*Time To Attack Iran?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. We have a problem, and its Iran.
2. Iran juts tried to get a hit done in USA.
3. I think that that is a punsihable crime in America.
4. And will require we do something about it.
5. LINK:Saudis say Iran must 'pay the price' for alleged plot as US resists retaliation | World news | The Guardian

"The Saudi Arabian government has issued a menacing warning to Iran that it will have to "pay the price" for the alleged plot to hire a Mexican drugs cartel to assassinate its ambassador in Washington.

The threat from the Saudis came as the Obama administration resisted calls from within the US, mainly from the conservative right, to retaliate against Iran with military action.

But Iran denied it was behind the alleged plot, with officials claiming Washington had fabricated the story to divide Sunni Muslims – the dominant group in Saudi – and Shias, the dominant group in Iran. Tehran's leadership claimed Barack Obama was using the story to divert attention from the Occupy Wall Street protesters."

6. Or are we that weak????:eusa_hand:

Sorry bout that,

1. We have a problem, and its Iran.
2. Iran juts tried to get a hit done in USA.
3. I think that that is a punsihable crime in America.
4. And will require we do something about it.
5. LINK:Saudis say Iran must 'pay the price' for alleged plot as US resists retaliation | World news | The Guardian

"The Saudi Arabian government has issued a menacing warning to Iran that it will have to "pay the price" for the alleged plot to hire a Mexican drugs cartel to assassinate its ambassador in Washington.

The threat from the Saudis came as the Obama administration resisted calls from within the US, mainly from the conservative right, to retaliate against Iran with military action.

But Iran denied it was behind the alleged plot, with officials claiming Washington had fabricated the story to divide Sunni Muslims – the dominant group in Saudi – and Shias, the dominant group in Iran. Tehran's leadership claimed Barack Obama was using the story to divert attention from the Occupy Wall Street protesters."

6. Or are we that weak????:eusa_hand:


One small problem.

That skinny prick in the White House has bombed Pakistan, Libya, and Yemen in the last year or so. He's been assassinating leaders all over the place.

What gives us the right to be pissed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iKuMVqht4U&feature=related]Bomb Iran (Paul Shanklin) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWS-FoXbjVI&feature=related]America - Fuck Yeah! - YouTube[/ame]
"...it would be far more preferable if the United States could cite an Iranian provocation as justification for the airstrikes before launching them. Clearly, the more outrageous, the more deadly, and the more unprovoked the Iranian action, the better off the United States would be. Of course, it would be very difficult for the United States to goad Iran into such a provocation without the rest of the world recognizing this game, which would then undermine it. (One method that would have some possibility of success would be to ratchet up covert regime change efforts in the hope that Tehran would retaliate overtly, or even semi-overtly, which could then be portrayed as an unprovoked act of Iranian aggression.)

This suggests that this option might benefit from being held in abeyance until such time as the Iranians made an appropriately provocative move, as they do from time to time. In that case, it would be less a determined policy to employ airstrikes and instead more of an opportunistic hope that Iran would provide the United States with the kind of provocation that would justify airstrikes. However, that would mean that the use of airstrikes could not be the primary U.S. policy toward Iran (even if it were Washington’s fervent preference), but merely an ancillary contingency to another option that would be the primary policy unless and until Iran provided the necessary pretext."
page 84-85 of "Which Path to Persia?" Brookings Institution, 2009. http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/files/rc/papers/2009/06_iran_strategy/06_iran_strategy.pdf
"...it would be far more preferable if the United States could cite an Iranian provocation as justification for the airstrikes before launching them. Clearly, the more outrageous, the more deadly, and the more unprovoked the Iranian action, the better off the United States would be. Of course, it would be very difficult for the United States to goad Iran into such a provocation without the rest of the world recognizing this game, which would then undermine it. (One method that would have some possibility of success would be to ratchet up covert regime change efforts in the hope that Tehran would retaliate overtly, or even semi-overtly, which could then be portrayed as an unprovoked act of Iranian aggression.)

