There appears to be a black man in the "Thank You President Trump" Commercial

I throw up in my mouth just a little every time I see this ad. :confused-84:

There is an ad—a masturbatory ad—that is one of the weirdest ego strokes of any presidency. It starts with a woman saying “Thank you” to President Donald Trump for basically being the greatest dictator to ever dictate. It would be laughable if the video, which I initially thought was satire, wasn’t serious. Watch it below:

The moment of shock and horror comes around the 14-second mark when, based on forensic study of hair kink and nose broadness, there appears to be a black man. I say “appears” because NBC sports announcer Mike Tirico doesn’t believe he’s black, so anything is possible.

If this is, in fact, a black man, then I’m unsure what he’s doing in a video thanking Trump for “making America great again.” I have so many questions.

Who is this man?

Whose mans is this?

I want so many things for this man.

I don’t want this man in this video; even if he’s a paid actor, I want him not to take this job. I want him to go back to when his spine was straight and stand up for something. I want him to be righteous. Doesn’t he realize that they are using him? Doesn’t he know that “making America great” is coded language for slave times?

The video was paid for by a nonprofit called “America First Policies,” which is made up of six of Trump’s former campaign aides to push the tyrant’s agenda.

I want to ask this nigga, “Who hurt you?”​


Hey nigga! Dr Love wants your nigga ass back on the plantation. Ascleps would most definately agree with Dr Love.
I throw up in my mouth just a little every time I see this ad. :confused-84:

There is an ad—a masturbatory ad—that is one of the weirdest ego strokes of any presidency. It starts with a woman saying “Thank you” to President Donald Trump for basically being the greatest dictator to ever dictate. It would be laughable if the video, which I initially thought was satire, wasn’t serious. Watch it below:

The moment of shock and horror comes around the 14-second mark when, based on forensic study of hair kink and nose broadness, there appears to be a black man. I say “appears” because NBC sports announcer Mike Tirico doesn’t believe he’s black, so anything is possible.

If this is, in fact, a black man, then I’m unsure what he’s doing in a video thanking Trump for “making America great again.” I have so many questions.

Who is this man?

Whose mans is this?

I want so many things for this man.

I don’t want this man in this video; even if he’s a paid actor, I want him not to take this job. I want him to go back to when his spine was straight and stand up for something. I want him to be righteous. Doesn’t he realize that they are using him? Doesn’t he know that “making America great” is coded language for slave times?

The video was paid for by a nonprofit called “America First Policies,” which is made up of six of Trump’s former campaign aides to push the tyrant’s agenda.

I want to ask this nigga, “Who hurt you?”​


Because Black people shouldn't be able to chose for themselves unless its democratic party dogma ain't that right massa.
I have a dear friend who made millions turning her resources into nursing homes during the Reign of Terror...

I am going to make millions turning my resources into new mental hospitals.
You really are strange.

I'm sure I seem that way to you. Because I am Christian, pro-American, anti-communist, anti-terrorist, conservative, non-depraved person who supports herself and doesn't buy into globalism....

Like I said. Go to France. Stay there.

Or stay in Cali, as far as that goes. Cali's doing great, isn't it?!
Christian? Christian? I'm a better Christian than you and I'm not even religious.

How could you gauge the standard, then, if not?
Because I agree with his teachings. I know Jesus did exist. I've been to Sunday school as a child. I've been baptised. But I am not technically a Christian and am not religious. Jesus did not teach hate and did not teach people to wish for the death of others simply because they were different or believed differently. KG spews vehement hatred and racism and wishes for the death of anyone she doesn't like.

"Jesus says if anyone claims to be right with God but doesn’t serve the poor, needy, oppressed, marginalized, sick, diseased, and sinful, then they do not have a relationship with God." KG hates all of those people and expresses it vehementaly and violently. I'm the opposite.

"Condemnation isn’t Jesus’ style.

I have not come to condemn the world, but to save it.” John 3:17 ESV

"...what’s funny is that as one examines the teachings and life of Jesus, we find him not only befriending, loving, and affirming some of his societies most despised and vile people, but chastising the religious leaders who condemned them for their sin."

