This Explains Why Brown People Never Invented Anything

But are they wrong with the facts that they present?

Indians were the first to civilization....As far as we can tell the first three to what most people would call civilization were the Egyptians, Mesopotamians (Iraqis), and the Indians.

Obvious things like the concept of zero and toilets were invented by India millennia ago.

What we think of as modern whites weren't civilized until ~2 millennia after. And calling bronze age greeks white is a stretch
White race

Egyptians are there own thing

Iraqis are Semites. There is more connection with Indians and Europeans than Iraqis and Europeans in 2022. lol

Do not confuse how we look now with how we looked and acted 5,000 years ago. Claiming semites as your own. You can't even claim teh greeks and they were millenia late.

White dominance was like a flash in the fucking pan. And started just a couple centuries ago and is now over. Americans dominate and we're soon to be majority non white. Asian nations like India and China will retake their historical positions with more GDP than all of Europe combined.
Egyptians are there own thing

Iraqis are Semites. There is more connection with Indians and Europeans than Iraqis and Europeans in 2022. lol

Do not confuse how we look now with how we looked and acted 5,000 years ago. Claiming semites as your own. You can't even claim teh greeks and they were millenia late.

White dominance was like a flash in the fucking pan. And started just a couple centuries ago and is now over. Americans dominate and we're soon to be majority non white. Asian nations like India and China will retake their historical positions with more GDP than all of Europe combined.
NOTHING you have today came from a anyone but Europeans and white America.
Here’s the big list:

Folding cabinet bed

In 1885, Sarah Goode became the first Black woman to receive a US patent. She moved to Chicago and opened a furniture store. It was there she came up with an industry changing idea that brought more urban residents with limited space into her store.

Potato Chips

George Crum was working as a chef at a resort in New York. A customer sent his dish of french fries back to the kitchen, claiming that they weren’t good. In an irritated fit, Crum cut the potatoes as thinly as possible, fried them until they were burnt crisps, and threw a generous handful of salt on top. Thus, the chip was born.

Gas Mask

Garrett Morgan developed what he called the safety hood after noticing how many firefighters were killed by smoke on the job. The hood, which went over the head, featured tubes connected to wet sponges that filtered out smoke and provided fresh oxygen.

Protective Mailbox

Philip B. Downing created a mailbox design that featured an outer door and an inner safety door to avoid parcels being stolen. This safety device allowed mailboxes to be set up everywhere.

Blood Bank

Charles Richard Drew became interested in researching the preservation of blood when he was studying at Columbia University. Drew discovered a method of separating red blood cells from plasma and then storing the two components separately. This new process allowed blood to be stored for more than a week, which was the maximum at that time. Drew documented these findings in a paper that led to the first blood bank.

Improved Ironing Board

In the late 19th century, the ironing board was improved by Sarah Boone. One of the first Black women in U.S. history to receive a patent, she created a narrower and curved design, making it easier to iron garments. Boone’s design morphed into the modern board that we use today.

Home Security System

African American nurse Mary Van Brittan Brown, devised an early security unit for her own home. She and her husband took out a patent for the system in the same year, and they were awarded the patent three years later, in 1969. Home security systems commonly used today took various elements from her design.

Three-Light Traffic Light

Garrett Morgan was the first Black person in Cleveland, Ohio, to own a car. After he witnessed a severe car accident at an intersection in the city, he expanded on the current traffic light by adding a “yield” component, warning oncoming drivers of an impending stop.

Refrigerated Trucks

Frederick McKinley Jones created a roof-mounted cooling system that was used to refrigerate goods on trucks during extended transportation in the mid-1930s. He received a patent for his invention in 1940 and co-founded the US Thermo Control Company, later known as Thermo King.

Automatic Elevator Doors

Alexander Miles took out a patent in 1887 for a mechanism that automatically opens and closes elevator shaft doors. His designs are largely reflected in elevators used today.

Electret Microphone

Dr. James E. West co-invented a foil electret microphone, which was less expensive to produce than the typically used condenser microphones.

Color IBM PC Monitor and Gigahertz Chip

You can thank Mark Dean for co-inventing the color monitor. Without his invention, we’d still be typing in a colorless interweb.

Super Soaker

Summer just wouldn’t be the same without Lonnie Johnson’s invention. Johnson was an Aerospace Engineer for NASA who’ happened to invent the popular children’s toy.

Tissue Holder

Mary Davidson invented both the tissue holder while disabled from multiple sclerosis.

