This guy doesn't wanna graduate

Cool. Arrogant liberal asshole professor actually confronted by student. Professor must hate it.
So let me understand the ethics of this. Is it that once a person decides to run for pubic office, he should immediately resign from any and all teaching positions? I think that Newt was a teacher. Did he play by that rule? Anyway, I had a psychology instructor who would not let me record his sessions and I understand why. Anyone could then edit the recording and pull pieces out of context. If I were to decide, I would let the student record the sessions as long as he posted the entire sessions for people to see.
So let me understand the ethics of this. Is it that once a person decides to run for pubic office, he should immediately resign from any and all teaching positions? I think that Newt was a teacher. Did he play by that rule? Anyway, I had a psychology instructor who would not let me record his sessions and I understand why. Anyone could then edit the recording and pull pieces out of context. If I were to decide, I would let the student record the sessions as long as he posted the entire sessions for people to see.

I'll agree that I'm unsure of the guy's position, however, I DO want to know if this 'prof' is making $65k for one class?
Just like the wacky righties being turned out by the Horowitz school of Horror, don't like American freedom, protest. Damn, last I checked we were a free country of free individuals. I know the righties want to change that.
Just like the wacky righties being turned out by the Horowitz school of Horror, don't like American freedom, protest. Damn, last I checked we were a free country of free individuals. I know the righties want to change that.

Hmmm, you are avoiding the obvious questions, why am I not surprised?
Just like the wacky righties being turned out by the Horowitz school of Horror, don't like American freedom, protest. Damn, last I checked we were a free country of free individuals. I know the righties want to change that.

So, he IS protesting, and you find that bad? Why is it if a "righty" protests thats bad but if a "lefty" protests that is protected constitutional rights?
So, he IS protesting, and you find that bad? Why is it if a "righty" protests thats bad but if a "lefty" protests that is protected constitutional rights?

There is a time and place to protest. I wonder to what extent the student is disrupting and delaying the class.
There is a time and place to protest. I wonder to what extent the student is disrupting and delaying the class.

Back in the day, when leftists protested, they shut down the entire campus when they staged their campus coups (they also had a bad habit of committing arson). :eusa_shhh:
Back in the day, when leftists protested, they shut down the entire campus when they staged their campus coups (they also had a bad habit of committing arson). :eusa_shhh:

Yep. And not long ago, abortion protestors would block clinic doors and physically prevent women from seeking whatever medical care they want at such clinics. Recently, groups protest at funerals for gays.

As I said, there is a time and place for practically everything.
So, he IS protesting, and you find that bad? Why is it if a "righty" protests thats bad but if a "lefty" protests that is protected constitutional rights?

Assaulting a Dean of a University isn't an act of protest nor is trespass an act of protest. When the Dean ordered him out of her office he did not leave which made what he did illegal. There is a time and a place to protest and a private office isn't a place of protest and when you are asked to leave refusing to do so makes your presence an act of trespass. You don't get to go into someone's office, and videotape them or protest in their office when they tell you to leave. This guy is nothing more than an egocentric ass who thinks he has the right to do whatever he wants including trespassing, assault and invading the privacy of others.
Just like the wacky righties being turned out by the Horowitz school of Horror, don't like American freedom, protest. Damn, last I checked we were a free country of free individuals. I know the righties want to change that.

You're taking too long between checks midcan, I suggest they should be daily from now on.
Back in the day, when leftists protested, they shut down the entire campus when they staged their campus coups (they also had a bad habit of committing arson). :eusa_shhh:

In those days they knew how to protest :lol:
Assaulting a Dean of a University isn't an act of protest nor is trespass an act of protest. When the Dean ordered him out of her office he did not leave which made what he did illegal. There is a time and a place to protest and a private office isn't a place of protest and when you are asked to leave refusing to do so makes your presence an act of trespass. You don't get to go into someone's office, and videotape them or protest in their office when they tell you to leave. This guy is nothing more than an egocentric ass who thinks he has the right to do whatever he wants including trespassing, assault and invading the privacy of others.

And of course you feel this way when the Democrats do similar antics? Take for example the 2 that illegally pretended to be republican helpers at the convention so they could verbally assault candidates? Or throwing pie at speakers? Maybe your ok with the democrats breaking the law and preventing people from speaking at events by harrassment and intimidation, forcing the security people to remove the speaker because of safety concerns?
And of course you feel this way when the Democrats do similar antics? Take for example the 2 that illegally pretended to be republican helpers at the convention so they could verbally assault candidates? Or throwing pie at speakers? Maybe your ok with the democrats breaking the law and preventing people from speaking at events by harrassment and intimidation, forcing the security people to remove the speaker because of safety concerns?

A convention is a political event. It is fair game for protest. I used to work for someone who got gassed at the '68 convention and he was very proud of it.

Seems to me that if a "liberal" student tried to do to a conservative professor what this kid did, you'd be screaming about the prof's freedom of speech and how colleges are cesspools of liberal thought.

I could be wrong about that, but I don't think so. :cool:
A convention is a political event. It is fair game for protest. I used to work for someone who got gassed at the '68 convention and he was very proud of it.

Seems to me that if a "liberal" student tried to do to a conservative professor what this kid did, you'd be screaming about the prof's freedom of speech and how colleges are cesspools of liberal thought.

I could be wrong about that, but I don't think so. :cool:

Someone that VOLUNTEERS to run for public office is also political and FAIR game, well unless they are democrats then they are a protected entity, right Jillian?
A convention is a political event. It is fair game for protest. I used to work for someone who got gassed at the '68 convention and he was very proud of it.


Damn, they don't make 'em like that any more! Instead of being out there, yelling at Daley's cops, "The whole world is watching!" nowadays that person would be sitting in a lawyer's office whining about the long-term deleterious effects of tear gas. :lol:

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