Three Body Problem -Netflix


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Mar 23, 2010
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The Three Body Problem which is easily one of best and most terrifying Sci-Fi literary works has now been brought to the screen by the team that did Game of Thrones. It is a story of an alien invasion but it's certainly not a typical alien invasion story. It is envisioned to be a 4 season series. The first season is available on Netflix now.

So far it is a good show. I have only seen the first 5 episodes of the 8 episodes in season 1. The creators are basing the series on books. If you are a fan of the books don't expect the series to run very close to the books.

3 Body Problem involves a constellation of distinct narratives spanning multiple decades and generations. But at its core, the show is a compelling thriller about how the sins of humanity’s past come to shape its future. In a world where the scientific community has been rocked by an alarming wave of mysterious suicides. Through out the first season the viewer will encounter a number of mysteries and not all will be solved in the first season. There is a fine cast and a good script and the CGI is impressive.

To really understand the series, you need pay attention. You might find if useful to turn on audio description for the first 3 episodes.
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A great show, but had very low viewership which threatens its continued existence for another season.
A great show, but had very low viewership which threatens its continued existence for another season.
I don't about that. This week Netflix viewership placed it as number 1 in the top 10 TV shows in the US.

I just put all three books in the trilogy on hold at my library. The creators of the series are planning on 4 season. It will take 4 to 8 years to see the whole thing. I don't have patience for that.
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It was good until episode 6, then it went downhill.
The "wire girl" - her constant irreverent whining and self loathing is beyond old. Her character is boring.
The acting, with exception of Benedict Wong, is second rate. Mostly over dramatized and soap opera-ish.
The science is such garbage, every time "mean guy in charge" says they need something... "POOF!!!" - in the next room here it is - all figured out and magically ready to go!!!

It is like 2 different series.
Episodes 1-5 were well written, decent acting, interesting and easily held your interest.
After episode 6 = poorly written, acting is between okay-lousy, and the interesting depth of the earlier episodes is replaced with boring personal conflicts between the characters that is not interesting at all.
It was good until episode 6, then it went downhill.
The "wire girl" - her constant irreverent whining and self loathing is beyond old. Her character is boring.
The acting, with exception of Benedict Wong, is second rate. Mostly over dramatized and soap opera-ish.
The science is such garbage, every time "mean guy in charge" says they need something... "POOF!!!" - in the next room here it is - all figured out and magically ready to go!!!

It is like 2 different series.
Episodes 1-5 were well written, decent acting, interesting and easily held your interest.
After episode 6 = poorly written, acting is between okay-lousy, and the interesting depth of the earlier episodes is replaced with boring personal conflicts between the characters that is not interesting at all.
I have started on the books and they seem much better than the series so far. The series do not follow the books very closely. I believe the first book is not going to be as good as the rest. Hopefully that will be the case with the rest of seasons, assuming Netflix buys further seasons.
The first season is just a foundation for what will follow. I have started on the books and they seem much better than the series so far. The series does not follow the books very closely. I believe the first book is not going to be as good as the rest. Hopefully that will be the case with the rest of the seasons, assuming Netflix buys further seasons.
Well the last episode was very anti-climactic, and did nothing to make me anticipate the 2nd season.

Not sure what happened here. Did they run out of money? Seriously.
The first 5 episodes was good television. Things happening, the story line progressing... interesting.
Episodes 6-8.... the story barely moves at all. Mostly overly dramatic dialogue, bad acting and personal conflicts that are boring.

When it comes back, we might watch the 1st episode. Maybe. And unless it is awesome... we're done with it.
Well the last episode was very anti-climactic, and did nothing to make me anticipate the 2nd season.

Not sure what happened here. Did they run out of money? Seriously.
The first 5 episodes was good television. Things happening, the story line progressing... interesting.
Episodes 6-8.... the story barely moves at all. Mostly overly dramatic dialogue, bad acting and personal conflicts that are boring.

When it comes back, we might watch the 1st episode. Maybe. And unless it is awesome... we're done with it.
From what I have read, it seems the 1st season got good reviews but not great. Generally, blockbuster series on Netflix that are renewed have outstanding reviews.

3 Body is the story of science, political subterfuge, and the eventual invasion of Earth by an unknown alien race and that has just barely been touched on in the first season. Of course Netflix knows that the latter parts of the story are more interesting but those episodes will cost 15 to 20 million a piece.

If Netflix does not continue the series, the creators can sell the whole series to other streaming services which includes the 1st season which Netflix has already spent over 100 mullion. Apple+, Disney, and HBO all had interest in the project but apparently Netflix out bid them.

It will be interesting to see what Netflix does. If they dump the series and walk away licking their 100 million wound, David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, who created Game of Thrones will offer the whole series including season 1 to the other streaming services. Netflix can continue running 1st season but that doesn't seem likely since that could cost them customers when season 2 becomes available on another streaming service.
The Three Body Problem which is easily one of best and most terrifying Sci-Fi literary works has now been brought to the screen by the team that did Game of Thrones. It is a story of an alien invasion but it's certainly not a typical alien invasion story. It is envisioned to be a 4 season series. The first season is available on Netflix now.

So far it is a good show. I have only seen the first 5 episodes of the 8 episodes in season 1. The creators are basing the series on books. If you are a fan of the books don't expect the series to run very close to the books.

3 Body Problem involves a constellation of distinct narratives spanning multiple decades and generations. But at its core, the show is a compelling thriller about how the sins of humanity’s past come to shape its future. In a world where the scientific community has been rocked by an alarming wave of mysterious suicides. Through out the first season the viewer will encounter a number of mysteries and not all will be solved in the first season. There is a fine cast and a good script and the CGI is impressive.

To really understand the series, you need pay attention. You might find if useful to turn on audio description for the first 3 episodes.

The 5th episode was good, the 6th was trash, I haven't watched beyond that yet and it's been like 4 days or something. The problem I have with it is that the people who wrote the script seemed to not know or care what the 3 body problem was, know nothing about scientists or science at all. They made a show when geniuses come across as brick layers.
It was good until episode 6, then it went downhill.
The "wire girl" - her constant irreverent whining and self loathing is beyond old. Her character is boring.
The acting, with exception of Benedict Wong, is second rate. Mostly over dramatized and soap opera-ish.
The science is such garbage, every time "mean guy in charge" says they need something... "POOF!!!" - in the next room here it is - all figured out and magically ready to go!!!

It is like 2 different series.
Episodes 1-5 were well written, decent acting, interesting and easily held your interest.
After episode 6 = poorly written, acting is between okay-lousy, and the interesting depth of the earlier episodes is replaced with boring personal conflicts between the characters that is not interesting at all.
Just like GOT
The 5th episode was good, the 6th was trash, I haven't watched beyond that yet and it's been like 4 days or something. The problem I have with it is that the people who wrote the script seemed to not know or care what the 3 body problem was, know nothing about scientists or science at all. They made a show when geniuses come across as brick layers.
A number of filmmakers have considered making it into a series but all concluded that it was just was not doable. Apparently Benioff and Weiss did not agree. I have got the books and just started on them but I can tell, the series will be a major departure from the books.
A number of filmmakers have considered making it into a series but all concluded that it was just was not doable. Apparently Benioff and Weiss did not agree. I have got the books and just started on them but I can tell, the series will be a major departure from the books.

I haven't read the books, I read "The Teacher", a short story and it was okay at best. It was "You need to learn science in case aliens get into your brain and ask you questions, otherwise they might blow the Earth up" kind of book.
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