Think About It


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Food for thought from another person.

Profile photo for Yossi Shargal

Yossi Shargal
Former Retired From Aerospace Industry (1976–2017)Updated 8mo

In 1948, 700000 Palestinians were outrooted of their homes and properties, who took their properties? And why aren't they allowed to return?
In 1945, Germany lost the war in Europe. 12 million ethnic Germans who had been living in Poland, Ukraine and Czechoslovakia for generations where expelled . BUT, there are no German refugees left. They were never allowed to return, they all integrated in their new homes and went on with their lives.
During WW2, the URSS attacked Finland and succeeded in for cing Finland to give up Kerelia. All the population of Kerelia was evacuated in days and all the population of Finland contributed, thru special taxes to help the refugees rebuild their lifes. Thee no refugees in Finland today.
In 1948, the Indian sub-continent was partitioned into India and Pakistan. 14 million people became refugees. BUT, there are no Indian/ Pakistani refugees left. They were never allowed to return, they all integrated in their new homes and went on with their lives.
In 1948, 900,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries where they had lived for generations and their properties were confiscated. BUT, there are no Jewish refugees left. They were never allowed to return, they all integrated in their new homes and went on with their lives.
In 1948, 500,000 Arab refugees (number admitted by UNWRA) left or were expelled from Israel and their properties were confiscated. What makes them so special that they refused to integrate and go on with their lives and, after going to war with Israel and losing the war, they still claim rights of return, something that was never accorded to any people?
And how many of these people are still alive? About 30,000!
In 1949, a Arab leader, the son of the Jerusalem mufti El Huseini, tried to start the Arab refugees in new lives. From donations and from his own pocket he established a school, a small hospital and a farm near the Jericho refugee camp. Then, one day, when he was away and the Jordanian police were absent, refugees from the camp came and put fire to all the buildings, destroyed the farm, raped and killed the nurses and teachers. Why? They saw it as a treason to the rights of the refugees.
In 2005, Israel left the Gaza strip. Israel left there, among other things, developed farms with modern systems of irrigation. Instead of taking advantage of this legacy, it took just one day to destroy it all.
How dare such people even claim rights?
Palestinians gripe about Israel not allowing them a right of return. What Arab country ever granted Palestinians a right of return?

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