Threatened with Recall, Evie Hudak (D) to Resign...

I agree she was trying to take away freedom. So vote her out in the normal election. That is what it is for.

Someone that passes such a crappy law that it pisses their voters off to the point they don't want to tolerate them any longer doesn't deserve to finish their term. That's what recalls are for.

The recall was being funded in large part by people who aren't even her constituents, so that is a bogus argument.

And she was not in violation of any laws.

Just remember where you set this bar. It can and will be used against you one day.

It strikes me as supreme hypocrisy to tolerate scumbags who actually violate our laws and cheat on their wives and act like depraved animals, and yet these organizations are not funding recall drives for them.

The way we treat the opposition reveals how much we actually believe in the Golden Rule.

Only from your point of view,speaking for nobody but yourself. She violated the people trust,and they want a recall,its just that simple.
I agree she was trying to take away freedom. So vote her out in the normal election. That is what it is for.

Someone that passes such a crappy law that it pisses their voters off to the point they don't want to tolerate them any longer doesn't deserve to finish their term. That's what recalls are for.

The recall was being funded in large part by people who aren't even her constituents, so that is a bogus argument.

And she was not in violation of any laws.

Just remember where you set this bar. It can and will be used against you one day.

It strikes me as supreme hypocrisy to tolerate scumbags who actually violate our laws and cheat on their wives and act like depraved animals, and yet these organizations are not funding recall drives for them.

The way we treat the opposition reveals how much we actually believe in the Golden Rule.

....not to mention that they got the required signatures to go your argument is "bogus".
She did not have sex in an airport bathroom stall. She did not post naked pictures of herself on Twitter. She did not frequent hookers and wear diapers. She did not cheat on her spouse with a lover from Argentina. She did not get caught trying to buy cocaine.


Hudak was one of four Democratic lawmakers initially targeted because of votes on gun legislation

It was the first recall of a state legislator in Colorado history, and recall opponents argued it set a dangerous precedent.

Why should anyone consider the opinion of the opponents? They're all a bunch of government shills.

The more recalls the better, as far as I'm concerned. Legislatures should learn to fear their constituents.
She did not have sex in an airport bathroom stall. She did not post naked pictures of herself on Twitter. She did not frequent hookers and wear diapers. She did not cheat on her spouse with a lover from Argentina. She did not get caught trying to buy cocaine.

Hudak was one of four Democratic lawmakers initially targeted because of votes on gun legislation

It was the first recall of a state legislator in Colorado history, and recall opponents argued it set a dangerous precedent.

It wasn't the first recall of a state legislator in Colorado history, g5. In fact, she is the third to be subjected to a recall in Colorado this year. Read the freaking news man. Get your facts straight.

September 10, 2013

DENVER — A Rocky Mountain earthquake in the form of Tuesday’s successful recall drives targeting two prominent Democrats who advocate gun control has shifted the state and national political landscape going into the 2014 elections.

The shocking defeat Tuesday night of two state lawmakers in Colorado’s first-ever legislative recall election despite a 7-1 spending advantage by gun control proponents represented a double blow for Democrats. It could hobble the party’s political dominance in the state and reshape the political debate over gun laws nationally in the 2014 midterm elections.

Senate President John Morse and state Sen. Angela Giron lost their seats despite massive outside help from gun control forces, led by New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

Colorado voters deal blow to gun control with stunning recall of 2 Democrats - Washington Times
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The recall was being funded in large part by people who aren't even her constituents, so that is a bogus argument.

The votes weren't.

So it's a 100% legitimate argument, and procedure.

I can understand your angst over your side's attempt to violate the constitution and disarm the people you don't agree with, getting turned back.


Move to Cuba, and work your way up the political ladder there. Then you can abuse your subjects all you want.

But don't try it here. Your day is done.
I have mixed feelings about recalls.

They're legal and legislators can do a lot of damage in between elections so it's reasonable for voters to reserve the right to reject legislators who offend them.

But recall chaos did considerable damage to our economy here in Wisconsin.
Whose the GOP gonna nominate to replace him?

James Holmes, who benefited so much from the GOP/NRA's lax laws?
The recall is perfectly acceptable.

The democrats will run a more compatible candidate in place of the one who resigned, which will take a lot of steam out of the far right's attempt to resist GOP mainstreaming.
Whose the GOP gonna nominate to replace him?

James Holmes, who benefited so much from the GOP/NRA's lax laws?

Actually, the savage killer, Holmes, 'benefited' from the insane Liberal 'gun free' zones.

"With 12 dead and 58 wounded, the July 20th shooting at the Cinemark Century 16 Theater in Aurora, Colorado was sure to result in a lawsuit. On Friday, the first suit was announced, claiming Cinemark has “primary responsibility.” The theater did have responsibility for the attack, but not for the reasons that the lawyers bringing the case think.