This suggests that this option might benefit from being held in abeyance until such time as the Iranians made an appropriately provocative move, as they do from time to time. In that case, it would be less a determined policy to employ airstrikes and instead more of an opportunistic hope that Iran would provide the United States with the kind of provocation that would justify airstrikes. However, that would mean that the use of airstrikes could not be the primary U.S. policy toward Iran (even if it were Washington’s fervent preference), but merely an ancillary contingency to another option that would be the primary policy unless and until Iran provided the necessary pretext."
page 84-85 of "Which Path to Persia?" Brookings Institution, 2009. http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/files/rc/papers/2009/06_iran_strategy/06_iran_strategy.pdf

Persia was a nice place when Zoroastrian, before the jihadists destroyed it like everything else. You remember what the Muhammadan did to your spain, right, puta?
Sorry bout that,

1. We have a problem, and its Iran.
2. Iran juts tried to get a hit done in USA.
3. I think that that is a punsihable crime in America.
4. And will require we do something about it.
5. LINK:Saudis say Iran must 'pay the price' for alleged plot as US resists retaliation | World news | The Guardian

"The Saudi Arabian government has issued a menacing warning to Iran that it will have to "pay the price" for the alleged plot to hire a Mexican drugs cartel to assassinate its ambassador in Washington.

The threat from the Saudis came as the Obama administration resisted calls from within the US, mainly from the conservative right, to retaliate against Iran with military action.

But Iran denied it was behind the alleged plot, with officials claiming Washington had fabricated the story to divide Sunni Muslims – the dominant group in Saudi – and Shias, the dominant group in Iran. Tehran's leadership claimed Barack Obama was using the story to divert attention from the Occupy Wall Street protesters."

6. Or are we that weak????:eusa_hand:


One small problem.

That skinny prick in the White House has bombed Pakistan, Libya, and Yemen in the last year or so. He's been assassinating leaders all over the place.

What gives us the right to be pissed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iKuMVqht4U&feature=related]Bomb Iran (Paul Shanklin) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWS-FoXbjVI&feature=related]America - Fuck Yeah! - YouTube[/ame]

Without all of that, we would still not have the right to be pissed. Let the Saudis deal with it.
Sorry bout that,

1980 called. It wants its thread back.

1. Yeah I hear what you say.
2. Jimma Carta should of launched the *ucking missiles at Iran back in his day.
2 a). But he being a limp wrist-ed liberal, he hid in his office, till his term was over.
3. Obama is just as weak.

Uncle Ferd says to bomb the schlitz outta `em...
What U.S. should do about Iran
Thu October 13, 2011 - William Cohen: Longtime Mideast observers baffled by reports of the plot; He says if Iran's leaders weren't aware, then they have a serious problem; Iran officials must hold those involved accountable for their actions, he says; Cohen: U.S., Saudis can take variety of steps to increase pressure on Iran
Longtime observers of the Middle East are baffled by allegations that high-ranking officials in the Iranian government approved a plan to assassinate Saudi Arabia Ambassador, Adel al-Jubeir, and blow up the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington. Commentators have described the plan as "brazen," but "bizarre" and 'bone-headed" might be more appropriate adjectives.

It's difficult to comprehend either the motives or the means selected to carry out the plan outlined by the Justice Department in its criminal indictment of Manssor Arbabsiar and Gholam Shakuri. Tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia are not new, but Iran has been both cautious and clever enough to restrain its ambitions for regional dominance.

If the allegations of the assassination and bombing plot are true, and the covert operation had proved successful, Iran's leaders would have invited retaliation on a scale far more vigorous than any they might have contemplated. Indeed, I think it's fair to say that the Iranian landscape would likely have been substantially altered.

Assuming, however, that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader, and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad never authorized the action or were ever aware of it, both have great cause for concern. Elements in their covert, black bag, assassination/ terrorist unit were planning an attack that could have brought about the decapitation of their leadership, the obliteration of their ambitions to enter the nuclear weapons club and quite possibly have precipitated a global depression by engulfing the region in war. Rather than dismissing the plot as a Zionist fabrication, these leaders should be looking inward and holding accountable those who were responsible for undertaking such a dangerous and destructive mission.


See also:

U.S. official: 'Multiple' sources strengthen case against Iran
Thu October 13, 2011 - U.S. ambassador to U.N. met with Iranian counterpart, State Dept. officials say; "Unusual but serious" picture emerged from verified sources, official tells CNN; Large wire transfers of cash were key to showing plot was real, official says; U.S. offering "specialized briefings" to other nations, State Dept. official says
"Multiple" sources have corroborated the report about an alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States, a scheme the administration is alleging is tied to Iran's military, a U.S. official told CNN Thursday. When U.S. officials first learned of the alleged plot, "there were significant doubts there was any 'there' there," the official said. But "multiple sources of independently verified information" corroborated the account, the official said. "It coalesced into a picture of something unusual but serious," the official said.

