These Democrats Don't Care About National Security. They Want More Syrian Refugees Now

Their defense will be, "you're a racist" if you don't let them bring in to the US hundreds of thousands of Syrians

That seems to be the answer to everything Democrats do that is literally insane.

New members added to Senate Jihad Caucus as legislators tell Obama to speed up screening of Syrians
Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 14, 2015

13 Senators and 71 Members of Congress sent a letter to President Obama on Friday urging the administration to hurry-up with the “screening” process for Syrian refugees and get them here more quickly.

Previously we told you about the Senate Jihad Caucus which called for MORE Syrians to be admitted to the US. Looks like we have more Senators to add to the Caucus.

(97% of the Syrians admitted so far are Muslims chosen by the UN.)

Nine of the 23 Members of the Senate Jihad Caucus are Democrat women including Senators Murray, Warren, Feinstein and Mikulski.

This effort was spearheaded by Senator Richard Blumenthal who, as we pointed out here, appears to be in the thrall of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

From the Independent Journal:

Last week, 84 Democratic lawmakers sent a letter to the departments of State and Homeland Security urging them to expedite the security clearing process for Syrian refugees coming to the United States.

The letter, sent Friday, followed only one day after the heads of the FBI and National Counterterrorism Center warned in a Senate hearing that the intelligence community lacks enough information to ensure Syrian refugees pose no danger to the United States.

The signatories — 13 Senators and 71 Representatives — are all Democrats.

Go here and see if your Senators and Member of Congress are on the list of members who signed a letter disregarding American security to advance their own agenda.

Jihad Caucus now numbers 23 (9 women)!
Here (below) are the original members of the Senate Jihad Caucus (in red are those who are original members and who also signed this newest appeal to Obama).

Dick Durbin (D-IL)

Al Franken (D-MN)

Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)

Patrick Leahy (D-VT)

Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

Patty Murray (D-WA)

Robert Menendez (D-NJ)

Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)

Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)

Christopher Coons (D-DE) LOL! Delaware hasn’t taken a refugee in a couple of years!

Tim Kaine (D-VA)

Edward Markey (D-MA)

Sherrod Brown (D-OH)

Mazie Hirono (D-HI) LOL! Last I looked Hawaii took a whole 7 refugees last year!

In addition to the 4 in red (who signed both letters), the Senators, who are now saying ‘we don’t care what the FBI says,‘ and thus joined the Jihad Caucus on Friday are as follows:

Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)

Jeffrey Merkley (D-OR)

Christopher Murphy (D-CT)

Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)

Gary Peters (D-MI)

Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)

Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)

Cory Booker (D-NJ)

Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

I know you think it’s a waste to contact them, but do it anyway! They need to know you are watching—that this is not a freebie! Tell them how dare they jeopardize our security!

New members added to Senate Jihad Caucus as legislators tell Obama to speed up screening of Syrians

The globalist elitists are inundating all of the western nations with these ""refugees"". It's almost as if they were trying to defeat western non-Islamic nations from within.
Democrats....and their gay agenda....are willing to sell us out to stay in power. They don't give a flying fuck the damage they're causing to this country.
October 16, 2015
Find out what's going on in your community with 'refugee resettlement'
By Carol Brown

Muslim invaders are arriving in cities and towns across America, with many more to come. Perhaps you’ve seen your town transformed. If not, you soon may. It’s call “refugee resettlement” which is code for transplanting entire communities from hellholes in the Middle East to once beautiful towns and neighborhoods across America.

There are many things we all need to know to ward off this systematic destruction of our communities, and indeed our country. Below you will find vital information, including ways to take action. First I will explain some of the factors that impact how invaders wind up where they do.

Preferred Communities Program (PCP): This program targets small towns and rural areas for refugee resettlement. The rationalization is that these settings are best suited to attend to the myriad needs of refugees as compared to large cities, and that smaller communities are more welcoming to refugees. PCP collaborates with the Office of Refugee Resettlement and partner agencies to identify communities they deem most ideal for refugee resettlement. Here’s the deal: Small towns and rural communities often have easy access to public assistance programs. That’s it. It’s all about where to get free money and services. (That’s how you wind up with pockets of Somalis in places like Wyoming.) Meanwhile, conservative areas of the country are being targeted, helping to turn red states to blue. For additional information on PCP, including lists of designated “preferred communities,” see here and here.

Welcoming Communities: These communities fall under the umbrella of “Welcoming America,” an organization devoted to refugee support. See their mission statement: “Welcoming America inspires people to build a different kind of community– one that embraces immigrants and fosters opportunity for all. We are leading a movement of inclusive communities across the nation becoming more prosperous by making everyone who lives there feel like they belong.” The vision for this organization is about importing increasing numbers of migrants under the banner of diversity, inclusion, and prosperity -- a trio of politically correct buzzwords that appeal to the brainwashed masses. The “different kind of community” to which they refer is part of the fundamental transformation. (As I wrote about in a recent blog, Boise, Idaho, is a “welcoming community.”) Articles: Find out what's going on in your community with 'refugee resettlement'
Maps and Contact Lists

This is a list of members of Congress who are pressuring Obama to speed up screening of Syrian refugees so they can be imported more quickly.

