This was no accident: Our Government's Cavalier Attitude to the Rule of Law


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
On Tuesday, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and five of his deputies were called on the carpet by Judge Andrew Hanen for violating his court order blocking President Obama's executive amnesty with the possibility of holding them in contempt. Johnson and his deputies were ordered to appear before the court on August 19. But Hanen left open the possibility of cancelling the summons if the government had remedied the situation by July 31 (believe you me, don't count on it).

After Hanen's ruling in February, the HSC issued 2,000 three year work permits to illegal immigrants in accordance to the amnesty order. When Hanen asked why they had issued these permits contrary to the injunction, the government claimed the issuance of these permits was purely accidental. Hanen gave them the benefit of the doubt and ordered them to revoke the permits. But lo and behold, they never did and have yet to. In an advisory hearing on May 7, the Government admitted that it had blatantly violated the injunction.

"This Court has expressed its willingness to believe that these actions were accidental and not done purposefully to violate this Court’s order. Nevertheless, it is shocked and surprised at the cavalier attitude the Government has taken with regard to its 'efforts' to rectify this situation ...The Government has conceded that it has directly violated this Court’s Order in [the government's] May 7, 2015 advisory, yet, as of today, two months have passed since the Advisory and it has not remediated its own violative behavior. That is unacceptable and, as far as the Government’s attorneys are concerned, completely unprofessional."

If there needed to be any evidence to show the blatant lawlessness of this Government, look no further. Similar defiance of the law by so called "sanctuary cities" has already led to the death of Kate Steinle in San Francisco.

HOUSTON (AP) — A federal judge in Texas has threatened to hold Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and other top immigration enforcement officials in contempt of court for not fixing problems that led to work permits being mistakenly awarded under President Barack Obama’s executive immigration action after the judge had put the plan on hold.

The Justice Department had said about 2,000 individuals had been sent three-year work authorizations after U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, temporarily blocked the immigration action on Feb. 16.

Jeh Johnson Homeland Security chief others ordered to court by judge - Washington Times
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There has been no "rule of law" in this country since January 20, 2009.
Crazy Texas judges are always spouting off about something. I saw one the other day showing off a dead two headed goat that he had in the back of his pickup.
There has been no "rule of law" in this country since January 20, 2009.

Of course not, if not even earlier than that. But if you need demonstrative proof of it, there it is.
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Maybe 10 days in jail for each violation will get their attention, unfortunately I don't think the judge has the balls, he's been too accommodating to this point.
Maybe 10 days in jail for each violation will get their attention, unfortunately I don't think the judge has the balls, he's been too accommodating to this point.

The fact that he's wanting to hold them in contempt should tell you otherwise. I mean, he had the balls to strike Obama's amnesty order in the first place.
Maybe 10 days in jail for each violation will get their attention, unfortunately I don't think the judge has the balls, he's been too accommodating to this point.

The fact that he's wanting to hold them in contempt should tell you otherwise. I mean, he had the balls to strike Obama's amnesty order in the first place.

And he really hasn't held their feet to the fire since, he talks a good game, but so far his actions have been weak.
Maybe 10 days in jail for each violation will get their attention, unfortunately I don't think the judge has the balls, he's been too accommodating to this point.

The fact that he's wanting to hold them in contempt should tell you otherwise. I mean, he had the balls to strike Obama's amnesty order in the first place.

And he really hasn't held their feet to the fire since, he talks a good game, but so far his actions have been weak.

Well, as lenient as he sounds, even he will run out of patience.
Maybe 10 days in jail for each violation will get their attention, unfortunately I don't think the judge has the balls, he's been too accommodating to this point.

The fact that he's wanting to hold them in contempt should tell you otherwise. I mean, he had the balls to strike Obama's amnesty order in the first place.

And he really hasn't held their feet to the fire since, he talks a good game, but so far his actions have been weak.

Well, as lenient as he sounds, even he will run out of patience.

We can only hope.

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