Again, KG's focus is on hate and violent rhetoric against the people society puts down, and I am just the opposite. Jesus befriended, loved and affirmed the type of people KG despises and wishes dead.

KG is like this:

Killing All the Right People - Wikipedia

"As far as I'm concerned, this disease has one thing going for it: it's killing all the right people." Julia (Dixie Carter) angrily confronts Imogene over her belief that AIDS is God's punishment for homosexuality."

This kind of thinking is VERY un-Christian. Wishing for people to die because you don't like them. Jesus befriended, loved and affirmed the people KG wishes death to.

4 Teachings of Jesus That His Followers (Almost) Never Take Seriously | HuffPost
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I have a dear friend who made millions turning her resources into nursing homes during the Reign of Terror...

I am going to make millions turning my resources into new mental hospitals.
You really are strange.

I'm sure I seem that way to you. Because I am Christian, pro-American, anti-communist, anti-terrorist, conservative, non-depraved person who supports herself and doesn't buy into globalism....

Like I said. Go to France. Stay there.

Or stay in Cali, as far as that goes. Cali's doing great, isn't it?!
Christian? Christian? I'm a better Christian than you and I'm not even religious.

How could you gauge the standard, then, if not?
Because I agree with his teachings. I know Jesus did exist. I've been to Sunday school as a child. I've been baptised. But I am not technically a Christian and am not religious. Jesus did not teach hate and did not teach people to wish for the death of others simply because they were different or believed differently. KG spews vehement hatred and racism and wishes for the death of anyone she doesn't like.

"Jesus says if anyone claims to be right with God but doesn’t serve the poor, needy, oppressed, marginalized, sick, diseased, and sinful, then they do not have a relationship with God." KG hates all of those people and expresses it vehementaly and violently. I'm the opposite.

"Condemnation isn’t Jesus’ style.

I have not come to condemn the world, but to save it.” John 3:17 ESV

"...what’s funny is that as one examines the teachings and life of Jesus, we find him not only befriending, loving, and affirming some of his societies most despised and vile people, but chastising the religious leaders who condemned them for their sin."

Again, KG's focus is on hate and violent rhetoric against the people society puts down, and I am just the opposite. Jesus befriended, loved and affirmed the type of people KG despises and wishes dead.

KG is like this:

Killing All the Right People - Wikipedia

"As far as I'm concerned, this disease has one thing going for it: it's killing all the right people." Julia (Dixie Carter) angrily confronts Imogene over her belief that AIDS is God's punishment for homosexuality."

This kind of thinking is VERY un-Christian. Wishing for people to die because you don't like them. Jesus befriended, loved and affirmed the people KG wishes death to.

4 Teachings of Jesus That His Followers (Almost) Never Take Seriously | HuffPost

Al-righty then, point made. HuffPo post as a source is kinda dicey, but all in all, decent post! :2up:
You really are strange.

I'm sure I seem that way to you. Because I am Christian, pro-American, anti-communist, anti-terrorist, conservative, non-depraved person who supports herself and doesn't buy into globalism....

Like I said. Go to France. Stay there.

Or stay in Cali, as far as that goes. Cali's doing great, isn't it?!
Christian? Christian? I'm a better Christian than you and I'm not even religious.

How could you gauge the standard, then, if not?
Because I agree with his teachings. I know Jesus did exist. I've been to Sunday school as a child. I've been baptised. But I am not technically a Christian and am not religious. Jesus did not teach hate and did not teach people to wish for the death of others simply because they were different or believed differently. KG spews vehement hatred and racism and wishes for the death of anyone she doesn't like.

"Jesus says if anyone claims to be right with God but doesn’t serve the poor, needy, oppressed, marginalized, sick, diseased, and sinful, then they do not have a relationship with God." KG hates all of those people and expresses it vehementaly and violently. I'm the opposite.

"Condemnation isn’t Jesus’ style.

I have not come to condemn the world, but to save it.” John 3:17 ESV

"...what’s funny is that as one examines the teachings and life of Jesus, we find him not only befriending, loving, and affirming some of his societies most despised and vile people, but chastising the religious leaders who condemned them for their sin."

