They just came out of the Woods...

O damn! I see a lot of fat and good eating! Maybe I would take one, maybe not.

They do look like someone's pets.
Deer's digestive systems adapt to leaner feeding patterns (e.g., eating tree bark) in Winter, and feeding them corn or other "summer" food, can kill them. If that's OK with you, carry on.

They are all over my neighborhood, all year round. Apparently, they did not get the memo about a "deer caught in the headlights." They couldn't care less when humans or cars are around.

I had an odd animal moment this month. I walked into my living room and there was a little Sugar Glider walking around like it was drunk.

What is a Sugar Glider?

They are little rodent/squirrel type creatures that glide from tree to tree.

I have those, outside.:)
(not the closet) and acted as if they owned the place...with no worries at all...

They love me! :) I think they love me!!! (in my best Sally Fields voice!)

I was in the kitchen heating up a cup of coffee in the microwave cuz it had gotten cold....peaked out of the kitchen sink window and there, right in front of me at the edge of the woods where we placed a bird feeder and some chairs under a wild plum tree to watch the birds from, these two, pretty stocky deer come right to the bird feeder and started licking up the sunflower seeds that had fallen to the ground....

It was minus 11 this morning, so I know they are just happy to have made it through the night alive! Here in Maine, we lose a quarter, to a third of our deer herd in normal winters....but they reproduce like bunny rabbits and deliver in the Spring so all is ok with that, I suppose.... :(


I have 5 more pictures to post of them....they are not skinny yet....they will be, by Spring....

We had a little ''stare down'' thing going for a couple of minutes, but they finally figured out that I was a wussy, who's never held a gun! :D And decided to stay!
How do you get pictures like that?!

I have deer standing 10 feet from me and all I have is my phone. The pictures make them look 100 yards away. What are you using?
I used one of my cameras, can't remember which one....? The Fuji I think? I have an internet shop that I need to take pictures of product I make and then sell, so my cameras are always around in that part of the house, which gets the most natural light this time of year and I put it on the ''behind glass'' setting since it was through my kitchen sink window, and just zoomed in....and also, when uploading the pictures, the program I use allows me to edit and or, zoom in more.
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They have come back every day since that first spotting, and the hubby went and bought some more deer corn and cracked corn from the local town hardware store and piled it on the ground in front of the bird feeder.

Every bird that lives in Maine through the winters showed up and were devouring was like the Alfred Hitchcock movie, The Birds...only blue jays and chickadees and northern juncos and mourning doves and red winged black birds and crows and even wood peckers cuz we hung some suet out there too in one of the trees, all showed up....

HOLY SMOKES....who knew so many birds were in the woods and survive our winters???

Needless to say the corn was spread all over the place and not piled as intended for the deer to chow down....

But they showed up, and licked what they could off the snowy ground....

And last night, a big doe showed up that was licking crumbs....she was big big big compared to them!

So, got one camera, locked and loaded, :D sitting by the kitchen sink, and I will try to get more pictures today....
Deer eat my hostas, roses, shrubs, and day lilies. They are insatiable.
(not the closet) and acted as if they owned the place...with no worries at all...

They love me! :) I think they love me!!! (in my best Sally Fields voice!)

I was in the kitchen heating up a cup of coffee in the microwave cuz it had gotten cold....peaked out of the kitchen sink window and there, right in front of me at the edge of the woods where we placed a bird feeder and some chairs under a wild plum tree to watch the birds from, these two, pretty stocky deer come right to the bird feeder and started licking up the sunflower seeds that had fallen to the ground....

It was minus 11 this morning, so I know they are just happy to have made it through the night alive! Here in Maine, we lose a quarter, to a third of our deer herd in normal winters....but they reproduce like bunny rabbits in the Spring so all is ok with that, I suppose.... :(


I have 5 more pictures to post of them....they are not skinny yet....they will be, by Spring....

We had a little ''stare down'' thing going for a couple of minutes, but they finally figured out that I was a wussy, who's never held a gun! :D And decided to stay!