The official said a key indicator that the plot was real was the wire transfer of large sums of cash. The United States is offering "specialized briefings" to officials in other countries who have sought more information about the alleged plot, said State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland. She cited Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as having wanted more information. A senior administration official said the impetus for the specialized briefings came from U.S. officials. Briefing teams -- composed of senior officials from various agencies -- are going to China, Turkey and Russia and perhaps to other countries.

The news came on the same day that the United States reported having had "direct contact with Iran" about the alleged plot and as the Obama administration ratcheted up its rhetoric against the Islamic republic. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland disclosed the contact to reporters. A senior administration official told CNN it occurred Wednesday and was initiated by the United States. Two State Department officials said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice met with Mohammad Khazai, Iran's permanent representative to the United Nations. Iranian officials declined to confirm the meeting.

President Barack Obama weighed in on the alleged plot Thursday, saying it is "not just a dangerous escalation, this is part of a pattern of dangerous and reckless behavior" by the Iranian government. Obama called it a sign that Iran has "been outside of accepted norms of international behavior for far too long" and said the United States will work with international partners and will take steps to ensure that Iran "pays a price."

If the sanctions that are already in place prevent any money transfers through Iranian banks, where did the $100,000 come from ?
Sorry bout that,

1. We have a problem, and its Iran.
2. Iran juts tried to get a hit done in USA.
3. I think that that is a punsihable crime in America.
4. And will require we do something about it.
5. LINK:Saudis say Iran must 'pay the price' for alleged plot as US resists retaliation | World news | The Guardian

"The Saudi Arabian government has issued a menacing warning to Iran that it will have to "pay the price" for the alleged plot to hire a Mexican drugs cartel to assassinate its ambassador in Washington.

The threat from the Saudis came as the Obama administration resisted calls from within the US, mainly from the conservative right, to retaliate against Iran with military action.

But Iran denied it was behind the alleged plot, with officials claiming Washington had fabricated the story to divide Sunni Muslims – the dominant group in Saudi – and Shias, the dominant group in Iran. Tehran's leadership claimed Barack Obama was using the story to divert attention from the Occupy Wall Street protesters."

6. Or are we that weak????:eusa_hand:


Where will you be if the US attacks Iran? thats right bitch, you will be watching it all from the safety of your living room, go fuck yourself coward. Go enlist in the Army and than come back and tell us about bombing Iran.
Sorry bout that,

1. We have a problem, and its Iran.
2. Iran juts tried to get a hit done in USA.
3. I think that that is a punsihable crime in America.
4. And will require we do something about it.
5. LINK:Saudis say Iran must 'pay the price' for alleged plot as US resists retaliation | World news | The Guardian

"The Saudi Arabian government has issued a menacing warning to Iran that it will have to "pay the price" for the alleged plot to hire a Mexican drugs cartel to assassinate its ambassador in Washington.

The threat from the Saudis came as the Obama administration resisted calls from within the US, mainly from the conservative right, to retaliate against Iran with military action.

But Iran denied it was behind the alleged plot, with officials claiming Washington had fabricated the story to divide Sunni Muslims – the dominant group in Saudi – and Shias, the dominant group in Iran. Tehran's leadership claimed Barack Obama was using the story to divert attention from the Occupy Wall Street protesters."

6. Or are we that weak????:eusa_hand:


One small problem.

That skinny prick in the White House has bombed Pakistan, Libya, and Yemen in the last year or so. He's been assassinating leaders all over the place.

What gives us the right to be pissed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iKuMVqht4U&feature=related]Bomb Iran (Paul Shanklin) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWS-FoXbjVI&feature=related]America - Fuck Yeah! - YouTube[/ame]

What leaders did Obama assassinate? Anwar Al-Awlaki and Bin Laden were not the Presidents of any country and Gaddafi is still alive and was not killed by a US Air strike.
Sorry bout that,

1. We have a problem, and its Iran.
2. Iran juts tried to get a hit done in USA.
3. I think that that is a punsihable crime in America.
4. And will require we do something about it.
5. LINK:Saudis say Iran must 'pay the price' for alleged plot as US resists retaliation | World news | The Guardian

"The Saudi Arabian government has issued a menacing warning to Iran that it will have to "pay the price" for the alleged plot to hire a Mexican drugs cartel to assassinate its ambassador in Washington.