Again, KG's focus is on hate and violent rhetoric against the people society puts down, and I am just the opposite. Jesus befriended, loved and affirmed the type of people KG despises and wishes dead.

KG is like this:

Killing All the Right People - Wikipedia

"As far as I'm concerned, this disease has one thing going for it: it's killing all the right people." Julia (Dixie Carter) angrily confronts Imogene over her belief that AIDS is God's punishment for homosexuality."

This kind of thinking is VERY un-Christian. Wishing for people to die because you don't like them. Jesus befriended, loved and affirmed the people KG wishes death to.

4 Teachings of Jesus That His Followers (Almost) Never Take Seriously | HuffPost

Al-righty then, point made. HuffPo post as a source is kinda dicey, but all in all, decent post! :2up:
:eek: I'm in shock. Thank you.
How do you know it's a black man? What if he/she/it/they racially identifies as an orc? Also, how do you know it's a man? Bigot.
I'm sure I seem that way to you. Because I am Christian, pro-American, anti-communist, anti-terrorist, conservative, non-depraved person who supports herself and doesn't buy into globalism....

Like I said. Go to France. Stay there.

Or stay in Cali, as far as that goes. Cali's doing great, isn't it?!
Christian? Christian? I'm a better Christian than you and I'm not even religious.

How could you gauge the standard, then, if not?
Because I agree with his teachings. I know Jesus did exist. I've been to Sunday school as a child. I've been baptised. But I am not technically a Christian and am not religious. Jesus did not teach hate and did not teach people to wish for the death of others simply because they were different or believed differently. KG spews vehement hatred and racism and wishes for the death of anyone she doesn't like.

"Jesus says if anyone claims to be right with God but doesn’t serve the poor, needy, oppressed, marginalized, sick, diseased, and sinful, then they do not have a relationship with God." KG hates all of those people and expresses it vehementaly and violently. I'm the opposite.

"Condemnation isn’t Jesus’ style.

I have not come to condemn the world, but to save it.” John 3:17 ESV

"...what’s funny is that as one examines the teachings and life of Jesus, we find him not only befriending, loving, and affirming some of his societies most despised and vile people, but chastising the religious leaders who condemned them for their sin."

Again, KG's focus is on hate and violent rhetoric against the people society puts down, and I am just the opposite. Jesus befriended, loved and affirmed the type of people KG despises and wishes dead.

KG is like this:

Killing All the Right People - Wikipedia

"As far as I'm concerned, this disease has one thing going for it: it's killing all the right people." Julia (Dixie Carter) angrily confronts Imogene over her belief that AIDS is God's punishment for homosexuality."

This kind of thinking is VERY un-Christian. Wishing for people to die because you don't like them. Jesus befriended, loved and affirmed the people KG wishes death to.

4 Teachings of Jesus That His Followers (Almost) Never Take Seriously | HuffPost

Al-righty then, point made. HuffPo post as a source is kinda dicey, but all in all, decent post! :2up:
:eek: I'm in shock. Thank you.

I call it like I see it. :funnyface:
Because Black people shouldn't be able to chose for themselves unless its democratic party dogma ain't that right massa.

Study history - the "massa" at present is the current administration. Beauregard Sessions is piece by piece/ block by block taking us back to the 1950s. Repeal and Replace The Civil Rights Act baybee!! And not wanting those darkies to vote - Republicans wear the blinders. Sad
Because Black people shouldn't be able to chose for themselves unless its democratic party dogma ain't that right massa.

Study history - the "massa" at present is the current administration. Beauregard Sessions is piece by piece/ block by block taking us back to the 1950s. Repeal and Replace The Civil Rights Act baybee!! And not wanting those darkies to vote - Republicans wear the blinders. Sad

Nothing in your post is not insane.
Nothing in your post is not insane.

And nothing in your response in any manner addresses my post

I addressed everything in your post. It was all batshit crazy to the point that more direct and specific response was not really called for.

Would you like to pick the most crazy piece of your post? And I will try to address that one.

IF you can post one piece of crazy and not rant a Shotgun Logical Fallacy.


NOw, try.

