There are only two ways a criminal assassin can get a gun. First is by buying one from an illegal alien who also sells drugs, the other way......


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
TRAVIS CLARDY: We have a porous southern border, have had since the entirety of the war on drugs. The men, material, drugs and guns can flow into this country in any number of ways.

The other way is when a criminal felon like Rouch goes into a gun store and fills out an application, when he lies on his background check, and then the ATF&E agent on the phone clears Rouch to purchase the weapon, that is the only way someone mentally ill like Rouch can get the AK-47 style weapon. I think Merrick Garland who knew Rouch was a bad guy, wanted Rouch to murder President Trump, because Merrick Garland knows that Kamala Harris will lose this election and all the Democrats who have colluded the biggest fraud on the United States are going to be made to pay....

Every shooting from school children to assassination attempts was known by the FBI, an agency like this has failed over and over. It is time to defund this corrupt organization and let the states do their own investigations.

The other way is when a criminal felon like Rouch goes into a gun store and fills out an application, when he lies on his background check, and then the ATF&E agent on the phone clears Rouch to purchase the weapon, that is the only way someone mentally ill like Rouch can get the AK-47 style weapon. I think Merrick Garland who knew Rouch was a bad guy, wanted Rouch to murder President Trump, because Merrick Garland knows that Kamala Harris will lose this election and all the Democrats who have colluded the biggest fraud on the United States are going to be made to pay....

Every shooting from school children to assassination attempts was known by the FBI, an agency like this has failed over and over. It is time to defund this corrupt organization and let the states do their own investigations.

You think "There are only two ways a criminal assassin can get a gun. First is by buying one from an illegal alien who also sells drugs"?
You are more naive than I thought. I suspect we have plenty of home-grown entrepreneurs on the streets selling guns, that were born and raised, right here. Never put it past your countrymen to make a dishonest buck, anyway the can.
You think "There are only two ways a criminal assassin can get a gun. First is by buying one from an illegal alien who also sells drugs"?
You are more naive than I thought. I suspect we have plenty of home-grown entrepreneurs on the streets selling guns, that were born and raised, right here. Never put it past your countrymen to make a dishonest buck, anyway the can.
So the countryman who checks the mark where he says "I am the legal purchaser of the firearm", is lying to the ATF and dealer?

The other way is when a criminal felon like Rouch goes into a gun store and fills out an application, when he lies on his background check, and then the ATF&E agent on the phone clears Rouch to purchase the weapon, that is the only way someone mentally ill like Rouch can get the AK-47 style weapon. I think Merrick Garland who knew Rouch was a bad guy, wanted Rouch to murder President Trump, because Merrick Garland knows that Kamala Harris will lose this election and all the Democrats who have colluded the biggest fraud on the United States are going to be made to pay....

Every shooting from school children to assassination attempts was known by the FBI, an agency like this has failed over and over. It is time to defund this corrupt organization and let the states do their own investigations.

Or they can any two gangsta put down money to the damn thing. There pawn shops that carry fire arms.

The other way is when a criminal felon like Rouch goes into a gun store and fills out an application, when he lies on his background check, and then the ATF&E agent on the phone clears Rouch to purchase the weapon, that is the only way someone mentally ill like Rouch can get the AK-47 style weapon. I think Merrick Garland who knew Rouch was a bad guy, wanted Rouch to murder President Trump, because Merrick Garland knows that Kamala Harris will lose this election and all the Democrats who have colluded the biggest fraud on the United States are going to be made to pay....

Every shooting from school children to assassination attempts was known by the FBI, an agency like this has failed over and over. It is time to defund this corrupt organization and let the states do their own investigations.

Of they can go to any gun show in the nation and exercise the gun show loophole as has been proven time and again.
Of they can go to any gun show in the nation and exercise the gun show loophole as has been proven time and again.
Not just any in the nation, but some and at most there are trades that take place in parking lots. I think the gun show loophole itself is highly overblown.

The other way is when a criminal felon like Rouch goes into a gun store and fills out an application, when he lies on his background check, and then the ATF&E agent on the phone clears Rouch to purchase the weapon, that is the only way someone mentally ill like Rouch can get the AK-47 style weapon. I think Merrick Garland who knew Rouch was a bad guy, wanted Rouch to murder President Trump, because Merrick Garland knows that Kamala Harris will lose this election and all the Democrats who have colluded the biggest fraud on the United States are going to be made to pay....

Every shooting from school children to assassination attempts was known by the FBI, an agency like this has failed over and over. It is time to defund this corrupt organization and let the states do their own investigations.

or maybe he walks into the gun show and puts up a few hundred bucks?

maybe his girl griend buys it?

maybe it is issued by his militia buddies?

id "immigrants" are involved please provide a shred of evidence.

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