The threat from the Saudis came as the Obama administration resisted calls from within the US, mainly from the conservative right, to retaliate against Iran with military action.

But Iran denied it was behind the alleged plot, with officials claiming Washington had fabricated the story to divide Sunni Muslims – the dominant group in Saudi – and Shias, the dominant group in Iran. Tehran's leadership claimed Barack Obama was using the story to divert attention from the Occupy Wall Street protesters."

6. Or are we that weak????:eusa_hand:


Where will you be if the US attacks Iran? thats right bitch, you will be watching it all from the safety of your living room, go fuck yourself coward. Go enlist in the Army and than come back and tell us about bombing Iran.

Well, if the West really wants to get closer to Islime and Islime sez the jihadist goes to paradise with 72 virgins, aren't we doing them a favor in the end allahu akbar? In other words, bomb the motherfuckers back into the 7th century where they already live.
Sorry bout that,

1. We have a problem, and its Iran.
2. Iran juts tried to get a hit done in USA.
3. I think that that is a punsihable crime in America.
4. And will require we do something about it.
5. LINK:Saudis say Iran must 'pay the price' for alleged plot as US resists retaliation | World news | The Guardian

"The Saudi Arabian government has issued a menacing warning to Iran that it will have to "pay the price" for the alleged plot to hire a Mexican drugs cartel to assassinate its ambassador in Washington.

The threat from the Saudis came as the Obama administration resisted calls from within the US, mainly from the conservative right, to retaliate against Iran with military action.

But Iran denied it was behind the alleged plot, with officials claiming Washington had fabricated the story to divide Sunni Muslims – the dominant group in Saudi – and Shias, the dominant group in Iran. Tehran's leadership claimed Barack Obama was using the story to divert attention from the Occupy Wall Street protesters."

6. Or are we that weak????:eusa_hand:


Where will you be if the US attacks Iran? thats right bitch, you will be watching it all from the safety of your living room, go fuck yourself coward. Go enlist in the Army and than come back and tell us about bombing Iran.

Well, if the West really wants to get closer to Islime and Islime sez the jihadist goes to paradise with 72 virgins, aren't we doing them a favor in the end allahu akbar? In other words, bomb the motherfuckers back into the 7th century where they already live.

We really should have done this in the 80s after the hostages were released.
Obama Panders to Israel on Iran Strike Agenda


Yeah because a story about a nobody Irainian is hooking up with mexican drug cartel(which our government can't seem to find) and talking to the Iran gaurd
(which most Irianians are in and which is his cousin) and hundreds of thoousands of dollars being transfered by(they say) Iran(which went unnoticed).

That's the story you idiots believe. Every election year you zionist sheep fall for this shit.

Fraud US Style - Fake
Videos And Elections
By Stephen Lendman

Fraud US Style - Fake Videos And Elections
Obama Panders to Israel on Iran Strike Agenda


Yeah because a story about a nobody Irainian is hooking up with mexican drug cartel(which our government can't seem to find) and talking to the Iran gaurd
(which most Irianians are in and which is his cousin) and hundreds of thoousands of dollars being transfered by(they say) Iran(which went unnoticed).

That's the story you idiots believe. Every election year you zionist sheep fall for this shit.

Fraud US Style - Fake
Videos And Elections
By Stephen Lendman

Fraud US Style - Fake Videos And Elections

Zionist Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Stresses Importance of US--Israel Relationship
Terrific to spend time with General Ashkenazi discussing critical areas of mutual interest. It is the recognition of the importance of this relationship, the strength of the relationship, the criticality of the relationship, The need that we have as two militaries to meet challenges together has never been more important and I would reaffirm the strength of the friendship, the relationship, and the importance of the engagement. I always learn when I come to Israel. Israeli interests are also vital national interests of the United States. This relationship is as strong as it's ever been and will continue to grow
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4iKIYqxaOY]Admiral Mike G. Mullen meet with General Staff, LTG Gabi Ashkenazi , Tel Aviv June 27, 2010 - YouTube[/ame]

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