Desperate Idiots to Campaign Against SCOTUS

I disagree. It absolutely will connect because now there is no guarantee it will remain legal, remain a “states rights” case and that there will not be some sort of national ban applied. Even many of those who fraudulently advocated for the overturn of Roe on state’s rights, are now eying means to make a ban effectively if not literally national. We aren’t stupid.

My perception is that you can count on the Court to strike down a national ban.

If they don't I would be very disappointed.
We haven't had a SCOTUS for many decades now OP, what he have instead is the defense lawyers for the Rightwing organization "The Heritage Foundation."

Money well spent for Republicans. Kudos to you!


Total garbage. Their reversal of Roe was the absolute correct decision and you don't hear me whinning about states making it legal. I think abortion is wrong and that is what I teach my family. But I don't get all caught up in trying to enforce that in a court.

Burger & Co were wrong to take on Roe and their decison was a SPOS.

The current court corrected that and now STATES are getting to decide. A national ban will never fly.

BTW: Why haven't you guys started a movement for a constitutional amendment. This has always puzzled me. Seems to me that if you think it is right, you'd codify (as should be done) through he amendment process.

Not Willaim Douglas pulling penumbra covered rights out of his ass.

Finally: I noticed you jumped right into a bullring fight. You do know that only the debaters are supposed to post there...right ? Do you not read rules are you to arrogant to follow them ?
Sure we can.

The economy blew chunk unders Trump. The economy blows chunks under every Republican.

The economy kicks butt under Biden. The economy kicks butt under every Democrat.

O.K. Please do.

Looking forward to that one.

BTW: Let me say thank you in advance for handing us the sword we will use to cut your balls off with.
Sure we can.

Republicans explode deficits.

Democrats cut deficits.

That is beyond stupid (even for you....which means it's pretty stupid and shows you don't mind lying (but we knew that )).

Biden is on track for a 3 trilliion dollar deficit and has far out spent Trump. Trump was better than both Obama and Biden (and spare me the average....anyone with a brain (which does not include you) knows that the year of COVID was a one-off). Trump run up a 3 trillion deficit that year. What did I say Biden would do this year...oh yeah (your great economy) and he's still going to match Trump at his worst year. Trump was under 1 Trillion every year other wise. Biden hasn't come close on that one.

So keep lying and keep saying this you are not even trying. Have you figured out your Celery Stalk is headed for the compost heap ?
Sure we can.

Trump is obviously senile. He doesn't understand that Obama isn't in office any more. He's praising Hannibal Lecter for no apparently reason.

Biden is sharp, and only addled boomers with brains damaged by lead-poisoning try to pretend otherwise.

See you in November. We're looking forward to it.

I am up for it.

How about a little wager ?

If Trump wins you leave the board for a year.

If Biden wins, I leave the board for a year.

Ready to pony up behind that big mouth of yours ?
They can't put forth much the Celery Stalk has done right. So they have to deflect. And they will spend 10 million to do it.

Funny how the left is so interested in others, but can spend this kind of money on something as stupid as this.....while regular people struggle.

It's a moronic attempt at deflection......

Here is an ignorant POS from the NEA (yes...the NEA) looking real stupid.

“Over the last several years, we’ve seen the extreme majority in the Supreme Court roll back our basic freedoms,” says Kim Anderson, executive director at the National Education Association......

citing abortion, which was not "rolled back" but returned to the states where it belonged....this person who is screwing up the education system with each breath she lying out her oversized ass.

From the article:

The problem with this plan is that it won't really connect with all of the blue voters in states like New York and California because abortion is still completely legal in those states.

More importantly, that you have a left-wing jackass in Hawaii pissed at the court tells you one thing....they must be doing something right.

In Arizona, nobody really gives a flying fig about these cucks.

But elsewhere they might. Just be aware, they are wasting someone's potential food money so they can feel like they run the show.

If you can't beat Trump, find something you can potentially beat....oh, wait.

BTW: This is about trying to make the campaign about SCOTUS.

Which is stupid.

