There's Now a Masturbation Booth in NYC Made for Men to Relieve Stress During the Workday


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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 10, 2008
Old New York was lit for pervs once upon a time. Times Square—or as the locals called it, 40-Deuce—used to be their Disneyland littered with 25 cent peep shows, sex shops, adult theaters, and prostitutes. London-based sex toy company Hot Octopuss is trying to restore that feeling. The makers of the revolutionary "Guybrator" have put a male stress relief booth in Manhattan.
The 'GuyFi' can be found on 28th street and 5th avenue, complete with a chair, laptop, and curtain so you can yank the ole one-eyed, purple-headed yogurt slinger in peace like the good Lord intended. So what's the point of this social experiment?

There's Now a Masturbation Booth in NYC Made for Men to Relieve Stress During the Workday

This has to be one of the most disgusting things I have read in a long time. Well, someone linked me to it.
Sorry if it has been posted.
Actually I know of some that would probably use it. :puke::puke:

Surely this is not it?
Can you believe that?

There is a video at the link. I guess it is true. WTH??
i will take the other side....i would rather they be there...than on the subway or in the doorway exposing themselves or jacking least here they are isolated
Can you believe that?

There is a video at the link. I guess it is true. WTH??

A place where your Tennis shoes stick to the floor. I just betcha theres a glory hole in one of the walls

ewwwwww well yeah :lol:
i wonder if women can use the one who has been exposed to a man masterbating in public......its just not a good sight
How many blow and hand jobs will this provide? Think of the local economy. lol
:lol: Don't go making me laugh at this. It is too nasty!!
I wouldn't doubt it. But, why is it allowed on the streets is what I wonder.
Can't help but wonder what they do with the stuff, and who the heck has to clean it up. Okay...I am really gonna puke at that thought.
I briefly looked at the link. It has a cloth door. Like a photo booth. Cloth???? Just...EWWW. People will hear the spanking and groaning. That is just sick. On a public street? And new yorkers are ok with this? The mayor? Really?
:lol: Stop making me laugh!!

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