Three Texas women are sued for wrongful death after assisting with abortion


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
And so it begins.

Three Texas women are sued for wrongful death after assisting with abortion​

In the first lawsuit of its kind since Roe v. Wade was overturned, a husband seeks damages from women who helped his ex-wife obtain the medications to terminate her pregnancy.

A Texas man whose ex-wife terminated her pregnancy is suing three women who assisted her under the state’s wrongful death statute, the first such case brought since the state’s near-total ban on abortion last summer.
Marcus Silva is represented by Jonathan Mitchell, the former solicitor general of Texas and architect of the state’s prohibition on abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy, and state Rep. Briscoe Cain, R-Deer Park. The lawsuit is filed in state court in Galveston County, where Silva lives.
Silva alleges that his now ex-wife learned she was pregnant in July 2022, the month after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and conspired with two friends to illegally obtain abortion-inducing medication and terminate the pregnancy.

The friends texted with the woman, sending her information about Aid Access, an international group that provides abortion-inducing medication through the mail, the lawsuit alleges. Text messages show they instead found a way to acquire the medication in Houston, where the two women lived.

A third woman delivered the medication, the lawsuit alleges, and text messages indicate that the wife self-managed an abortion at home.
The defendants could not immediately be reached for comment. Silva and his wife divorced in February and have two daughters, the lawsuit said.
The lawsuit alleges that assisting a self-managed abortion qualifies as murder under state law, which would allow Silva to sue under the wrongful death statute. The women have not been criminally charged. Mitchell and Cain intend to also name the manufacturer of the abortion pill as a defendant, once it is identified.
It`s a legal medical procedure. What`s amusing is the pro-gun crazies pretending to care about a fetus. When a classroom full of 4th graders are gunned down, the pro-life phonies disappear.
When have we ever condoned gunning down fourth graders? Or any kids?

It isn’t a “legal medical procedure“ if it was outlawed by the people and legislation.
When have we ever condoned gunning down fourth graders? Or any kids?

It isn’t a “legal medical procedure“ if it was outlawed by the people and legislation.

The "people and legislation" has zero authority to dictate the personal and private family choices of others.
Legally only mothers get any say, and anyone else who tries is a criminal.
That can not be changed by legislators.
They have no jurisdiction.
It`s a legal medical procedure. What`s amusing is the pro-gun crazies pretending to care about a fetus. When a classroom full of 4th graders are gunned down, the pro-life phonies disappear.

Pro life people don't agree with murdering a child still inside its mother or agree with murdering 4th graders.

I'd like to see a link to your evidence stating otherwise.

Better, vote out Texas politicians.

Vote out people who don't believe in murdering children before they are even born?

A fetus is not alive because it is not sentient.

Once a fertilized egg implants it is a child. It just has begun a 17 to 20 year growth period. If you leave that implanted fertilized egg alone it will be born in 9 months. Abortion is ending a child's life, without a child there is nothing to abort. So when you abort a fetus you took away it's chance of being born and growing up.

By your logic killing a newborn baby is ok because it isn't sentient. A newborn can't think of reason, it just runs on reptilian brain functions. Just like it did it's previous 9 months inside the mother.

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