There's all kinds of things Trump can do to Mexico if it doesn't pay for the wall


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The biggest blow to Mexico would be to interfere with Mexicans in the United States ability to wire money to their relatives in Mexico. This represents countless billions of dollars, sucked out of the American economy and poured into Mexico. Without this money, the Mexican economy might quickly collapse.

If Mexico refuses to pay for the wall, Trump can slap a huge tax on all money wired to Mexicans.
Another thing Trump can do is pull out of the NAFTA treaty. Mexico would do almost anything to preserve NAFTA, which keeps millions of its citizens employed.
The biggest blow to Mexico would be to interfere with Mexicans in the United States ability to wire money to their relatives in Mexico. This represents countless billions of dollars, sucked out of the American economy and poured into Mexico. Without this money, the Mexican economy might quickly collapse.

If Mexico refuses to pay for the wall, Trump can slap a huge tax on all money wired to Mexicans.
Exactly. Tax those remittances.
Take land
Not a bad idea. Since all the Mexicans are coming here to make a better life for themselves, why not invade Mexico, make it the 51st state, and give ALL Mexicans a better life?

OR we could send back the Mexicans who are here illegally, and tell them to make a better life for themselves in their own country.
Take away their foreign aid from the US.
In 2013, we gave them 600 million dollars. A few years of using that for the wall, and if the raise a stink, it will be permanently erased.
Just like Abbas is going to give Bibi a check for the walls. I so doubt it. He lied, lied, lied and then lied some more and you think he is telling you the truth now. Too funny. He said Hillary is a good person, so you will wait forever, Jesus will come back before he jails her, and his tax returns, you will never see.
Just like Abbas is going to give Bibi a check for the walls. I so doubt it. He lied, lied, lied and then lied some more and you think he is telling you the truth now. Too funny. He said Hillary is a good person, so you will wait forever, Jesus will come back before he jails her, and his tax returns, you will never see.
I am amused at the way you condemn a person on "what you think he will or will not do!" We have a history with Obama. We know he is a lying bastard.
It's hilarious how Democrats are saying Trump has broken campaign promises when he isn't even President yet!
The force of the Trump derangement syndrome runs deep. I look forward to an entertaining eight years of leftists and their radical cohorts eating their soiled underwear everytime Trump says something.

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