Time for a little truth on winning elections.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Elected folks in the House are called Representatives. It is know as the House of Representatives. Even in the earliest version of the Constitution the House was intended to be the voice of the people. The Senate was intended to be the voice of the States.

Now that every position is elected by the people, they are all Representative. This means that the elected folks should represent the views of the voters in their districts and states. Stay with me on this one. People in Georgia may detest Nancy Pelosi, and she still gets elected. The reason is that voters in Georgia don't get a say. Only Voters in her district get to vote.

I don't like John McCain. The only way I could do anything about it is to move to Arizona. Then I could vote against him.

People in San Francisco also get zero input into the decision of Arizona. They may think McCain is a colossal ass. But they don't get the decision any more than I do.

The truth that I said I would tell in the Title is here. To win the election, you have to represent the views of the voters who elected you. Wait. I know this is tricky.

Progressives begin push to primary red-state Senate Dems for being too Trump-friendly - Hot Air

Now let me explain how the Democrats can win. First you stop the purity purges. Second, you recognize that not everyone thinks like you do. Then when a Democrat manages to get elected from a more conservative district, you protect them and don't make it harder for them to keep being elected to represent the voters.

This is why the Democrats are in the minority now. They laughed and snickered and said good riddance to Democrats like John Barrow who warned the party that his district could not, would not go along. We are better off without him the purists declared.

You are better off in the minority? Unable to have any effect on national issues except tantrums? This is better off in your view?

The reality is that most of the country is pretty centrist. They may slide slightly right, or left from time to time. All the purity purges do is insure the Democrats are in the minority for another election cycle.

Now, here is how you win elections. You find out what the people in that district believe, and you promise to act on those issues the way those people want. You represent the views of the people who elected you. You don't call them names if they are not far enough left or right for the party. You don't ignore them because if you do, they won't vote for you again.

Now in my alcohol fueled egotistical moments I may arrogantly think the world would be better off if everyone thought and acted like I do. However eventually I sober up and once again realize that they do not think like I do. I accept that simple truth. I accept that people have different views.

When will the purity patrol progressive elements?

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