This is how Americans believe in American elections

Do you bother to vote in US elections?

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Nov 17, 2013
Reminds me of USSR where everyone also knew that it does not make any difference which communist gets selected

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I always vote, for the better of the choices, with hope and prayers. Understanding all are human, with the aforesaid qualities and frailties.
You are all hopeless
Okay so what do you suggest
What I suggest is follow your leader, me. I was elected by my chickens and the birds around my neighborhood as I explained earlier in the other thread:

I was ALSO legally elected, not just by the chickens on my property, but also by the birds that show up here to eat the seeds on my ballot box. I set up a ballot box couple years ago, with my name on it (idea I got from US style elections) and every time a chicken or a bird stepped on it, he voted for me. I realize that all these birds may not have been as intelligent as all the voters who managed to PRESS the button (for candidate this or candidate that), but nonetheless, I am now the elected leader - there were a bunch of independent candidates also running against me, but they were not worth placing on the ballot, since everyone here, my dogs and my chickens always focus on me, they already KNEW I am the leader even before elections. elections were just to make it official, AND IF YOU, do not recognize me as the leader of the world..... let's just say my last name is Abrutis, maybe you can get a hint of what it means.

ps. the best the political community could do about my legitimate win of elections was BAN me. and soon maybe you will not see me here either, because this is the last forum I am on, I have no access to no politicaldebate, or any other forums that I once frequented and was always among the most polite members - I just did not play their game right.

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