But it's the best they can do given they have virtually nothing else to run on.
Total garbage. Their reversal of Roe was the absolute correct decision and you don't hear me whinning about states making it legal. I think abortion is wrong and that is what I teach my family. But I don't get all caught up in trying to enforce that in a court.

Burger & Co were wrong to take on Roe and their decison was a SPOS.

The current court corrected that and now STATES are getting to decide. A national ban will never fly.

BTW: Why haven't you guys started a movement for a constitutional amendment. This has always puzzled me. Seems to me that if you think it is right, you'd codify (as should be done) through he amendment process.

Not Willaim Douglas pulling penumbra covered rights out of his ass.

Finally: I noticed you jumped right into a bullring fight. You do know that only the debaters are supposed to post there...right ? Do you not read rules are you to arrogant to follow them ?
Democrats, being the naive idiots they are, took Republicans at good-faith that it was "settled law."

At least three of the far rightwing activist judges bought, paid for and selected by The Heritage Foundation were asked during their selection process and they all repeated some version of "it's settled law." All three of them lied.

That's why we're here now.

Codification is the next step indeed, and I would like to think that Democrats in office, would have the good sense to realize that.
That is beyond stupid (even for you....which means it's pretty stupid and shows you don't mind lying (but we knew that )).
As is always the case, facts are not your friend.

Seriously, try looking at something that doesn't come from Beijing or Moscow.
Democrats, being the naive idiots they are, took Republicans at good-faith that it was "settled law."

At least three of the far rightwing activist judges bought, paid for and selected by The Heritage Foundation were asked during their selection process and they all repeated some version of "it's settled law." All three of them lied.

Yes, because there is no such thing. Each case is evaluated when it is presented. NO LAW is ironclad.

That you chucks don't understand that isn't my issue.

They didn't lie at all. It was settled law. They never said they'd keep it settled. And to assume anyone would say that is asking a SCOTUS judge to rule on something they have not seen.


Their ruling is the absolute correct one and we've said that from the time Harry Blackmun farted out his 26 page POS decision.

Nobody was bought and paid for. They've all been there for a long time and your masters really must cringe when you don't even try to be clever in your attempts to lie.

You never did address my question. Do you not understand the rules of the Bull Ring ? Or were you just too arrogant to follow them ?
As is always the case, facts are not your friend.

Seriously, try looking at something that doesn't come from Beijing or Moscow.
This is hysterical....

Here is the title of YOUR ARTICLE:

The deficit has fallen under Joe Biden. It’s still higher than before the pandemic.​

Still higher than the pandemic, meaning higher than when Trump was in office before the pandemic truly fouled up his last year.

But why not look at the actual numbers you lying SOS.


Wow....Trump....3 years under 1 Trillion.

Biden......has always been over 1 Trillion even after the pandemic.

He was projected to spend 1.6 trillion this year, but his current burn rate puts it closer to 3 trillion.

Run on that. That would be fantastic. He's already going to lose. Now, he's gonna get his ass kicked.

We are projected to hit 40 TRILLION in debt by 2030. Now they are saying it will happen before someone new is sworn in 2028.

Yes, run on that. What a disaster.

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Nope, not what I said.

Does not matter what you said.

You have not produced it.

Alluding to it already being there means you know where it is. Even a simpleton like you could link to it.

Can't wait for the reply that will contain no link or a link to a dumbassed loser argument that really isn't an argument.

Not that Crepitus has EVER made and argument.
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I am up for it.

How about a little wager ?

If Trump wins you leave the board for a year.

If Biden wins, I leave the board for a year.

Ready to pony up behind that big mouth of yours ?

Hey, mamooth

You gonna back up your big mouth and take me up on this ?
My mistake....

The morons on the left ARE going to try and run on Biden's record.

This is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel.
No, that's not what that says.

English, MF, do you speak it?
That’s exactly what it says retard. It’s the first stages of development for an offspring.

What the hell do you clowns think the woman is making in there? Fucking cookies?

It’s a little tiny human being at the very first stages of its life. Everyone on this forum was one, nobody here got to skip that part. If you had been murdered at that stage you wouldn’t have the ability to act like an idiot today.

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