So why did the killer pick the Cinemark theater? You might think that it was the one closest to the killer’s apartment. Or, that it was the one with the largest audience.
Yet, neither explanation is right.

Instead, out of all the movie theaters within 20 minutes of his apartment showing the new Batman movie that night, it was the only one where guns were banned. In Colorado, individuals with permits can carry concealed handgun in most malls, stores, movie theaters, and restaurants. But private businesses can determine whether permit holders can carry guns on their private property.
Most movie theaters allow permit holders carrying guns. But the Cinemark movie theater was the only one with a sign posted at the theater’s entrance."
Read more: Did Colorado shooter single out Cinemark theater because it banned guns? | Fox News

How ignorant do you feel, now?
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She did not have sex in an airport bathroom stall. She did not post naked pictures of herself on Twitter. She did not frequent hookers and wear diapers. She did not cheat on her spouse with a lover from Argentina. She did not get caught trying to buy cocaine.

no, she is MUCH worse.

She attempted to take away people's FREEDOM.
BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I am not mistaken she voted for a law requiring background checks for any gun purchases. If your record is clean you get your gun. If you have a history of criminal behavior or mental problems you are denied the gun.
OMG! OMG! OMG! They are taking away the freedom of criminals and mentally disturbed people!!! What a terrible thing for them to do! OMG!"
vox defending the freedom of crooks and crazies!
Your side tried the 'blame the victim' for not being sufficiently armed with Adam Lanza's shootings too. What a flop that was.

Listen, the right has the political advantage on guns now, and the blood-soaked results are in the news everyday. I admit this.

But the percentage of gun-owning homes is going down, and the country is getting more and more liberal. Time is on the side of the liberals. And the change in attitude that we saw in gay marriage will happen on gun issues. It will happen quickly and the right won't see it coming. You may be confident now, but I'm sure anti-gay marriage conservatives were also confident after the 2004 election too.

I suggest that conservatives start agreeing to some restrictions on gun ownership, manufacturing and sales, before you lose power, and liberals do it instead.
The recall is perfectly acceptable.

The democrats will run a more compatible candidate in place of the one who resigned, which will take a lot of steam out of the far right's attempt to resist GOP mainstreaming.

Sure thing Dem boy.
Your side tried the 'blame the victim' for not being sufficiently armed with Adam Lanza's shootings too. What a flop that was.

Listen, the right has the political advantage on guns now, and the blood-soaked results are in the news everyday. I admit this.

But the percentage of gun-owning homes is going down, and the country is getting more and more liberal. Time is on the side of the liberals. And the change in attitude that we saw in gay marriage will happen on gun issues. It will happen quickly and the right won't see it coming. You may be confident now, but I'm sure anti-gay marriage conservatives were also confident after the 2004 election too.

I suggest that conservatives start agreeing to some restrictions on gun ownership, manufacturing and sales, before you lose power, and liberals do it instead.

You appear too rabid to accept education, but....ever the optimist....I'll try.

It is not is the Liberal education/psychological establishment....


At least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs. It is important to note the following lists cases where the information about the shooters psychiatric drug use was made public.

To give an example, although it is known that James Holmes, suspected perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, was seeing psychiatrist Lynne Fenton, there has been no mention of what psychiatric drugs he may have been taking—though it is highly probably he was taking psychiatric drugs considering he was under a psychiatrist’s “care”. Also note that all these mass shootings didn’t just occur in the United States.
Of these 14, seven were seeing either a psychiatrist (5 of them) or psychologist (2 of them). It is not known whether or not the other half were seeing a psychiatrist, as it has not been published.

1. Huntsville, Alabama – February 5, 2010: 15-year-old Hammad Memon shot and killed another Discover Middle School student Todd Brown. Memon had a history for being treated for ADHD and depression. He was taking the antidepressant Zoloft and “other drugs for the conditions.” He had been seeing a psychiatrist and psychologist.

Now....look for the common element in these others:

2. Kauhajoki, Finland – September 23, 2008: 22-year-old culinary student Matti Saari shot and killed 9 students and a teacher, and wounded another student, before killing himself. Saari was taking an SSRI and a benzodiazapine. He was also seeing a psychologist.

3. Dekalb, Illinois – February 14, 2008: 27-year-old Steven Kazmierczak shot and killed five people and wounded 21 others before killing himself in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his girlfriend, he had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax and Ambien. Toxicology results showed that he still had trace amount of Xanax in his system. He had been seeing a psychiatrist.

