This was HARD to do. Was on it since around 8 this morning....

Feb 28, 2009
What you are about to hear started with a 33 1/3 RPM vinyl record that is 34 years old. I don't often make digital audio off records, because it's tedious and very difficult to get excellent technical quality from these.

With a pool of denatured alcohol kept on it, (old trick) and a excellent turntable... I recorded this into my computer. Then the work began...

I decompiled the file then went through cleaning up all the pops, rumble, hiss, getting all the noise and unwanted elements out. (Tedious and took hours). Re-arranged it just a little for dramatic effect... Then gave it a Dolby Digital 5.1 encoded channel with effects that's just killer, did a soft compression and Dolby Noise Reduction, got it all balanced out and looking good on the meters and testers and sounding good.... Then turned it into a 256kb/s mp3 file for your iPods and other digital audio devices.

This was alot of damn work for a song no one's heard yet...

I give you C.W. McCall, from his Black Bear Road album.... Green River. Click below to stream or download, and enjoy.

Green River - C.W. McCall. Digitally remastered by Midnight Marauder | Excellence in Podcasting Networks
10-4, Big Dog, fer shure, fer shure.
Double M, your audio abilities never ceases to amaze me. You have quite a talent. Just listening to it makes me want to run out and find myself a "convoy"...
Ha! Thanks!

I did "Convoy" earlier this year.... Had the benefit of session audio files sent by Chip Davis... And used my MIDI and Synth to add more goodies.... Echo effects at the beginning were inspired by actual events... C.W. McCall concert at our regional fair, he had echo problems due to his CB radio he uses live, really made the beginning pop. The sound of the 18 wheeler starting up and driving off at the beginning as well? Lifted from the opening of the "Smokey and the Bandit" movie!

No video on this yet, but here's the mp3 audio file. Let them fuckers roll, 10-4!

C. W. McCall - Convoy, 2011 digital remaster - Midnight Marauder | Excellence in Podcasting Networks
Double M, your audio abilities never ceases to amaze me. You have quite a talent. Just listening to it makes me want to run out and find myself a "convoy"...
Ha! Thanks!

I did "Convoy" earlier this year.... Had the benefit of session audio files sent by Chip Davis... And used my MIDI and Synth to add more goodies.... Echo effects at the beginning were inspired by actual events... C.W. McCall concert at our regional fair, he had echo problems due to his CB radio he uses live, really made the beginning pop. The sound of the 18 wheeler starting up and driving off at the beginning as well? Lifted from the opening of the "Smokey and the Bandit" movie!

No video on this yet, but here's the mp3 audio file. Let them fuckers roll, 10-4!

C. W. McCall - Convoy, 2011 digital remaster - Midnight Marauder | Excellence in Podcasting Networks

Another great job... Haven't heard any cool songs from you lately... I think the last thing I heard from you was a little ditty that you and KK put together. Left me roflmao... I like your style.:clap2:
Double M, your audio abilities never ceases to amaze me. You have quite a talent. Just listening to it makes me want to run out and find myself a "convoy"...
Ha! Thanks!

I did "Convoy" earlier this year.... Had the benefit of session audio files sent by Chip Davis... And used my MIDI and Synth to add more goodies.... Echo effects at the beginning were inspired by actual events... C.W. McCall concert at our regional fair, he had echo problems due to his CB radio he uses live, really made the beginning pop. The sound of the 18 wheeler starting up and driving off at the beginning as well? Lifted from the opening of the "Smokey and the Bandit" movie!

No video on this yet, but here's the mp3 audio file. Let them fuckers roll, 10-4!

C. W. McCall - Convoy, 2011 digital remaster - Midnight Marauder | Excellence in Podcasting Networks

Another great job... Haven't heard any cool songs from you lately... I think the last thing I heard from you was a little ditty that you and KK put together. Left me roflmao... I like your style.:clap2:
We have several parody song videos. They're all still on KK's YouTube page.

I've done several more than that, we just haven't commissioned any vids for them yet. KK's more now into the RPG modeling stuff. Glad you like the work!
Back before cell phones we had a:

This is May of 09.... trlrtrash13 and I.... "Convoy" became "Mandate!"

(On the phone)
Yea, MSNBC, this here is the President. I got a talking point for you guys over there. Uh... yea, uh... fer sure fer sure. By golly, we're taking over the Capitol. Mark my words, Olbermann, we got the majority now good buddy. Mercy sakes alive, looks like we got ourselves a mandate!

(1st verse)
It was as cold as December on the 4th of November when they voted us lefties in.
The Democrats took the House and the Senate and a Marxist President.
We was headed for D.C. in a couple months so I picked up my telephone.
I said "Pelosi, this here's your President and we're about to let America know.

We got a left wing mandate,
stickin it to the right.
Yeah we got a left wing mandate,
to take away your rights.
Come on and join our mandate,
no law's gonna stand in our way.
We're gonna push our left wing mandate
upon the U.S.A.


(on the phone)
Uh, yea Kennedy? This here's the Prez. You want socialized medicine? Yea, give it about 6 months or so. Gotta say the economy is better first.

(2nd verse)

By the time we got to Washington we had 300 seats in all.
But there's a wire tap on Blagojevich and the Feds had ears in his walls.
Yea them Feds were on him like bugs on a bumper, Rham was even tapped by the fuzz.
I said "Callin all Dems, this here's the Prez. Blago's going under the bus.

We got a left wing mandate,
stickin it to the right.
We got a left wing mandate,
to take away your rights.
Come on and join our mandate,
no law's gonna stand in our way.
We're gonna push our left wing mandate
upon the U.S.A.


(On the phone)

Uh... you said who's having a protest, Speaker? Negatory. We're the one's who protest. Yea, we'll have to get ACORN to infiltrate those tea parties then.

(3rd verse)

We ran right over the straight talk express like a hammer and sickle on wheels.
We tore up our Campaign promises and made some special interest deals.
By the time we'd been there 30 days the market took a dump.
So we stole some money from your kids and tried to prop it up.
There's bridges, roads, and walkways, and loans we can never repay.
Yea, that stimulus was full of pork but we passed it anyway.
We bailed out banks and AIG with a trillion borrowed bucks.
There was nothing left to bail out Chrysler, Pontiac, or GM Trucks.

(on the phone)

Uhh... Get me Hillary. Yea, Hillary? I want you to schedule me a trip around the world. I'm gonna go around apologizing for America's arrogance. Yea, and tell the terrorists we're not mad at them anymore.

(4th verse)

We doubled the debt in about two months and that's before the budget passed.
Those tea parties sprouted up everywhere, yea those Republicans sure are mad.
I said "Pelosi, this here's the President. We just ain't a gonna pay them no mind.
We'll just tax the rich till we're outta this I sez "No millionaire left behind".


We got a left wing mandate,
stickin it to the right.
We got a left wing mandate,
to take away your rights.
Come on and join our mandate,
no law's gonna stand in our way.
We're gonna push our left wing mandate
upon the U.S.A.


(On phone)
Uhh.. yea, Kennedy. Where's my teleprompter?
Denver? Well, I can handle the people out there for sure for sure.
Yea, Teddy. You just stay back here. Keep some beer in your glass and the feds off my -- tail
And speakin of tails, you got any dogs for the kids in that puppy mill o' yours? Yeah don't worry bout PETA they don't really care...
Oh and Get Michelle a new dress. She's gonna change on the plane.
We gone. Bye bye...
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