Thirty Minutes ago...give or take...

30 minutes ago I was having a very idiotic conversation with my soon to be ex husband!

Get this he claims he had called the sheriff out to make a report that I had moved out with the kid's so he could file abandoment charges against me and get alimony from me! The funny thing is I have been a stay at home mom for 8 years! :rotflmao:

So I called him on it I said I doubt if the sherriff had time to do that, since funding has been cut and we only have one sherriff patrolling the entire county! He then says I had the sheriff from the neighboring county come, I said sorry that would have been out of his jurisdiction! :cuckoo:

Gee I think maybe he forgot my dad is an ex deputy sheriff! :huh: :salute:
thirty minutes ago i was undressing a woman. yes you guessed it. I was dreaming.
Avatar4321 said:
thirty minutes ago i was undressing a woman. yes you guessed it. I was dreaming.
30 minutes ago I was emailing my kids for the costs of tuition and fees. Uh, for taxes. Oh yeah, my tax preparer needs that. What's the date? :halo:
Kathianne said:
30 minutes ago I was emailing my kids for the costs of tuition and fees. Uh, for taxes. Oh yeah, my tax preparer needs that. What's the date? :halo:

Ah taxes huh? i did that last year.
Avatar4321 said:
Ah taxes huh? i did that last year.
It would be good if we only had to do them every other year. Make it easier on the IRS and all. :banana:
manu1959 said:
thirty minutes ago i was having lunch with my assistant......damn she is hot

30 minutes from now, Grad class. "Teaching the Gifted and Talented"
Thanks for the practice, y'all! :teeth:
thirty minutes ago, I was doing exactly what I'm doing now..... hanging out at USMB....

thirty minutes from now..... probably sleeping.....
I was reading mail from Marines in the field.
One was from my daughter, life is good.

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