This drunk Texas Republican had to be restrained during fracas with ‘f*cking hack’ Tea Party prankst


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
An apparently intoxicated Texas Republican had to be restrained during a confrontation recorded by a conservative activist group linked to prank filmmaker James O’Keefe.

The American Phoenix Foundation recorded more than 800 hours of covert footage as team members approached GOP lawmakers inside and outside the Capitol earlier this year, and the conservative activist group has begun releasing some of those videos as they target incumbent Republicans to shift the Texas Legislature further to the right.

The Tea Party activist group released an undercover video last month that showed state Rep. Harold Dutton (D-Houston) claiming his ties to law enforcement and the Bonnano crime family would allow him to get away with murder, but the lawmaker said later he was only joking.

The next video, released last week by the group, shows state Rep. Dan Huberty (R-Humble) leaving the Statehouse floor May 29 after voting to prohibit the types of undercover recordings he encountered in the hallway.
This drunk Texas Republican had to be restrained during fracas with ‘f*cking hack’ Tea Party prankster

These wackjobs are going to be on the down slide. Couldn't happen to be a better group of people.
Can't wait to see them attack O'Keeffe

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Dan Huberty is getting trolled! lol.

Huberty's pocket square is ugly as well.
Kudos's for pranking this ass .
I wonder if the right will ever get their shit together and figure out what party they stand for ....perhaps there may be another party born in the not to long future, or they will never win with the way it is now.
Kudos's for pranking this ass .
I wonder if the right will ever get their shit together and figure out what party they stand for ....perhaps there may be another party born in the not to long future, or they will never win with the way it is now.
The political system in Washington is broken and can never be fixed until the entire criminal element is either voted out of office or physically dragged into the street and booted out of town. It's gotten to the point where politicians run for office with two goals in mind: (1) to get rich and (2) to get re-elected until they have to go on life support. The disgraceful vote by the Senate regarding Kate's Law and Sanctuary Cities are glaring examples of Progressive Liberal pukes having no concern for the public other than to garner votes from illegal alien criminals. The Republicans aren't doing any better with their pathetic wishy-washy crying and whining.
Just from what I see in the video, Huberty seems like a terribly lonely man.
With "more than 800 hours of covert footage", is this the worst they have?

Seems to me Huberty answered the Tea Partier's questions right down the party line.

I expect Huberty will be joining AA soon, but even dead drunk he outclassed the hack.
Kudos's for pranking this ass .
I wonder if the right will ever get their shit together and figure out what party they stand for ....perhaps there may be another party born in the not to long future, or they will never win with the way it is now.

If Huberty is not acceptable to the Right, then who the fuck is?

Representative Huberty in 2013 supported the ban on abortion after twenty weeks of gestation; the measure passed the House, 96-49. He also voted for companion legislation to increase medical and licensing requirements of abortion providers,[9] a move which opponents said could lead to the closure of many abortion clinics in the state.

He supported legislation to provide marshals for school security as a separate law-enforcement entity.

He joined a small minority of House members in voting against the establishment of a sales tax on Internet transactions to match existing laws for brick and mortar stores

Dan Huberty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kudos's for pranking this ass .
I wonder if the right will ever get their shit together and figure out what party they stand for ....perhaps there may be another party born in the not to long future, or they will never win with the way it is now.

If Huberty is not acceptable to the Right, then who the fuck is?

Representative Huberty in 2013 supported the ban on abortion after twenty weeks of gestation; the measure passed the House, 96-49. He also voted for companion legislation to increase medical and licensing requirements of abortion providers,[9] a move which opponents said could lead to the closure of many abortion clinics in the state.

He supported legislation to provide marshals for school security as a separate law-enforcement entity.

He joined a small minority of House members in voting against the establishment of a sales tax on Internet transactions to match existing laws for brick and mortar stores

Dan Huberty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tea party wants their own in office .

Huberty has obviously gotten raging drunk before so the pranksters knew he was easy game to do the prank on.

Legislating while drunk is not cool, but I still have not heard any valid reasons why the Tea Party does not like Huberty on the issues.
Just from what I see in the video, Huberty seems like a terribly lonely man.

send Longview Louie to keep him company ...hoot hoot !

Conservative Members of Congress Demand Immediate Removal of Margaret Sanger Bust from Display : U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert

Last week, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), along with 24 House Republicans, sent a letter to the Director of the National Portrait Gallery Kim Sajet, calling for the immediate removal of Margaret Sanger’s bust from the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery.

Gohmert Receives The Defender of the American Economy Award : U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert

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Legislating while drunk is not cool, but I still have not heard any valid reasons why the Tea Party does not like Huberty on the issues.

As an addiction counselor I have seen doctors, lawyers, judges, politicians, airplane pilots, ect. in rehabs who all have been under the influence while they work , while driving our roads , and airways.

You don't see too many at AA meetings because they have their own private meetings..Anonymity is a big deal.

I would like to be a fly on the wall to see who actually comes to the AA meetings, probably 1/2 of the congress. lol

Nothing gets done by the do nothing congress and this is one of the examples of why. Stupid waste of time. Only purpose is to impress dump constituents into thinking they are doing something besides collecting pay checks for accomplishing nothing.

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