This is where you can find information about elected officials and businessmen who support the Partnership for a New American Economy (an organization that peddles the idea that immigration helps our economy).

This is information about legislation proposed by Congressman Brian Babin (TX-R) to suspend Obama’s plan to import hundreds of thousands of Muslim invaders. (For more information see here, here, and here.)

This is a list of refugee resettlement contacts by state. It is a resource to find out what’s going on in your state, including plans for admitting more refugees. (The list is from 2014, so it is not absolutely current.)
This is a list of charities that are integrally involved in refugee resettlement by state. (Additional lists can be found here and here.)

This is a list of “preferred communities.”

This map shows the locations of “welcoming communities.”

This map shows where there are concentrations of programs and services for refugees.

These maps show states with high concentrations of refugees, high concentrations of mosques, and hot spots for terror activity. (And of course it all correlates.)​
These Democrats Don't Care About National Security. They Want More Syrian Refugees

The real victims of the global jihad are the Christians and religious minorities. They are not being offered refuge or asylum here in the U.S., or are held up by unspecified red tape. Obama is not bringing in persecuted Christians (“Christians, what Christians?”), Jews, Bahais, etc.; instead, he is bringing in hundreds of thousands of Muslims. The only refugees we should be resettling from the war-torn Middle East are those Christians and others who have been driven out of their homes by Islamic jihadists, or managed to escape before they were enslaved or massacred. Instead, the United States stands by while they are ethnically cleansed from their ancient homelands.

And what most folks don’t know is, it’s the Organization of Islamic Cooperation-driven United Nations that decides who gets refugee status. The mandate of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees determines which of the world’s “huddled masses” comes to the U.S. as humanitarian refugees.

Refugee resettlement is a euphemism for importing whole Muslim communities, importing jihad. Under the Refugee Resettlement Programs, Muslim communities in their entirety are imported into the United States from jihad nations. I have long documented the targeting of gateway cities (smaller cities) that are overwhelmed with Muslim refugee immigration from countries like Somalia – cities like Emporia, Kansas; Nashville; Greeley and Fort Morgan, Colorado; Lewiston, Maine, et al.

These programs are disastrous to the gateway cities designated for settlement. The sudden influx of refugees causes a drain on city resources that then leads these refugees to move elsewhere and create a drain on new communities, as shown in these reports. Obama has already imported hundreds of thousands of these “refugees,” and many, many more are coming.

The only thing more dangerous than the jihadists in our midst are their patrons and benefactors.

WND reported that “the refugee resettlement industry, which includes legions of immigrant rights advocates, lawyers and community organizing groups funded by George Soros, the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, among others, churned out a document in 2013 on how to deal with so-called ‘pockets of resistance.’ The document, authored by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of the nine government contractors doing resettlement work, advised refugee advocates to research the backgrounds of local people who oppose resettlements and turn them over to the Southern Poverty Law Center for public shaming as ‘racists’ and ‘anti-Muslim’ bigots.”

This is further proof that the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC, is nothing more than a smear machine designed to destroy the forces of good. These are the tactics of totalitarians and supremacists. And this is who the media turns to for comment on the work of my colleagues and me. There is not one mainstream media outlet that does not quote the SPLC libels when reporting on my work.

Freedom-loving Americans must understand that this is what every one of us, the individual, is up against: a billion-dollar machine of destruction and hate. Churchill said of Islam: “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” And I would add one thing.No stronger retrograde force exists in the America today than the left.

The Democrats have made refugee resettlement a lucrative business for agencies like Church World Service, Ethiopian Community Development Council, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and World Relief Corporation. These voluntary agencies are paid by the State Department to place refugees in American cities and towns – and they get $12 to $20 billion every year to do it.

Ironic how most of these agencies represent religions that are being persecuted and slaughtered by these very Muslim communities.

- See more at: Pamela Geller, WND: Stop Obama’s flood of Muslim ‘refugees’ | Pamela Geller
You have to understand, with so many Democrats booted out of congress, bitch slapped by voters, those few left really have nothing better to do.
You have to understand, with so many Democrats booted out of congress, bitch slapped by voters, those few left really have nothing better to do.
That's a great reason to bring in a quarter of a million Islamic radicals....possible terrorists....
Your ideology sucks and you can't convince anyone to vote for you anymore. Not anyone with any common-sense or love for the nation you were born and raised in.
Why not bring in hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists to shoot up recruiting stations, or to set off bombs at the finish-line of marathons....

Perhaps the Democrats want more Boston bombings.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were refugees from brutal Chechen conflict
I notice that the libs are practically boycotting this thread....because they know their position is weak as hell on it.
A number of those "legislators" happen to be jewish, it appears....
How many syrian refugees is israel taking in?

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