The XVI Amendment & The IRS


Sep 23, 2010
Considering the Internal Revenue Service’s conduct, how come nobody in CONGRESS, or the media, is talking about repealing the INCOME TAX AMENDMENT? Firing one or 100 people won’t change anything. The “fired” big shots will only end up with high-paying jobs in the private sector, or land in soft spots in the academy. The IRS will learn from its mistakes so they don’t get caught in the future.

The truth is this: Responsible members of Congress leading the charge to repeal the XVI Amendment is the best way to change this country for the better. Repealing the XVI Amendment dismantles the welfare state, drives the parasite class away from the public trough, and, most importantly, it forces the Socialist priesthood posing as Democrats to fund their religion out of their own pockets.
how come nobody in CONGRESS, or the media, is talking about repealing the INCOME TAX AMENDMENT?

Gee, I don't know.

Couldn't be because if we did that the entire government would collapse, could it?
how come nobody in CONGRESS, or the media, is talking about repealing the INCOME TAX AMENDMENT?

Gee, I don't know.

Couldn't be because if we did that the entire government would collapse, could it?

To editec: No it couldn’t. The Parasite class would collapse; the welfare state would collapse, the Democrat party would collapse, while the country would be better for it.

And what the hell is wrong with our traitorous federal government collapsing? Answer: Nothing —— unless you’re a parasite.

Your clever little rhetorical question attempting to spin the “NEVER RATIFIED” XVI Amendment into something necessary overlooks one thing. Most Americans are not parasites by nature or by choice. They would jump at the chance to work their way out of hard times for a few years so long as they see the benefit to themselves and their loved ones at the end of the struggle. Ultimately, there is no greater benefit to society than individuals keeping the money they work for. Throughout history, every government that taxed the people who do the work into perpetual poverty proves my case.

Just to make it clear for you, the eternal struggle for individual freedoms will forever be linked to taxation and real property Rights. Prior to the US Constitution, and the original Bill of Rights, every government there ever was used taxation to impoverish the people and destroy property Rights. Example: Titled noblemen in European monarchies were nothing more than tax collectors for the government. And, like all tax collectors, they kept a little for themselves. Implementing the XVI Amendment put America on the same course as the worst of European monarchies. Worse in that the tax collector’s morality is being forced on the American people.

NOTE: European monarchies forced one religion or another on the people just as Socialists are forcing their religion on all Americans. The only difference is: Ruling monarchs insisted that everybody believe in the flavor the month, while Socialists can live without taxpayers believing —— so long as they pay up.

Finally, I noticed that you defended the XVI Amendment, but did not defend the Socialist parasites in government who take money by force. Not a one of them has the guts to knock on a stranger’s door without their bodyguards helping to force an individual to handover half of their paycheck.

You responded with a rhetorical question; so I’ll close with one. Does disarming law-abiding Americans have anything to do with making taxation safe for democracy?
Rep. Mike Kelly gets a long standing O at the end of this video:

[ame=]Rep Mike Kelly Receives Standing Ovation BLASTING IRS on IRS Scandal - YouTube[/ame]​

Now, imagine the nationwide cheering had Rep. Kelly suggested repealing the XVI Amendment in order to rein in the IRS.
Your bought and paid for Congress can bloviate all they want but at the end of the day they know who their Lords and Masters are: Banks.

American Elections don't mean anything.
how come nobody in CONGRESS, or the media, is talking about repealing the INCOME TAX AMENDMENT?

Gee, I don't know.

Couldn't be because if we did that the entire government would collapse, could it?

To editec: No it couldn’t. The Parasite class would collapse; the welfare state would collapse, the Democrat party would collapse, while the country would be better for it.

So it is your belief that if every government failed society would be better off for it?

I doubt that despite the fact that I agree with you that there is far too much bad government in our lives.

But I was addressing the question about why government is not electing to stop taxing to pay itself.

the answer to that is obvious to you as it is to me -- because governments and the people who benefit from them do not want to give up the power and influence they enjoy.

And what the hell is wrong with our traitorous federal government collapsing? Answer: Nothing —— unless you’re a parasite.

So you don't worry about some other government stepping in to fill the void?

I do.

Your clever little rhetorical question attempting to spin the “NEVER RATIFIED” XVI Amendment into something necessary overlooks one thing.

I did not such thing, lad. You must be addressing somebody else.

Most Americans are not parasites by nature or by choice. They would jump at the chance to work their way out of hard times for a few years so long as they see the benefit to themselves and their loved ones at the end of the struggle.

We agree on the above, lad.

Ultimately, there is no greater benefit to society than individuals keeping the money they work for. Throughout history, every government that taxed the people who do the work into perpetual poverty proves my case.

Yeah, bad governments tend to tax their own people until they destroy themselves. I agree with that, too.

Just to make it clear for you, the eternal struggle for individual freedoms will forever be linked to taxation and real property Rights.

