‘This was not supposed to happen’: Gore’s sequel comes in dismal 15th at box office – Gore fans mad


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
‘This was not supposed to happen’: Gore’s sequel comes in dismal 15th at box office – Gore fans allege film ‘sabotaged’ by Paramount


“Sadly, the box-office under-performance of An Inconvenient Sequel will be seized upon by climate-change deniers as ‘proof’ that Americans don’t really care about this issue,”

...they don't.
It's a documentary released in the middle of vacation season, a week before school starts again. It isn't the new Spiderman movie.

Jesus you derps lose your minds over anything that isn't a red hat with a fake slogan.
It's a documentary released in the middle of vacation season, a week before school starts again. It isn't the new Spiderman movie.

Jesus you derps lose your minds over anything that isn't a red hat with a fake slogan.

The article is about Gore fanboi crying about the bad box office.

Jesus you flakes lose your minds over anything that isn't a money grab with a fake slogan.

According to Deadline Hollywood, Gore’s sequel “grossed $900K, averaging $5,000 (per screen). That brought its cume (cumulative) over seven figures, landing at $1,052,000. Its weekend gross placed it 15th in the overall box office as of Sunday morning. Paramount said it will expand the title to over 500 locations next weekend.

The box office performance will disappoint Gore, who had urged his followers to pack movie theaters to send a message to “Trump and the other climate deniers.”

“By filling theaters, we can show Donald Trump and the other climate deniers in the White House that the American people are committed to climate action –– no matter what they do, say, or tweet!” Gore wrote in an email alert sent to his supporters on Friday August 4th, the day of his nationwide opening.

Many of the political left no longer want to see Gore as the face of the global warming movement. See: Warmist New Republic: ‘The Troubling Return of Al Gore’ – ‘Not everyone on the left is celebrating Gore’s reemergence’

Gore’s climate claims are failing to materialize as many of his assertions are exactly the opposite of the current climate data. See: Extreme Weather Expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘World is presently in an era of unusually low weather disasters & Climate Depot’s New ‘Talking Points’ Report – A-Z Debunking of Climate Claims

A prominent Ivy League Geologist who voted for Gore, was “appalled” after viewing his first 2006 film. “I voted for Gore in 2000, yeah. I think that if he ran again, depending on who he ran against, I might vote for him. He’s a smart man,” said Geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack, who chaired the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania in the skeptical film “Climate Hustle.”

But after viewing Gore’s film, Giegengack had this reaction. “I was appalled. I was appalled because he either deliberately misrepresented the point he was making or didn’t understand it. So it was irresponsible of Al Gore.”

“CO2 is not the villain that it has been portrayed. I’m impressed by the fact that the present climate, from the perspective of a geologist, is very close to the coldest it’s ever been. The concentration CO2 in the atmosphere today is the close to the lowest it has ever been,” Giegengack explained in “Climate Hustle”.

A key claim in Gore’s sequel about his role in securing the UN Paris climate pact has also been called into question. See: Sequel depicts Gore clinching 2015 UN Paris deal – But top Indian diplomat says Gore’s claim is nonsense

Gore’s Sequel ‘Sabotaged’!

Gore fans like Tucker are now reduced to blaming the distributor for the sequels disappointing box office.

“A botched strategy by Paramount Pictures effectively sabotaged the nationwide release of the Al Gore documentary An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, which finished in 15th place in US theatres this weekend. This was not supposed to happen,” Tucker explained.

Box Office Mojo Weekend Box Office for Aug. 4-6

Many climate activists and Gore apostles were hoping for a re-run of the success of Gore’s 2006 original film or of a Michael Moore style boom at the box office.

Tucker wrote: “Considering the fact that this is arguably the first major anti-Trump documentary to hit theatres–and considering the public outrage over Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement–Paramount should have stuck to its original plan; in fact, Paramount could have seized upon anti-Trump sentiment by giving An Inconvenient Sequel the same high-profile national rollout that Lionsgate gave [Michael Moore’s] Fahrenheit 9/11 in 2004, a rollout that resulted in that iconic film opening at #1 at the US box office, a rarity for a documentary.”

“It’s a shame that Paramount dropped the ball, giving the film a ‘national’ release in so few theatres that most Americans must wait until the film is available on demand or on DVD in order to see it,” Tucker explained.
Al Gore himself is a rather repulsive public figure, and the target audience is only dimly aware of the debacle of Y2k, when Gore came "this close" to becoming President. The number of people who admire him or take him seriously is microscopic. The question is not, "Why didn't this film get more viewers?" but rather, "Why would anyone pay good money to see it?" Beats me.
A few reasons for this people don't generally go to the movies to be lectured to most if not all of Gores global warming claims did not come true and last a lot of people think Gore is full of it.
Al Gore himself is a rather repulsive public figure, and the target audience is only dimly aware of the debacle of Y2k, when Gore came "this close" to becoming President. The number of people who admire him or take him seriously is microscopic. The question is not, "Why didn't this film get more viewers?" but rather, "Why would anyone pay good money to see it?" Beats me.

That's why it's so stupid for snowflakes to link the success of the movie to anything else.

People know it's bullshit propaganda. They aren't willing to pay their money to be lied to by Gore.

The lying fuck tries to say that he was correct about NYC being underwater because of Global warming. It has already happened....Hurricane Sandy....

Al "I like to sexually assault masseuses" Gore is a snake oil salesman. Snowflakes are great customers.
Good snowflakes should see this movie 30 times in the theatre to help the box office and try to prove that people care.

Al Gore should pay his fair share of taxes.
Apparently the theaters don't take food stamps, so the snowflakes can't get in...
It doesn't have talking snakes and flying grandpas so many cons refuse to see it. If it's a movie about how ghosts are real then it's red state worthy. Anything based on fact is now wholly rejected by cons. But let them whine, it's their thing now the poor snowflakes.

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