This 65-year-old clerk was fired for refusing to sell cigarettes to a food stamp cust

oh neat, The Blaze :rolleyes:
BTW- Lovebears65 is one of the biggest, con, kool aid drinkers :alcoholic: on this board :up:
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Store Clerk Fired For Refusing to Sell Cigarettes to Food Stamp Customer |
It’s important to note that there are two types of EBT cards: one is for essential grocery items and the other can be used for pretty much anything. The customer had the latter.
Sorry our tax dollars should not be going for cigs

Feel bad for the guy.
Not the guy who got fired but the guy buying the cigarettes.
Who needs the hassle from the store clerk.
Prolly ruined the guys night.

Now the guy leaves the store heads home with his fifth of vodka
his cigs and a six pack,goes home and ignores the wife and her girl friends
watching the 50" screen in the living room,heads to his "game room" in the basement
while passing the kids room who all have big screen tv's in them and heads down to watch
TV in his game room....
But a smile slowly creeps across his face as he is proud that he along with others are stimulating the economy....

At least according to Princess Nancy Pelosi..


And for the guy who lost his job...
Well if he is white good luck getting assistance.
I happen to agree that people who don't have money to eat shouldn't be buying cigs, or far worse, in my opinion, tatoos.

But, this is still the United States and although the Rs want to take many personal rights away from us, they haven't succeeded to the extent they want to.

Just like despising the garbage spewed by trash like Westboro, lushbo, KKK, fux and other SCUM, I will defend their right to spew garbage.

If you love freedom, you will want ALL people to have the SAME freedoms. Even when you disagree with them.

If the cig buyer was found to be eligible for funds, its his business how he spends that money.

OTOH, if you don't think he should have that freedom, then get into the wagon with the R. They would love to take ALL freedoms away from ALL people - except those they happen to agree with.
can you fire a bar keep for not selling to minors....i dont get the difference....

huh? By law the customer is allowed to purchase tobaco with food stamps. The clerk might not like it, but he or she, has a job to do. I have no problem with that person's boss deciding that's grounds for firing. It does seem harsh to fire a 65 year old, but it's not my decision.
can you fire a bar keep for not selling to minors....i dont get the difference....

huh? By law the customer is allowed to purchase tobaco with food stamps. The clerk might not like it, but he or she, has a job to do. I have no problem with that person's boss deciding that's grounds for firing. It does seem harsh to fire a 65 year old, but it's not my decision.

I didn't think you were allowed to buy tobacco with food stamps. Only food.
Nobody shouold be allowed to buy RECREATIONAL drugs ( cigaretes ) on my tax money
nobody no exceptions
can you fire a bar keep for not selling to minors....i dont get the difference....

huh? By law the customer is allowed to purchase tobaco with food stamps. The clerk might not like it, but he or she, has a job to do. I have no problem with that person's boss deciding that's grounds for firing. It does seem harsh to fire a 65 year old, but it's not my decision.

I agree with your point but, the clerk made the decision and she certainly has that right.
I happen to agree that people who don't have money to eat shouldn't be buying cigs, or far worse, in my opinion, tatoos.

But, this is still the United States and although the Rs want to take many personal rights away from us, they haven't succeeded to the extent they want to.

Just like despising the garbage spewed by trash like Westboro, lushbo, KKK, fux and other SCUM, I will defend their right to spew garbage.

If you love freedom, you will want ALL people to have the SAME freedoms. Even when you disagree with them.

If the cig buyer was found to be eligible for funds, its his business how he spends that money.

OTOH, if you don't think he should have that freedom, then get into the wagon with the R. They would love to take ALL freedoms away from ALL people - except those they happen to agree with.

food stamps aren't money. Are you suggesting people should be able to buy whatever they want with food stamps?
can you fire a bar keep for not selling to minors....i dont get the difference....

huh? By law the customer is allowed to purchase tobaco with food stamps. The clerk might not like it, but he or she, has a job to do. I have no problem with that person's boss deciding that's grounds for firing. It does seem harsh to fire a 65 year old, but it's not my decision.

I didn't think you were allowed to buy tobacco with food stamps. Only food.

In that state, there are two kinds of stamps - one for food and the other for such things as cigarettes.

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