Peanut Butter

Everyone and their dog can thank George Washington Carver for the invention of peanut butter.


Patricia Bath, an ophthalmologist and laser scientist, invented a device and technique used to remove cataracts and revive patients’ eyesight.

Automatic Gear Shift

Richard Spikes created the automatic gear shift, helping people drive up hills everywhere.

Clothes dryer

George T. Sampson created the clothes dryer in 1892.

Dust pan

Thanks to Lloyd P. Ray, we can sweep things out from under the rug.

Folding chair

John Purdy created the folding chair, which is used in picnics and school graduations everywhere.

Golf Tees

Golf was a totally different sport before Dr. George Grant came along.

Ice Cream Scooper

Alfred L. Cralle invented the ice cream scooper, allowing kids to have larger scoops than spoonfuls.


John Albert Burr fully made over the lawnmower, bringing better traction, rotary blades, and allowed cutting closer to buildings.

Lawn sprinkler

This invention by Joseph A. Smith helped dads everywhere keep their grass green while allowing kids a fun toy to jump around in.

Modern toilet

Thank Thomas Elkins for your porcelain throne. Without Elkins, your bathroom breaks certainly wouldn’t be as comfortable.

The Mop

Thomas W. Stewart created the mop, which helps to ease the backbreaking labor.

Reversible Baby Stroller

William Richardson created the first baby stroller with independent wheels.

Drag Queens

William Dorsey Swann is highly regarded as the first drag queen in the US.


Dapper Dan took the logos of designer brands and used them for apparel, furniture, and more.

According to the Black Inventors Museum, all of these were also created by Black inventors:

Everything you listed could have been invented by any dumb ass. Look a little deeper and find something that took a higher level of brainpower. I would think there must be something or maybe the post you are trying to discredit is close to right.
Everything you listed could have been invented by any dumb ass. Look a little deeper and find something that took a higher level of brainpower. I would think there must be something or maybe the post you are trying to discredit is close to right.
Then why did you not invent them?
NOTHING you have today came from a anyone but Europeans and white America.

lol the Turks had to bring Europeans agriculture

Where do white peasants get off telling anyone about history? As if you retards can read much less know anything about bronze age history.

Claiming semetic accomplishments for your own? Even Egyptians? Hahahah
Here’s the big list:

Folding cabinet bed

In 1885, Sarah Goode became the first Black woman to receive a US patent. She moved to Chicago and opened a furniture store. It was there she came up with an industry changing idea that brought more urban residents with limited space into her store.

Potato Chips

George Crum was working as a chef at a resort in New York. A customer sent his dish of french fries back to the kitchen, claiming that they weren’t good. In an irritated fit, Crum cut the potatoes as thinly as possible, fried them until they were burnt crisps, and threw a generous handful of salt on top. Thus, the chip was born.

Gas Mask

Garrett Morgan developed what he called the safety hood after noticing how many firefighters were killed by smoke on the job. The hood, which went over the head, featured tubes connected to wet sponges that filtered out smoke and provided fresh oxygen.

Protective Mailbox

Philip B. Downing created a mailbox design that featured an outer door and an inner safety door to avoid parcels being stolen. This safety device allowed mailboxes to be set up everywhere.

Blood Bank

Charles Richard Drew became interested in researching the preservation of blood when he was studying at Columbia University. Drew discovered a method of separating red blood cells from plasma and then storing the two components separately. This new process allowed blood to be stored for more than a week, which was the maximum at that time. Drew documented these findings in a paper that led to the first blood bank.

Improved Ironing Board

In the late 19th century, the ironing board was improved by Sarah Boone. One of the first Black women in U.S. history to receive a patent, she created a narrower and curved design, making it easier to iron garments. Boone’s design morphed into the modern board that we use today.

Home Security System

African American nurse Mary Van Brittan Brown, devised an early security unit for her own home. She and her husband took out a patent for the system in the same year, and they were awarded the patent three years later, in 1969. Home security systems commonly used today took various elements from her design.

Three-Light Traffic Light

Garrett Morgan was the first Black person in Cleveland, Ohio, to own a car. After he witnessed a severe car accident at an intersection in the city, he expanded on the current traffic light by adding a “yield” component, warning oncoming drivers of an impending stop.

Refrigerated Trucks

Frederick McKinley Jones created a roof-mounted cooling system that was used to refrigerate goods on trucks during extended transportation in the mid-1930s. He received a patent for his invention in 1940 and co-founded the US Thermo Control Company, later known as Thermo King.