Again, I agree. Clearly you are now writing to a STRAW MAN, lad.

Prior to the US Constitution, and the original Bill of Rights, every government there ever was used taxation to impoverish the people and destroy property Rights.

Prior to the US Consititution (1789) there WAS NO BILL OF RIGHTS, lad. Time for you to hit the history books, again, eh?

Example: Titled noblemen in European monarchies were nothing more than tax collectors for the government. And, like all tax collectors, they kept a little for themselves.

Depends on what period and what nation you're talking about. You're generalizing something awful now.

Implementing the XVI Amendment put America on the same course as the worst of European monarchies. Worse in that the tax collector’s morality is being forced on the American people.

Yeah I get that you think all taxation is evil.

NOTE: European monarchies forced one religion or another on the people

Mostly true.

just as Socialists are forcing their religion on all Americans.

Mostly political tripe

The only difference is: Ruling monarchs insisted that everybody believe in the flavor the month, while Socialists can live without taxpayers believing —— so long as they pay up.

Every government known to man has devised one method or the other to wrest wealth from society, mate.
Finally, I noticed that you defended the XVI Amendment,

Clearly you "noticed" things that I never penned, lad. Again, try responding to what I actually WRITE, rather than imagining that you know what I must have meant.

I refuse to play your STRAW MAN, lad.
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Fact: the sixteenth amendment was ratified by 42 states.

Fact: according to Republican President WH Taft the overarching concept of the corporate income tax legalized by ratification of the sixteenth amendment is for...
... the privilege of doing business as an artificial entity and of freedom from a general partnership liability enjoyed by those who own the stock.
The original income tax was specifically intended to tax corporations and high earning people and to bypass people earning below middle income. The overwhelmingly Republican legislatures outside former confederate states that ratified the sixteenth amendment were clear they passed the tax on the basis it is fair for bloodless entities and wealthy folks to pay something for the opportunities and protections provided them by wage earners and government.

Sad, really, how easy it was for a B actor/New Dealer fronting for Wall Street financiers white trash America to sell white trash Murka on the legal malfeasance described as the "corporate person". Fooling white trash into believing he was competent for about five of his eight years - 1982-1986 - was the finest role the bobbleheaded old shill ever played.

Don Regan, Reagan's actual boss, had been CEO of Merrill Lynch. Regan led the drive to put investment offices in small town Murka. By the time Otis Chandler handed Reagan off to Regan like a mistress moving up, Regan realized that DESPITE THE 1978 401k law lack of credit limited opportunities for Wall Street to put a first class fucking on blue collar America. Regan led his bobbleheaded puppet to triple the US national debt fueling a fake "new economy" that was entirely Keynesian corporate welfare one still hears halfwits describing as "supply side" and a good thing while in the next breath criticizing "the Kenyan", Obama, for continuing ReagaNUTism unabated.

One hopes white trash America enjoys the fucking they gave themselves electing Reagan, defeating Pap Bush (the last rational Republican, Pap Bush began cutting military spending the day he took the oath and he understood Hussein paid America more in benefits than he cost in risk) and so electing Clinton, then in remorse electing Pap's halfwit boy, and last and most hilariously re electing the most provably failed president in US history thereby electing Obama.

That the rise of self-proclaimed patriotic white trash as a unified political force in the complete control of anti-American corporate malefactors led directly to the decline of the United States as a voice of reason in global affairs just tickles the hell out of me. Not because the global status of the US matters to me - it doesn't, but because local nutballs can't handle being challenged in public over their own debt-fueled madness and using "big government big borrower big spender Reagan" in public against locals here emphasizes both their stupidity and their incompetence. Like nutballs on the national level, they simply have no answers challenging the truth.
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Fact: the sixteenth amendment was ratified by 42 states.

To Dugdale_Jukes: I see your fact and raise you:

. . . 17,000 court certified documents that prove beyond any doubt that the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was never ratified.

Published: 11/18/2005 at 1:00 AM


Incidentally, do some research and you’ll find that the XVII Amendment was never ratified either. The year was 1913. Today’s conservatives fighting for limited government are fighting all of the garbage progressives dumped on the country in 1913; the worst year in America’s history.

As I said in previous threads, 1913 was the best year progressives ever had. It is their 1776. Nineteen thirteen also gave the country the Federal Reserve. And let’s not forget that Woodrow Wilson, the Left’s George Washington, took office in 1913.

Parasite ass.

Please answer the question posed in my signature. Thanks.

To LoneLaugher: Get some sleep instead of staying awake all night thinking up clever questions. If you have something to say —— say it.

Just for the record, you can answer your own question when you know that the parasite class encompasses everybody who is not necessary to the operation of limited government, yet they derive the majority of their incomes from tax dollars. Parasites can be Wall Street hustlers, university professors, government employees in a bloated bureaucracy, or in an unnecessary bureaucracy like the National Endowment for the Arts, and low income people whose income comes from the welfare state. The parasite class is large in number, but they are not yet the majority.

