This is evil antifa terrorist now targeting compassionate citizens who donated to Andy Ngo's gofund


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
In a much publicized event in June Quillette journalist Andy Ngo was beaten and robbed by several Antifa terrorists at a Portland protest march.
"This Is Evil!" - Antifa Terrorists Now Targeting Compassionate Citizens who Donated to Andy Ngo's GoFundMe Campaign

These are your pigs ------- your teachers--------- your untcs---------- who hate America hit old people, beat up little kids young girls pushed ot the front lines your pathetic pussy pigs whose pay back is coming in ways you pathetic cowards pigs will never expect because KARMA doesn't care who you are , what color you are, what fk President or Country you like. BITCH it comes for those who are -unts to humanity !!!
In a much publicized event in June Quillette journalist Andy Ngo was beaten and robbed by several Antifa terrorists at a Portland protest march.
"This Is Evil!" - Antifa Terrorists Now Targeting Compassionate Citizens who Donated to Andy Ngo's GoFundMe Campaign

These are your pigs ------- your teachers--------- your untcs---------- who hate America hit old people, beat up little kids young girls pushed ot the front lines your pathetic pussy pigs whose pay back is coming in ways you pathetic cowards pigs will never expect because KARMA doesn't care who you are , what color you are, what fk President or Country you like. BITCH it comes for those who are -unts to humanity !!!

Yuh huh. Jim Fuckingly Hoft yet again, expecting different results.


In a much publicized event in June Quillette journalist Andy Ngo was beaten and robbed by several Antifa terrorists at a Portland protest march.
"This Is Evil!" - Antifa Terrorists Now Targeting Compassionate Citizens who Donated to Andy Ngo's GoFundMe Campaign

These are your pigs ------- your teachers--------- your untcs---------- who hate America hit old people, beat up little kids young girls pushed ot the front lines your pathetic pussy pigs whose pay back is coming in ways you pathetic cowards pigs will never expect because KARMA doesn't care who you are , what color you are, what fk President or Country you like. BITCH it comes for those who are -unts to humanity !!!

Oh please, we all sat on our asses and did nothing;

- as Ghislaine Maxwell slithered back into the shadows after sex trafficking our children to our aristocracy post Epstein's convenient demise.
- as our empire militarily occupies the globe economically cannibalizing society at home.
- as our last legal constitutional war lies back at WWII.
- as worker compensation has stagnated/flatlined despite increases in worker productivity going all the way back to the 1970s.
- as our schools became live target shooting galleries.
- as we returned to internment/ concentration camps.
- as a neo-Nazi administration put the "white" in white house, which was built on slave labor anyway.
- as we sold nuclear reactors to NK a mere two years before we placed them on an axis of evil list, from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of.
- as "law enforcement" was infiltrated by white nationalists/supremacists.
- as we outsourced the rearing of our children and care of our elders to accommodate the wishes of predatory capitalism.
- as we became the greatest threat to world peace and the quintessential purveyor of violence across the globe.
- as our militarist coups/interventions in South/Latin America fomented violence and mass migrations.
- as corruption became a way of life in american society.
- all from a nation founded upon genocide and slavery.

Karma you say?
Antifa are cowards and pussies. No wonder the left supports them.

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