Automatic Elevator Doors

Alexander Miles took out a patent in 1887 for a mechanism that automatically opens and closes elevator shaft doors. His designs are largely reflected in elevators used today.

Electret Microphone

Dr. James E. West co-invented a foil electret microphone, which was less expensive to produce than the typically used condenser microphones.

Color IBM PC Monitor and Gigahertz Chip

You can thank Mark Dean for co-inventing the color monitor. Without his invention, we’d still be typing in a colorless interweb.

Super Soaker

Summer just wouldn’t be the same without Lonnie Johnson’s invention. Johnson was an Aerospace Engineer for NASA who’ happened to invent the popular children’s toy.

Tissue Holder

Mary Davidson invented both the tissue holder while disabled from multiple sclerosis.

Peanut Butter

Everyone and their dog can thank George Washington Carver for the invention of peanut butter.


Patricia Bath, an ophthalmologist and laser scientist, invented a device and technique used to remove cataracts and revive patients’ eyesight.

Automatic Gear Shift

Richard Spikes created the automatic gear shift, helping people drive up hills everywhere.

Clothes dryer

George T. Sampson created the clothes dryer in 1892.

Dust pan

Thanks to Lloyd P. Ray, we can sweep things out from under the rug.

Folding chair

John Purdy created the folding chair, which is used in picnics and school graduations everywhere.

Golf Tees

Golf was a totally different sport before Dr. George Grant came along.

Ice Cream Scooper

Alfred L. Cralle invented the ice cream scooper, allowing kids to have larger scoops than spoonfuls.


John Albert Burr fully made over the lawnmower, bringing better traction, rotary blades, and allowed cutting closer to buildings.

Lawn sprinkler

This invention by Joseph A. Smith helped dads everywhere keep their grass green while allowing kids a fun toy to jump around in.

Modern toilet

Thank Thomas Elkins for your porcelain throne. Without Elkins, your bathroom breaks certainly wouldn’t be as comfortable.

The Mop

Thomas W. Stewart created the mop, which helps to ease the backbreaking labor.

Reversible Baby Stroller

William Richardson created the first baby stroller with independent wheels.

Drag Queens

William Dorsey Swann is highly regarded as the first drag queen in the US.


Dapper Dan took the logos of designer brands and used them for apparel, furniture, and more.

According to the Black Inventors Museum, all of these were also created by Black inventors:

Probably for the same reason you didn't, dumbo. Walked right into that one, didn't ya.
You are the one claiming to be smarter than the average man, what have you invented, besides a false bravado?
You are the one claiming to be smarter than the average man, what have you invented, besides a false bravado?
I am not the one making claims about who invented what. You provide some piss poor examples of inventions or discoveries by Browns. I just pointed out that none of your examples were earth-shattering or greatly changed the lives of all.
I am not the one making claims about who invented what. You provide some piss poor examples of inventions or discoveries by Browns. I just pointed out that none of your examples were earth-shattering or greatly changed the lives of all.
You presented nothing and nothing comes from nothing, I speak anon.
You presented nothing and nothing comes from nothing, I speak anon.
Gibberish and the refusal to address the challenge. I will make it simple for you, here is a question. Aside from the inventions you originally offered, give us another list of inventions founded by Brown peoples that greatly affected the lives of all free people?
Gibberish and the refusal to address the challenge. I will make it simple for you, here is a question. Aside from the inventions you originally offered, give us another list of inventions founded by Brown peoples that greatly affected the lives of all free people?
They invented the kamal to determine latitude.. and the zero.
They invented the kamal to determine latitude.. and the zero.
You guys need to do better than that. Did they invent or discover the following?
Polio vaccine-----Theory of Evolution-----Xray-----DNA-----Electricity-----Gravity-----
Finger Prints-----The Wheel? Except for the wheel, all done by us white devils.
You guys need to do better than that. Did they invent or discover the following?
Polio vaccine-----Theory of Evolution-----Xray-----DNA-----Electricity-----Gravity-----
Finger Prints-----The Wheel? Except for the wheel, all done by us white devils.

None of those things are worth anything next to a concept like zero or

Why do white peasants think these petty little inventions matter? The chinese came up with gunpowder. ALl the foundational blocks were built by others.

When do you think human civilized history starts?

You have to cut out 9/10ths of civilized history to make your view work. And In 2022 it doesn't work either. Look around dipshit. The American economy is as big as all of fucking Europe combined. And we're about to be majority non white with the highest earning ethnic groups being non white.
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