Also force may be used to protect property in Texas:
Prevention of Trespass or Theft - Texas Penal Code § 9.41(a)
Texas law allows a lawful owner of land or tangible property to use force to protect his property. The property owner is justified in using force when he reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to prevent or terminate the other's trespass on his land or unlawful interference with his property.
It doesn't have to be self defense. That's what the left doesn't understand. They can't get past that point.
In Texas, there are TWO reasons that you can use deadly force, to protect life or protect property. If he was being feloniously assaulted on his porch he can shoot to kill as that is his dwelling. Someone who comes onto his property, commits two felonies of burglary and attempted grand larceny of a firearm he can be shot dead to stop those crimes as that is protecting property as it happened on his porch and he has a right to stop a felony from happening by a criminal trespasser on his property.
The dead guy had zero right to be where he was, the other man owned the property and told him on video to leave. Child custody was irrelevant as it said to make the exchange "curbside" not on the guys front porch.
It's a clear case of one dumbass dying because of his stupidity.