They are enemies of civilization!

It's not "school to prison"

It;s school to crime to prison.
Definitely should not be suspended until they have killed at least a teacher - or perhaps better, from the liberal perspective, a classmate. Or perhaps that's too harsh and the permissible count oughta be a little higher?
The School-to-Prison Pipeline Time to Shut it Down - NEA Today

They want a slave class! Screw these people who created such a system!

Yeah .. ... ... 75% of black children are born to a single parent who missed the memo that sperm catching exercises at the club aren't exactly a better choice than working your way off food stamps, finding an honest hard working husband, and getting married before thinking of having children. And were going to blame the schools for their behavior? The children's behavior are a reflection of their parents. The way they walk, the way they talk, the way they dress, the way they handle conflict, and their value systems are all reflections of how they're raised. And you're going to let the National Education Association explain to us that by giving them more money we can change their culture? Get a life.
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