Nothing in your post is not insane.
And nothing in your response in any manner addresses my post
I addressed everything in your post. It was all batshit crazy to the point that more direct and specific response was not really called for.
Would you like to pick the most crazy piece of your post? And I will try to address that one.
IF you can post one piece of crazy and not rant a Shotgun Logical Fallacy.
NOw, try.

There was nothing crazy in my post DoubleSpaceBoy. You'll have to pick a point to argue.
Good luck
*Insert Final Jeopardy music here*

Because Black people shouldn't be able to chose for themselves unless its democratic party dogma ain't that right massa.

Study history - the "massa" at present is the current administration. Beauregard Sessions is piece by piece/ block by block taking us back to the 1950s. Repeal and Replace The Civil Rights Act baybee!! And not wanting those darkies to vote - Republicans wear the blinders. Sad
Please inform us which Civil Rights laws are being repealed.
Trump supporters voted overwhelmingly in a poll, that they're 100% behind the president. These people, mostly old white trash cans from all over the country, are a lost lot and if the democrats are wise, they will leave these people to their own demise and focus on those who worry about this country, care about this country and want change. It makes my stomach crawl, the shit this white bitch is allowed to get away with. NUMBER ONE REASON, SO MUCH BAD SHIT KEEPS HAPPENING IN THIS COUNTRY.....GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY, HE DON'T LIKE STUPID FUCKIN WHITE PEOPLE AND HE DEFINATELY DON'T LIKE TRUMP!!
Trump supporters voted overwhelmingly in a poll, that they're 100% behind the president. These people, mostly old white trash cans from all over the country, are a lost lot and if the democrats are wise, they will leave these people to their own demise and focus on those who worry about this country, care about this country and want change. It makes my stomach crawl, the shit this white bitch is allowed to get away with. NUMBER ONE REASON, SO MUCH BAD SHIT KEEPS HAPPENING IN THIS COUNTRY.....GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY, HE DON'T LIKE STUPID FUCKIN WHITE PEOPLE AND HE DEFINATELY DON'T LIKE TRUMP!!
Black Americans are liking The Don, against the wishes of their handlers. Bigger police presence in the hood and jobs, baby. Turns out they really do want to take care of their families.

For the love of God, WTF are you yammering about?

If you're this triggered over an ad now..the next few years are going to be very painful and slow for you.
One time I when I was in China, I was at a week long event where every morning we had to, were required to, sit through three hours of propaganda telling us how wonderful the organization was and especially how wonderful was the leader of that organization.

If we are going to have this type of advertisement pushed on us regularly for the next 3 years, it is the same thing. Does Trump think the American public is too dumb to figure out for themselves whether or not he is doing a good job? And does he think vomiting propaganda on us on a regular basis is really going to change how anyone thinks about him? Well, it actually could....I suspect this propaganda campaign will backfire. Yep.

Difference is, you can ignore this, unless of course you're not capable of using the off button.
Nothing in your post is not insane.
And nothing in your response in any manner addresses my post
I addressed everything in your post. It was all batshit crazy to the point that more direct and specific response was not really called for.
Would you like to pick the most crazy piece of your post? And I will try to address that one.
IF you can post one piece of crazy and not rant a Shotgun Logical Fallacy.
NOw, try.

There was nothing crazy in my post DoubleSpaceBoy. You'll have to pick a point to argue.
Good luck
*Insert Final Jeopardy music here*

Fine, you had your chance.

This piece of shit.

"the "massa" at present is the current administration. "

It is absurd race baiting bullshit to say that President Trump's administration is in any way "owns" black Americans.

Black Americans are free citizens, responsible for their own feeding and housing and get paid for work they do.

Your claim otherwise, is you being an ass.
Well, it wasn't 3 hours of what are you complaining for?

True, if one is looking for that - try Trump Tube!

Pres. Trump live stream & on demand video events, rallies; Spicer press briefings

I love how lefties always resent it when the normal guy can actually see stuff for themselves.

It speaks to an ideology that functions in dark corners.

The major problem with the lefties..wait, I think I'll just keep that to myself. :D

No sense in letting them know why everybody sees through the bullshit, let them keep on the same path.

Don't worry, I don't think their ego allows them to see where they've gone off the path and how to get back on it.

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