Thread titles that are funny when read one after the other


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Every once in awhile, in any given forum, I will see a thread title immediately followed by another thread title that strikes me as funny or appropriate or wierdly coincidental or some such.
For instance, just now in the Political Forum I noticed these two threads and had to grin a little:

What Did Obama Do After This Ft Hood Shooting And After Sandyhook Shooting? ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

A Lovely Taxpayer-Funded Parade in Iraq...

They have to actually follow each other when you see them to qualify though. No fair picking a thread title and going hunting for one that would be funny IF it had followed it.
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And this one just now in Current Events:

Bacon On a Stick Sells Out For Texas Rangers Home Opener

The Animals of Yellowstone Park Are Fleeing
Found on New Posts page:

Something the gop has forgotten

Have Liberals lost their "ever loving" minds?

Just now in the CDZ:

Calling each other Nazis, Hitler ( 1 2 )

No Place for Political Correctness In America
The funniest combo I ever saw was years ago on another forum:

What is the most humane form of execution?

Dinner tonight, or last night
Play the Guitars

An Admittedly Niave Question About the Affordable Health Care Act

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