The only difference between deer and rats is they taste better.
How often do you eat rats?
Deer eat my hostas, roses, shrubs, and day lilies. They are insatiable.
They do not eat my hostas or any of my landscaping....and hostas are dead/dormant over the winters they are not there to eat in the winter, when they are hungry...

but in spring summer or fall , the edges of all the woods have wild fruit trees, primarily apple, cherry, and plum, the rest of the inner woods around where I live is primarily pine trees of all sorts and Birch and Maple closer to the edge,

plus the deer also have wild Raspberries, wild blue berries, and wild black berries and wild rose bush hips to eat that grows at the edges of the woods and along dirt roads here....where ever sun light can get through the woods

winter? maybe they eat bark, cuz there is nothing else around? Maybe pine nuts that are left on the ground if they can dig them out....?

I honestly do not know how they survive??
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I have deer every day. They striped my acuba of all their foilage in about a minute
(not the closet) and acted as if they owned the place...with no worries at all...

They love me! :) I think they love me!!! (in my best Sally Fields voice!)

I was in the kitchen heating up a cup of coffee in the microwave cuz it had gotten cold....peaked out of the kitchen sink window and there, right in front of me at the edge of the woods where we placed a bird feeder and some chairs under a wild plum tree to watch the birds from, these two, pretty stocky deer come right to the bird feeder and started licking up the sunflower seeds that had fallen to the ground....

It was minus 11 this morning, so I know they are just happy to have made it through the night alive! Here in Maine, we lose a quarter, to a third of our deer herd in normal winters....but they reproduce like bunny rabbits in the Spring so all is ok with that, I suppose.... :(


I have 5 more pictures to post of them....they are not skinny yet....they will be, by Spring....

We had a little ''stare down'' thing going for a couple of minutes, but they finally figured out that I was a wussy, who's never held a gun! :D And decided to stay!

The only difference between deer and rats is they taste better.
How often do you eat rats?
Around here, they do hunt and eat Muskrats... I know they are in the rodent family, but I am not certain it is a rat per say, though to me, they look just like a rat....they eat them and are suppose to be really tasty... I kid you not! Many prefer Muskrat over Rabbit in a stew from what I hear.
Deer eat my hostas, roses, shrubs, and day lilies. They are insatiable.
They do not eat my hostas or any of my landscaping....and hostas are dead/dormant over the winters they are not there to eat in the winter, when they are hungry...

but in spring summer or fall , the edges of all the woods have wild fruit trees, primarily apple, cherry, and plum, the rest of the inner woods around where I live is primarily pine trees of all sorts and Birch and Maple closer to the edge,

plus the deer also have wild Raspberries, wild blue berries, and wild black berries and wild rose bush hips to eat that grows at the edges of the woods and along dirt roads here....where ever sun light can get through the woods

winter? maybe they eat bark, cuz there is nothing else is around? Maybe pine nuts that are left on the ground if they can dig them out....?

I honestly do not know how they survive??
They eat hostas here big time. They eat them right to the ground. They are particular though. They like the green and white hostas. Roses they love too. Eat all the leaves of a rose bush, in one sitting.

I have to spray everything regularly, to keep them from eating everything.
Some people will actually plant some plants in their yards that the deer prefer or even have a food station for them so that they don't eat their "prized" plants. :) It is a good idea and something you might want to think about trying. I don't have a problem with deer here but I do have a problem with squirrels, but if you give them their own feeding station (and keep it full of course) then they will leave the other stuff alone usually.
The deer just came back and I got lots of pictures to upload and post, but the hubby still hasn't gotten his butt on the way to work yet, he's still moseying around here and I will probably be interrupted 10 times before he leaves, so I will get to that a little later!

Same two young ones..... I am hoping to get some picks of the bigger doe too....though she does not come until it is getting dark or dark...she's a little wiser than these two young ones....
~ I feed 2 feral cats ( one just died after 17 years of feeding him ). caught and got them both neutered. I also feed a racoon, and a sweet possum, the hummingbirds, and other birds All and everyone is invited. except any mice or rats in my house. ( we are screened up pretty tight ,so no mice in the house )
You sound like me, but I have a mouse that I'm helping thru the cold winter. He can stay til spring. My back yard is a zoo.

Now that is one lucky mouse!


They are knee deep in snow...

Me and the front Doe are still going through this stare down thingy every day....


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