the action has been gaining traction in recent decades. The League of Nations, the United Nations, etc. are examples of a one-world federated, global organization that has absolute power and is the final word on how all humans live on Earth.

Enslaving mammal minds to the insectoid plans of a tiny nucleus of global command is seen to be achievable through fear and what could be more frightening than a worldwide pandemic? Advances in science, immunology and genetic research now make it possible to foster a world event to hasten the onset of a world government and the people need to be wary of this possibility.

There appears to be a timetable for the advancement of a one-world government and that may explain the unprecedented conduct of US leadership in Washington after the election of a populist calling for the return of nationhood. The outright theft of a major election and the partnership of free media turned propaganda in the last free democracy on Earth is convincing evidence that centralized world government is on the march.

We must see what we see, not what we are told to see.

The planet wide synchronal response to COVID-19 should absolutely terrify every man, woman and child living on the face of the Earth. While I cannot say for certain, it would seem we are in the stalling, early stages of a mass extinction event perpetrated against our species by a handful of members of our own species. Such a thing would also be a first in global history. The dinosaurs certainly did not engineer their own demise, nor did the Neanderthal or the Dodo.

We all should be terrified of the 2020 pandemic response primarily because it has demonstrated the raw power of a few key individuals to effect drastic change of our daily lives with alarming ease. If They can force us all to wear masks to buy food, social distance—and in many cases forbid us from leaving our homes—then what else can They make us do? How many Americans died at the hands of medical professionals who improperly calibrated ventilators? How many perished from inability to seek medical treatment for common health issues since last February?

We should be terrified because the seemingly omnipotent hands of a few power mad men and women reached even into the remote areas of Alaska and the Amazon rainforest to enforce pandemic restrictions. Even in the places farthest from normal government reach the WEF and WHO and Chinese human monsters got to us, not unlike the Eye of Sauron seeing all, touching all with its icy midnight fingers.

What's next on Their agenda? What inhuman commands will next come down from the mouths of these so-called human gods? Could they order our governments—all world governments—to decimate their populations in order to reduce emissions or limit spread of the virus? Think about that for a moment? If the same people behind the global lockdowns ordered our government to kill one out of every ten of us could they really pull it off? What about one in five of us?

Nothing like the global lockdowns of 2020 has ever happened before in the few ten thousands of years of sentient human history. Like so many parcels of wheat we were harvested and bundled and rough handled by a few insanely powerful people we will never meet in person. In truth and hindsight we all should have violently resisted whilst we still had a chance.
In about five weeks I am going to be 74 years old. I was in the Steel Worker's Union for 20 years and I was a union representative for five of those years. I left to work in private industry in the mid 1980's because at 40-years-old climbing on steel was dangerous. It is a young man's job. It paid very well which financed schooling that gave me skills in the new industry and that resulted in lower pay to start with but higher pay eventually.

I get pensions from both ventures because that was standard for Boomers in those times. These kids today are getting ripped off by government in every which way but loose. The kids have no idea what has been stolen from them in the name of globalization. It is a sellout on a scale that is unprecedented. I do not blame the kids.

There is an undercurrent of contempt in this country that is unrecognized by leadership after that mock election. The whole world is watching to see what the American people do in the aftermath. I have a feeling they are going to a lesson in what happens when you steal from the people to enrich those in power.

I agree. My paternal grandfather, a paratrooper during WWII, worked a three-story forge for 40 years at a Baltimore steel mill. He retired with an excellent pension and grew his savings into a nearly million dollar nest egg. He is still famous around town and throughout our family for his answer, when asked by my then teenage father and uncle, why he refused to purchase new work boots he had taped and then taped again—"So I can afford to buy the both of you new shoes instead."

My father began his working life in a York, PA furniture factory in the early 70's. After eighteen years service, and attaining a high union wage for the time, that company folded up U.S. operations and moved to Canada. Lucky for him he had a lifelong obsession with history, which led him back to college and into a teaching degree. He spent the next thirty years teaching high school history for what amounted to peanuts and a barely livable pension. I often sink into melancholy over his admiration for his father and his belief he could be as successful in a factory job. The post WWII magic economic boom ended too quickly.

If not for the US Army, I likely would have gone economically obsolete a few years out of high school. Instead I left for boot camp at age seventeen and did twenty-nine years between active duty, the reserves and national guard. Along the way I picked up a bachelor's in civil engineering and a graduate degree, many years later, in political psychology. Uncle Sam was the equivalent representation of both my grandfather's decades of blue collar factory work and my father's dreams of success in an industrial setting. Uncle Sam paid for my life, for decades, and sent me through college twice, free of charge.

My brother wasn't so lucky. He played college and AAA baseball—he was one hell of a first baseman, but ended up going down young with a severe injury. Influenced by our grandfather's success in the steel mill, he attempted careers in a few factories but ended up a store manager for the Home Depot. Nothing wrong with that, other than the complete lack of respect the Depot has for his life and health . . . and future.

America is still full of opportunity, if one knows how to find it and doesn't waste too much time working his fingers raw into a years long dead end. That being said, the decline in the quality of blue collar work, illustrated all to well to me from my grandfather's American golden era down to my brother's, is also a tale of civilizational decline, perhaps unprecedented in the span of so few decades.

As for Americans selling out, there can hardly be a more soul draining national cult than that of the smart device, cellphone, social media platform and video game. Young Americans have no idea what has been stolen from them over the course of fifty years precisely because they are content (and addicted) with/to digital media in all forms. Give them a new video game franchise installment and a new season of their favorite shite TV show, and they are willing to bend their knees to any ideology or inroad into their freedom.

I wish I could muster your optimism in the modern American Man at large. Our COVID masters put us all in cages without the ringing echo of a single gunshot fired in opposition. In the same vein the presidential election was stolen from perhaps the most famous and infamous President in U.S. history, again, without a single echo of contesting gunfire.

No, I fear we Americans have become willing automatons; so many heads of obedient cattle willing to live out shortening lifespans in metal railed pens, awaiting slaughter with relish and unwilling to even lift our heads from grazing when THEY come to take a few of us away to the meat processing plant.

If any real patriots organize and resist, Biden/Xi's state authority stormtroopers will stamp them out while the state run media demonizes them as the most bloodthirsty terrorists in history. Theirs will be a legacy of cancellation and even their great grandchildren will be denied wholesome American lives due to sins of their ancestors. A handful of Americans saw this state of despairing affairs coming from a long way and many years out. Instead of taking action to counter the creep of evil they chose to worship gold and bury their heads in the sand. Now we who remain above ground get to reap this bitter American harvest.
I hear you loud and clear. What is going to happen when Christmas morning comes and all these people see the lump of coal they are going to get? Higher gas prices, higher taxes and disappearing industry. The Jimmy Carter days will return and the dream of home ownership will die. Wait for it.

Keep the faith. Things could turn on a dime when the people wake up. Technology is our friend too.

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