NOTE: Environmental scams are designed to give huge numbers of parasites tax dollar incomes. Ditto, the Affordable Care Act which will give millions tax dollar jobs to parasites. Airport screeners amount to a drop in the bucket when compared to what is coming.
Fact: the sixteenth amendment was ratified by 42 states.

To Dugdale_Jukes: I see your fact and raise you:

. . . 17,000 court certified documents that prove beyond any doubt that the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was never ratified.

Published: 11/18/2005 at 1:00 AM


Incidentally, do some research and you’ll find that the XVII Amendment was never ratified either. The year was 1913. Today’s conservatives fighting for limited government are fighting all of the garbage progressives dumped on the country in 1913; the worst year in America’s history.

As I said in previous threads, 1913 was the best year progressives ever had. It is their 1776. Nineteen thirteen also gave the country the Federal Reserve. And let’s not forget that Woodrow Wilson, the Left’s George Washington, took office in 1913.

Parasite ass.

Please answer the question posed in my signature. Thanks.

To LoneLaugher: Get some sleep instead of staying awake all night thinking up clever questions. If you have something to say —— say it.

Just for the record, you can answer your own question when you know that the parasite class encompasses everybody who is not necessary to the operation of limited government, yet they derive the majority of their incomes from tax dollars. Parasites can be Wall Street hustlers, university professors, government employees in a bloated bureaucracy, or in an unnecessary bureaucracy like the National Endowment for the Arts, and low income people whose income comes from the welfare state. The parasite class is large in number, but they are not yet the majority.

NOTE: Environmental scams are designed to give huge numbers of parasites tax dollar incomes. Ditto, the Affordable Care Act which will give millions tax dollar jobs to parasites. Airport screeners amount to a drop in the bucket when compared to what is coming.

Fact: the sixteenth amendment was ratified by 42 states.

To Dugdale_Jukes: I see your fact and raise you:

. . . 17,000 court certified documents that prove beyond any doubt that the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was never ratified.

Published: 11/18/2005 at 1:00 AM

Incidentally, do some research and you’ll find that the XVII Amendment was never ratified either. The year was 1913. Today’s conservatives fighting for limited government are fighting all of the garbage progressives dumped on the country in 1913; the worst year in America’s history.

As I said in previous threads, 1913 was the best year progressives ever had. It is their 1776. Nineteen thirteen also gave the country the Federal Reserve. And let’s not forget that Woodrow Wilson, the Left’s George Washington, took office in 1913.

Parasite ass.

Please answer the question posed in my signature. Thanks.

To LoneLaugher: Get some sleep instead of staying awake all night thinking up clever questions. If you have something to say —— say it.

Just for the record, you can answer your own question when you know that the parasite class encompasses everybody who is not necessary to the operation of limited government, yet they derive the majority of their incomes from tax dollars. Parasites can be Wall Street hustlers, university professors, government employees in a bloated bureaucracy, or in an unnecessary bureaucracy like the National Endowment for the Arts, and low income people whose income comes from the welfare state. The parasite class is large in number, but they are not yet the majority.

NOTE: Environmental scams are designed to give huge numbers of parasites tax dollar incomes. Ditto, the Affordable Care Act which will give millions tax dollar jobs to parasites. Airport screeners amount to a drop in the bucket when compared to what is coming.

Here is the only "checkmate" that matters:
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To LoneLaugher: Snappy retort. I’m devastated.

Here is the only "checkmate" that matters:

Dugdale_Jukes: Your link only proves that those who live off of the XVI Amendment have their “evidence.” Had you read the link I provided you would have seen this:

All the American people ever see or read is the propaganda spewed by the Department of Justice’s lackey U.S. attorneys is that the 16th Amendment was ratified, it is the basis for the IRS to collect taxes and any argument to the contrary is “frivolous.”

Right now my dear friend, Bill Benson, is involved in a major court battle with the feds. Despite his very serious health issues, this lion is not about to give up the fight. I encourage everyone to read it. What this lawsuit by the feds against Bill amounts to is the complete and total destruction of free speech. It is designed to crush the truth and the First Amendment using the full force of the federal machine. This lawsuit is to keep the truth Bill has uncovered away from the American people.

The non-ratified 16th Amendment says:

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Few people, especially those pushing alternative taxing schemes have little or no understanding of the importance of “apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.” It is because of those carefully crafted words that the shadow government was willing to risk the fraudulent announcement of the 16th Amendment. They needed this amendment passed because the Federal Reserve Act was to be passed later that year (1913) and the income tax was created solely to feed the central bank.

Basically, Americans in 1913 would not have ratified a tax on income any more than non-parasite Americans would ratify one today.

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