Things Are About To Get Ugly For Joe And Hunter!

They'd sacrifice half the population of the country to write Trump a J-Walking ticket.

If anything, and I do mean IF because I'll eat my hat when I see any significant democrook or their genetic garbage prosecuted for anything. Ted Kenedy KILLED a woman and remained in the senate for 40 fuckin years. Hitlary committed numerous egregious crimes of corruption and mishandling secret data along with theft of government property and runs around talking as if she was wrongfully denied a stint in the oval office that she somehow deserves because she tolerated her husband getting his cock sucked by a fat girl 30 years ago. These democrook aristocrats are little more than trailer trash that won a lottery which keeps on paying for generations. Truly disgusting people that are never held accountable.

Wuhl....i'd give you a hundred thanks for THAT post. HELL..A THOUSAND! I don't think i've ever, EVER heard/read you talk like that. YOU my man are ticked about this whole thing aren't you...and rightfully so. I'm right there with you.
Probably true, because if Joe was brought down, theres probably a few Senators that would be connected as well.. it's easy to see why the FBI establishment was so determined to bury anything that would connect Joe to China or the Ukraine, via one of Hunters discarded laptops
A "few" senators? How about 90 of them plus hundreds who've long since been voted out or died? Then you've got thousands of elitist pigs in massive global corporations and hundreds of political whores all over government from shitty town councils all the way up into the US house that would fall like dominoes once the pin on the prosecutorial hand grenade gets pulled.

That's why hitlary is a free dyke, and so many other total criminals at the highest levels in both parties are never even investigated let alone charged. How many of these fuckin people get into politics right out of college with nothing but debt and end up with millions of dollars in just a few years?

Hard work? Yeah sure... Sucking billionaire cock can't be that tough, not that I'd try it.

Book deals? Who the fuck buys these books? How many shelves have you seen with the meat puppet faggot's asinine books decorating them?

If Trump is indicted for no crime whatsoever then i guess we will all know that this country is done as far as law and the constitution is concerned. The left has inched its way to this point for decades and they control education, entertainment, business, the judicial branch at every level, politics, media, you name it. Evil never stops, it never sleeps. And you know what else is truth. It pays for it in the end.
Trump. He's more than fair game.
Is he still rattling around in your head rent free? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. sucks to be you. BTW, the topic is

Things Are About To Get Ugly For Joe And Hunter!​

Have you got anything to add that is on topic?

just found this. This bunch...nothing is beneath them. Is this even America anymore??
Now it's turned into a conspiracy theory. Hah!
What criminality? Donald Trump commits more crimes before lunch than Joe Biden has committed in his lifetime.

I'm waiting for charges to actually happen.
When the GOP takes back control of the House in November, Dragonlady they're going to have subpoena powers to investigate the Bidens and Nancy Pelosi won't be able to squelch those investigations like she's been able to do for the past two years. Once someone starts pulling on that "thread" the whole sordid fabric of lies will start coming undone and those involved will start looking to cut a deal to stay out of prison. Most of the Democrats won't cover for Joe anyways because at this point they don't want him to be their candidate in 2024. A nasty scandal will be the ticket to get him to announce he won't seek reelection!
What criminality? Donald Trump commits more crimes before lunch than Joe Biden has committed in his lifetime.

I'm waiting for charges to actually happen.
When I talk about WEAPONS GRADE STUPID, this dangerously ignorant imbecile is exactly the sort of of stupid I'm referring too....

This is the sort of freakishly stupid person families would lock in a basement or attic in the late 1890's to keep the neighbors unaware of their existence. Failing that, they'd sell these freaks to carnivals where they'd be kept in a cage and displayed so that kids could buy bags of peanuts for ¢.02 and throw them at these jabbering retards.


It's astounding that after all this time, the asinine soviet style impeachment hearings, years long phony investigations, show trials of everyone ever connected to Trump that could possibly be prosecuted for anything and this sniveling primate is still zealously clinging to the ridiculous belief that Trump has to be guilty of something. Never mind that no crime or evidence of one has ever been seen and that we have actually heard the potato BRAG about doing exactly what Trump was impeached for the 2nd time and didn't actually do. It's baffling to me that liberal parasites like this can evade natural selection this long.

Is he still rattling around in your head rent free? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. sucks to be you. BTW, the topic is

Things Are About To Get Ugly For Joe And Hunter!​

Have you got anything to add that is on topic?
Not like he is in yours.

How about this... good luck sending Hunter away.
Is he still rattling around in your head rent free? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. sucks to be you. BTW, the topic is

Things Are About To Get Ugly For Joe And Hunter!​

Have you got anything to add that is on topic?
It would be illegal to charge rent for living conditions that filthy. Even hitlary couldn't get away with that.
Not like he is in yours.

How about this... good luck sending Hunter away.
that's what i'm thinking. It's not gonna happen. Too many leftist buddies in the FIB so even if hunter goes to jail or whatever, it's for public viewing reasons and nothing else. It's like 'Hunter, are you willing to take the fall so your daddy can put a couple hundred more billion in the family coffers?'
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