"They stole $1 trillion dollars"


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
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The first hearing of the House Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency was held Wednesday and featured extensive discussion of the domestic and international criminal organizations stealing vast sums of taxpayer dollars from the U.S. government.

Haywood Talcove, CEO of Lexis Nexis Risk Solution, described to lawmakers the different kinds of criminals exploiting U.S. government benefits systems, pointing out that Covid relief provided a windfall of over $1 trillion to those criminal elements.

“Outdated government systems permit criminals to access unlimited sums of money. During the pandemic, they stole $1 trillion dollars, 70 percent of those dollars went overseas. Shockingly, it’s just not criminals exploiting the system, it’s the flawed system itself acting as the accomplice. If left unchecked, the U.S. government will continue to lead the world in funding cyber criminals,” Talcove said.

All of these Democrat Politicians who are trying to stop Trump's government reform policies need to be voted out in the next election.
Americans work hard and they are having their precious tax dollars looted.
The government is going to go bankrupt if it's not stopped.

The first hearing of the House Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency was held Wednesday and featured extensive discussion of the domestic and international criminal organizations stealing vast sums of taxpayer dollars from the U.S. government.

Haywood Talcove, CEO of Lexis Nexis Risk Solution, described to lawmakers the different kinds of criminals exploiting U.S. government benefits systems, pointing out that Covid relief provided a windfall of over $1 trillion to those criminal elements.

“Outdated government systems permit criminals to access unlimited sums of money. During the pandemic, they stole $1 trillion dollars, 70 percent of those dollars went overseas. Shockingly, it’s just not criminals exploiting the system, it’s the flawed system itself acting as the accomplice. If left unchecked, the U.S. government will continue to lead the world in funding cyber criminals,” Talcove said.

All of these Democrat Politicians who are trying to stop Trump's government reform policies need to be voted out in the next election.
Americans work hard and they are having their precious tax dollars looted.
The government is going to go bankrupt if it's not stopped.

The IRS at least wised up and started actually processing EITC returns before they sent the money out instead of after the money was evaporated into thin air. Some idiot in Boston filed a fake one with my info but they flagged it instantly because idiot in Boston didn't know I had filed estimated taxes that year so the IRS already knew the crap was fraud on arrival.

The first hearing of the House Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency was held Wednesday and featured extensive discussion of the domestic and international criminal organizations stealing vast sums of taxpayer dollars from the U.S. government.

Haywood Talcove, CEO of Lexis Nexis Risk Solution, described to lawmakers the different kinds of criminals exploiting U.S. government benefits systems, pointing out that Covid relief provided a windfall of over $1 trillion to those criminal elements.

“Outdated government systems permit criminals to access unlimited sums of money. During the pandemic, they stole $1 trillion dollars, 70 percent of those dollars went overseas. Shockingly, it’s just not criminals exploiting the system, it’s the flawed system itself acting as the accomplice. If left unchecked, the U.S. government will continue to lead the world in funding cyber criminals,” Talcove said.

All of these Democrat Politicians who are trying to stop Trump's government reform policies need to be voted out in the next election.
Americans work hard and they are having their precious tax dollars looted.
The government is going to go bankrupt if it's not stopped.

Myth #1: America spends too much on foreign aid

Opinion polls consistently report that Americans believe foreign aid is in the range of 25 percent of the federal budget. When asked how much it should be, they say about 10 percent. In fact, at $39.2 billion for fiscal year 2019, foreign assistance is less than 1 percent of the federal budget.

Myth #2: Others don’t do their fair share

The U.S. provides more assistance than any other country. As the world’s wealthiest nation, that’s appropriate. There is a broad international commitment that wealthy countries should provide annually 0.7 percent of GNP to assist poor countries. Five countries (Norway, Sweden, Luxembourg, Denmark, and the U.K.) exceed that benchmark. The average for all wealthy nations is around 0.4 percent. The U.S. ranks near the bottom at below 0.2 percent.

Who approves foreign policy?

Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution gave the President the power to make treaties with the “advice and consent” of the Senate. Practically, the clause stipulated that two-thirds of the Senators would have to approve any treaty negotiated by the Executive Branch.

If you believe that claptrap OP, then let me interest you in this...


The first hearing of the House Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency was held Wednesday and featured extensive discussion of the domestic and international criminal organizations stealing vast sums of taxpayer dollars from the U.S. government.

Haywood Talcove, CEO of Lexis Nexis Risk Solution, described to lawmakers the different kinds of criminals exploiting U.S. government benefits systems, pointing out that Covid relief provided a windfall of over $1 trillion to those criminal elements.

“Outdated government systems permit criminals to access unlimited sums of money. During the pandemic, they stole $1 trillion dollars, 70 percent of those dollars went overseas. Shockingly, it’s just not criminals exploiting the system, it’s the flawed system itself acting as the accomplice. If left unchecked, the U.S. government will continue to lead the world in funding cyber criminals,” Talcove said.

All of these Democrat Politicians who are trying to stop Trump's government reform policies need to be voted out in the next election.
Americans work hard and they are having their precious tax dollars looted.
The government is going to go bankrupt if it's not stopped.
But but but we need to stop Trump from eliminating the waste!
The biggest Covid fraud trial in the nation is currently going down in Mpls Federal Court of 77 defendants.

Wake the hell up shill.
Do you mind sharing the cliff notes?
Do you mind sharing the cliff notes?
Look it up yourself if you can spare the two seconds to Google it. Not providing endless links that cover an enormous story because you are too uniformed and lazy.

You will get endless information by simply typing "Covid fraud MN".

You got this!!
Look it up yourself if you can spare the two seconds to Google it. Not providing endless links that cover an enormous story because you are too uniformed and lazy.

You will get endless information by simply typing "Covid fraud MN".

You got this!!
Are you suggesting that this type of fraud was indicative of Covid response nationwide?
The dishing out of federal Covid funds was one big cluster you know what.

There was rampant fraud, or gaming of the system, involved in Covid relief, most of it committed by those who actually received the funds. However, that fraud occurred in both the Trump and Biden Administrations.
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If you believe that claptrap OP, then let me interest you in this...


Does it come with naming rights to the East River? Should totally be called the Straight of Giuliani.
Does it come with naming rights to the East River? Should totally be called the Straight of Giuliani.
For a smart chap like you, sure! Contact me and we'll work out a fair price.

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