This PERFECTLY explains todays social mentality, and where it can lead

If it's such a great piece, then surely you can summarize it in your own words. If you won't, then why should anyone bother looking at it?
Got it. You didn't even watch it yourself. It was just on the list of propaganda points you were told to parrot.

And since you didn't watch it, why should anyone else?

I watched it, thats why I posted it.
Just because you're an illiterate sheeple, have the attention span of a gnat, and love wallowing in your own brainlessness and stupidity.............don't be projecting yourself onto other people.
Found this, and it's pretty much the most perfect explanation of todays social mentality and whats going on in our society and culture. If you have been wondering WHY people are they way they are today, listen carefully.....this can help explain.

Hogwash! Take informed risk, but do not glorify risk taking for risk taking sake. Friedrich Nietzsche was a creative thinker and writer, but was not balanced through most of his life and indeed insane at the time of his death.
Hogwash! Take informed risk, but do not glorify risk taking for risk taking sake. Friedrich Nietzsche was a creative thinker and writer, but was not balanced through most of his life and indeed insane at the time of his death.

The video was on society in general, not one specific person.
Who IS "balanced" anyway??? Most people today are insane because of what the video talks about thats happening.
I watched it, thats why I posted it.
Then surely you should be able to summarize the high points in your own words.

You know, debate.

But you won't. instead, you just cry about how everyone else should be doing your work for you.

Typical lazyass Trump cult loser.
Then surely you should be able to summarize the high points in your own words.

You know, debate.

But you won't. instead, you just cry about how everyone else should be doing your work for you.

Typical lazyass Trump cult loser.

Nobody said I had to summarize anything in order to post a video.

It's a video less than 10 minutes long. In the time you've taken to harass me, you could have watched it at least 3 times over.

The video is there for any civilized, intelligent human being to view at their own leisure.......of which you obviously don't qualify.

Instead of ASKING POLITELY for a summarization, you attack. Just like the deranged, lazy, insecure, Dementocrap does.
You have to look beyond the concept of safety to get a handle on societal trends. We live in a litigating society. Spill a hot cup of coffee on yourself and sue Starbucks. Crawl into a plastic packing bag and suffocate and sue the mattress company. Fall off a ladder and sue everybody. Companies don't like being involved in law suits where the jury tends to side with the plaintiff if he/she has enough bandages. Live with it and understand it.
Hogwash! Take informed risk, but do not glorify risk taking for risk taking sake. Friedrich Nietzsche was a creative thinker and writer, but was not balanced through most of his life and indeed insane at the time of his death.
I fly a paraglider, ride motorcycles, used to do powered acro flight, ski raced DH and SG....I know a thing or three about taking informed risks and assessing them.

You covidiots are the most risk averse, cowering, candy asses I've ever come across....What makes it even worse is your self-righteousness in trying to impose your pious cowardice upon the rest of the world at gunpoint.
Found this, and it's pretty much the most perfect explanation of todays social mentality and whats going on in our society and culture. If you have been wondering WHY people are they way they are today, listen carefully.....this can help explain.

Frank Furedi definitely understands what it takes to make a great society based on individual liberty. Though I found a few positive attributes regarding Friedrich Nietzche he had a tendency to take his views to the negative extreme regarding humanity/society, such as Darwinism. Nietzche was a favorite of Adolf Hitler like need I say anymore on the subject of Nietzche? Where Furedi zeroed the subject of "fear" in a society he BOTH realized that fear is based primarily on mortality AND failure! Open minded & EXTREMELY observant Furedi rates high on the list of sociologists. In my opinion Nietzche was definitely more of a philosopher than a sociologist though Nietzche most certainly did possess an understanding of historical sociology for sure. High on my list(top 10 sociologists) is Eileen Barker with her studies into cults of all types. Barker & Furedi together certainly possess the knowledge to explain WHY the west is going down faster than a lead balloon! Barker belongs to the UK's Liberal Democrat party but comes across to me more as a CLASSICAL Liberal(Libertarian) than a social liberal.

You have to look beyond the concept of safety to get a handle on societal trends. We live in a litigating society. Spill a hot cup of coffee on yourself and sue Starbucks. Crawl into a plastic packing bag and suffocate and sue the mattress company. Fall off a ladder and sue everybody. Companies don't like being involved in law suits where the jury tends to side with the plaintiff if he/she has enough bandages. Live with it and understand it.
No. Those lawyers are in deep trouble with the bar. We do not tolerate a corrupt police-station court system which enforces the evil judgments of the wicked against the righteous.
Found this, and it's pretty much the most perfect explanation of todays social mentality and whats going on in our society and culture. If you have been wondering WHY people are they way they are today, listen carefully.....this can help explain.

The video that follows next in series is interesting too.
I fly a paraglider, ride motorcycles, used to do powered acro flight, ski raced DH and SG....I know a thing or three about taking informed risks and assessing them.

You covidiots are the most risk averse, cowering, candy asses I've ever come across....What makes it even worse is your self-righteousness in trying to impose your pious cowardice upon the rest of the world at gunpoint.
Those are cool hobbies. Mine are or have been skiing, technical climbing, rappelling, back country hiking and navigation, and white water canoeing and kayaking (nothing over class IV unless I don't have the latest weather information for the upper end of a watershed), plus shooting a wide variety of weapons, have done demolition, mortars, artillery, rockets, grenade launchers and tanks. Taught most of it at one time or another, and I have always taken precautions. It is how you get to be my age with most of your body parts in original configuration.
You guys that don't do precautions sooner or later end up dead or injured, most of the time due to personal stupidity and failure to properly follow instruction and best practices. I know, as a school trained accident investigator, and have investigated the events and written the report of accidents leading to death and injury. Not my people. They paid me to bring mine back alive and in one piece. You don't have to believe me, as you don't work for me, but taking precautions works better than fast reflexes, supposedly superior skill, and dumb luck. There is a lot of difference between taking precautions and cowardice, kid. Just saying......
It is how you get to be my age with most of your body parts in original configuration.
You did care about your children's future, did you?
You guys that don't do precautions sooner or later end up dead or injured, most of the time due to personal stupidity and failure to properly follow instruction and best practices.
There's basic common sense, but mostly you just need to sober up on that mandatory instruction crap and professional continuing education requirements.
as a school trained accident investigator, and have investigated the events and written the report of accidents leading to death and injury.
Skip that shot of liquor in your coffee and you'll do just fine.
You did care about your children's future, did you?

There's basic common sense, but mostly you just need to sober up on that mandatory instruction crap and professional continuing education requirements.

Skip that shot of liquor in your coffee and you'll do just fine.
Yep. Two of them I was taking up rock walls and stepping off cliffs at 11 1/2 years old.
Always stay alert to instruction and changes to instruction already received previously.
Roger that. I like my coffee, like I like some women, hot, black and extra sweet. But, they can still be dangerous too.;)

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