They Know the Wall is Coming

The Human Trafficking Suspect Sen. Tammy Baldwin is so fully committed to destroying the sovereignty of our country that she is probably taking bribes from the Mexican Drug Cartels.
The Wisconsin Voters are despicable cretins for electing such a traitor.
Oh? Did Mexico finally agree to send trump that check he demanded?

They don't need to they already send 65 to 100 billion dollars in cash over the border in the backpacks of human mules.
If they don’t need to, why did Trump say he would get them to make a $10 billion payment to us to build it?
The wall didn't become an emergency till trump's guidance counselors at fox scolded him. 'Get back to D.C. and declare an emergency you fat slob'. Trump obliged.
The wall didn't become an emergency till trump's guidance counselors at fox scolded him. 'Get back to D.C. and declare an emergency you fat slob'. Trump obliged.


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Any day now...
It's hard to decide which will come first? The check from Mexico for the Wall.....or H. Clinton's indictments.

Haven't you been paying attention? The goalposts have moved. Now Mexico will be paying for it indirectly in some way. Kinda like how the big, beautiful 30 foot wall is now a fence. Give it a year. They'll be declaring victory if a 5 year old lines the border with Legos.
The wall was already built months ago -- Trump is just trolling the media, he will soon let the American people know that he was victorious and the wall is now built....the war on drugs will also be officially over and Trump victorious in stopping it
Republicans don't want the wall. They controlled the house, senate, presidency, state governorships & SCOTUS. They didn't do a dam thing to build or fund the wall or change the 14th amendment to prevent anchor babies & stop drawing them here! Instead they EXPLODED the size of government & debt, causing a record EXPENSIVE shutdown to play politics by wasting tax payer money!!!

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