4. Jokela, Finland – November 7, 2007: 18-year-old Finnish gunman Pekka-Eric Auvinen had been taking antidepressants before he killed eight people and wounded a dozen more at Jokela High School in southern Finland, then committed suicide.

5. Cleveland, Ohio – October 10, 2007: 14-year-old Asa Coon stormed through his school with a gun in each hand, shooting and wounding four before taking his own life. Court records show Coon had been placed on the antidepressant Trazodone.

6. Red Lake, Minnesota – March 2005: 16-year-old Jeff Weise, on Prozac, shot and killed his grandparents, then went to his school on the Red Lake Indian Reservation where he shot dead 7 students and a teacher, and wounded 7 before killing himself.

7. Greenbush, New York – February 2004: 16-year-old Jon Romano strolled into his high school in east Greenbush and opened fire with a shotgun. Special education teacher Michael Bennett was hit in the leg. Romano had been taking “medication for depression”. He had previously seen a psychiatrist.

8. Wahluke, Washington – April 10, 2001: Sixteen-year-old Cory Baadsgaard took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates and a teacher hostage. He had been taking the antidepressant Effexor.

9. El Cajon, California – March 22, 2001: 18-year-old Jason Hoffman, on the antidepressants Celexa and Effexor, opened fire on his classmates, wounding three students and two teachers at Granite Hills High School. He had been seeing a psychiatrist before the shooting.

10. Williamsport, Pennsylvania – March 7, 2001: 14-year-old Elizabeth Bush was taking the antidepressant Prozac when she shot at fellow students, wounding one.

11. Conyers, Georgia – May 20, 1999: 15-year-old T.J. Solomon was being treated with the stimulant Ritalin when he opened fire on and wounded six of his classmates.

12. Columbine, Colorado – April 20, 1999: 18-year-old Eric Harris and his accomplice, Dylan Klebold, killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded 26 others before killing themselves. Harris was on the antidepressant Luvox. Klebold’s medical records remain sealed. Both shooters had been in anger-management classes and had undergone counseling. Harris had been seeing a psychiatrist before the shooting.

13. Notus, Idaho – April 16, 1999: 15-year-old Shawn Cooper fired two shotgun rounds in his school, narrowly missing students. He was taking a prescribed SSRI antidepressant and Ritalin.

14. Springfield, Oregon – May 21, 1998: 15-year-old Kip Kinkel murdered his parents and then proceeded to school where he opened fire on students in the cafeteria, killing two and wounding 25. Kinkel had been taking the antidepressant Prozac. Kinkel had been attending “anger control classes” and was under the care of a psychologist.
Note: Psychiatric Drugs Can Also Cause Severe Withdrawal Symptoms— Violent and Suicidal Thoughts – Watch This 2 Minute Video

There have been 22 international drug regulatory warnings issued on psychiatric drugs causing violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis, and other violent type reactions. These warnings have been issued in the United States, European Union, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.

Columbine | CCHR International
Your side tried the 'blame the victim' for not being sufficiently armed with Adam Lanza's shootings too. What a flop that was.

Listen, the right has the political advantage on guns now, and the blood-soaked results are in the news everyday. I admit this.

But the percentage of gun-owning homes is going down, and the country is getting more and more liberal. Time is on the side of the liberals. And the change in attitude that we saw in gay marriage will happen on gun issues. It will happen quickly and the right won't see it coming. You may be confident now, but I'm sure anti-gay marriage conservatives were also confident after the 2004 election too.

I suggest that conservatives start agreeing to some restrictions on gun ownership, manufacturing and sales, before you lose power, and liberals do it instead.

Yes, this country is going to shit in a handbasket... but you are dead wrong, what the liberals are espousing.. doesn't work, it never has, it never will. As we get more liberal as you point out, our society further erodes... just look at the record numbers of unemployment, public assistance, the erosion of the family unit, etc., etc. It will only get worse and at some point, this liberal crap will be rejected in favor of common sense.
She voted for laws that disarm law-abiding citizens while leaving lawbreakers armed.

Now justice is being done.

Then vote her out in the normal election process. That's what it is for! You really want a process where whiners can boot someone at the drop of a hat?

Think carefully how you would react if it was one of your own.

I don't recall a single complaint from you when the Republicans were facing recalls. Remind us again how you are an independent.
Some people seem to forget that this is a Representive Republic. The people voted into office are there to represent the views of the people who sent them there, not their party's.

When a person in elected office does something that is against the wishes of the people, the people have the right and power to remove that person from office and replace them with someone who will represent them.

We are not voting for Kings, Queens, and Gods. We are voting for someone to represent our views for us. Those seats their asses sit in belong to the people, not the Democrat or Republican party.

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